
“It doesn’t seem right, it’s the 60th year of Konoha now, even if Loulan hasn’t been destroyed yet, but Sara shouldn’t be so young, right?”

Sara in front of Lu Li looked like she was only 15 or 6 years old.

He sensed the Flying Thunder Divine Spells that were left everywhere, whether it was Konoha or other places, he could sense it.

This shows that he didn’t travel through time like Naruto.

If he had traveled to the past, he would definitely not have been able to sense those Flying Thunder Divine Spells.

Don’t… The young in front of her is the daughter of Sarah, the queen of Loulan?

Bo Feng Shuimen sealed the dragon vein energy, it should have been 16 years ago, and the time was right.

“Are you the Queen of Loulan, Sara?” Lu Li asked directly.

With all its stupid speculations, it is better to ask directly.

Sara was stunned for a moment and said, “Yes, who are you?”


“Your mother, the last generation of Queen Loulan, also called Sara?” Lu Li continued to ask.

Sara frowned and said, “Nonsense, every generation of Queen Loulan is called Sara!”

“Okay!” Lu Li was a little speechless.

It’s not that it’s incomprehensible, though, because it’s not something very strange.

The thunder shadows of the past dynasties in Yunyin Village are also called “Ai”

“Who the hell are you, what are you doing in Loulan?” asked Sara in a deep voice.

“You don’t know me?” Lu Li said strangely.

“Why should I know you?” said Sarah, who already had a “well” beating on her forehead.


Lu Li thought that he should be a big man who was known to everyone in the ninja world.

However, when he looked around his surroundings, he seemed to understand.

Wind and sand began to erode the small town of Loulan.

It’s not far from destruction here.

Therefore, Sarah, as the queen of Loulan, is too late to save herself, so how can she pay attention to the outside world?

It’s reasonable not to know Lu Li.

“A more violent sandstorm is coming, you can’t stop it!” Lu Li glanced at the horizon and said lightly.

Sara said angrily, “There’s something wrong with you, who the hell are you?”

“My name is Lu Li, from Konoha Village, the Land of Fire… Hokage. Lu Li smiled.

Sara’s eyes widened, “The Hokage of Konoha Hidden Village?”

Although she is said to be the queen of Loulan, the Hokage of Konoha is definitely a big shot for her.

“No, the Hokage of Konoha Hidden Village should be an old man. Sara Fox wondered.


Loulan, who is on the verge of destruction, does not care about the various events that occur in the ninja world, and her understanding of the ninja world is still many years ago.

“You’re talking about the three generations of Hokage, the old man has died, and I’m the Hokage of Konoha now. ”

Lu Li turned around and showed her the words behind it.

“Goyome Hokage, so young?” said Sarah, looking at Lu Li in disbelief.

“It’s like a fake!” Lu Li bared his teeth.

Sara straightened her messy hair, and was about to say something when she turned her head to look at the wind and sand that was getting closer and closer ahead.

“I really can’t stop it…”

She was a little deflated and said: “I failed to guard Loulan and failed my mother’s deathbed instructions.” ”

“I’ll help you. Lu Li said suddenly.

Sara looked at Lu Li and hesitated: “That’s the most violent sand, there are so many of us…”

Her voice hadn’t fallen yet.

Lu Li had already taken a breath, and then exhaled in the direction where the sand was blowing.

“Immortal Method, Wind Escape, Vacuum Breakthrough!”

In a flash!

I saw a fierce wind spit out of Lu Li’s mouth, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a vast storm.

The storm carried up countless yellow sands, facing the wind and sand that came from afar.

The two pieces of wind and sand collided together, and then the wind and sand that hit Loulan were brutally defeated.

And was crushed all the way, and went in the opposite direction.

See this scene.

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Sara was stunned for a moment.

What kind of power is this?

Unleashed a wind escape, and all the wind and sand swept towards Loulan were blocked!

That’s an exaggeration, isn’t it?

On his own, he fought against the forces of nature!

Lu Li turned his head to look at Sara again, smiled faintly, and said, “If it goes on like this, I’m afraid you won’t be able to hold Loulan for long.” ”

“You… Are you really the Hokage of Konoha?” Sara didn’t dare to look at Lu Li, and there was no queen’s momentum in front of Lu Li.

“It’s all said, it’s like a fake!”

“Loulan should be a subject country of the Fire Country, why don’t you ask Konoha for help?” Lu Li said curiously.

She bowed her head and said, “I’ve asked for help many times, but I haven’t gotten a response.” ”

“That’s right. ”

Lu Li smiled.

Loulan is located in the desert at the junction of the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, and the environment here is extremely harsh.

After Bo Feng Shuimen sealed the dragon vein 16 years ago, there was no more to pay attention to in Konoha at the last time.

Therefore, since there is no interest involved, it is natural to be abandoned by the top management of Konoha.

Lu Li turned his head to look into the distance, and could see that his blow to Feng Dun had already knocked the wind and sand back to an extremely far place.

But as far as the eye can see, soon there will be wind and sand gathering again.

“Such wind and sand… Is it because of the disappearance of the dragon veins?”


Sara looked worriedly at the wind and sand that had regathered in the distance, nodded, and said, “Since the dragon vein was sealed sixteen years ago, there is no power of the dragon vein to suppress it, and the wind and sand have increased. ”

“Especially in the last few years… We can’t resist it, if we really can’t…”

The land suppressed by the power of the dragon vein has become even worse.

It is indeed extremely difficult to maintain such a country in the desert.

“Looks like we have to give up here. ”

Sara couldn’t help but sigh.

Loulan is the land where they have multiplied for generations, and she really doesn’t want to give up here.

But now it seems that there is no way, even if Lu Li can block the wind and sand once, it is impossible to stay here to block the wind and sand all the time.

Without the dragon vein, Loulan lost the power to permanently block the wind and sand.

In this way, the only way to do this is to bring the people of Loulan out of the desert.

Maybe you can go to the land of Fire to find a better place to live and re-establish a town.

Lu Li glanced at the geography of this place.

The rise of Loulan is actually the result of trade between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind.

The location of the ancient town of Loulan is located on the busiest trade routes and is an important supply station.

But since the dragon vein disappeared, the wind and sand here have become extremely violent.

Therefore, the trade route can only be detoured and no longer pass through Loulan.

The loss of the advantages of business is also an important reason why Loulan is on the verge of destruction in just a dozen years.

“If you want to completely annex the country of wind, maybe Loulan can be a good springboard!”

Lu Li touched his chin and thought.

Military occupation is not enough to assimilate a country.

In politics, economics, culture… The depth of exchanges in all aspects can finally be completely merged.

Loulan, on the other hand, can serve as an important intermediary link geographically.

Lu Li intends to build this place into a transportation hub between the two places!

“Do you want to go to the Land of Fire, or stay here? ”

Lu Li retracted his gaze and suddenly looked at Sara and asked.

Sara looked at Loulan behind her, a hint of loneliness flashed in her eyes, and said, “I want to stay here, but sooner or later the wind and sand will flood here…”

Lu Li smiled lightly, looked at Sara and said, “Are you sure you want to stay here?”


“But I can’t do it anymore. ”

Of course, Sara still wants to stay in her homeland, but she thinks that the wind and sand here should get bigger and bigger.

It can block once, but it can’t block ten or hundred impacts.

It is impossible for human power to perpetuate against nature.

“Actually, it’s not that hard. ”

Lu Li looked at the desert in the distance, showed a smile, and said, “I’ve done something similar before!”

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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