As the crown princess of the Naruto anime world, Hinata’s life is also quite legendary.

Take kidnapping as an example, she was kidnapped four times!

The first time was when she was three years old, she was kidnapped by the leader of the cloud ninja.

The second time, it was the middle ninja exam, and it was also taken away by two middle ninjas from Yunyin Village.

The third time, he did the task of finding the micro-incense worm and was taken away by the Shangshui clan of Iwakuin Village.

The fourth time, in the theater version, he was kidnapped by the people of the big barrel wooden house, and he almost became the wife of the village.

If you add the time Lu Li encountered, it will be five times!

It is said that when Lu Li rescued Hinata.

Hinata Hinata slowly opened her eyes, and because her vision was a little blurry at first, she vaguely saw a face appear in her eyes.

But soon, her vision returned to clarity.

Only then did she see clearly that it was a delicate face with an intoxicating smile.

Hinata was stunned for a moment, and then felt a sharp pain in the back of her head.

At this time, she remembered that when she was at home, she seemed to have been attacked by bad people!

The little girl, who had a weak personality, immediately turned into horror in her eyes.

She subconsciously wanted to scream!

At this time, I suddenly heard him say softly, “Little Hinata, you are safe!”

Hinata opened her mouth, and then she came back to her senses.

She blinked her eyes, and her voice was like a mosquito: “Brother Lu Li, you…”

Yes, she knows him!

During the three years that Lu was away from home, a little girl often helped him buy food and daily necessities.

“How are you feeling?” Lu Li said with concern.

“I… I’m fine!” Hinata forcibly endured the feeling of dizziness, and was suspected of having a hard mouth.

“That’s good!” Lu Li smiled and put her down.

As a result, before Lu Li’s hand was completely released, Hinata’s tendency to be paralyzed on the ground, and he couldn’t even stand on his feet.

Lu Li hurriedly supported her again and said, “Still saying it’s okay?”

“I… I—” Hinata hung her head down, her voice barely audible.

“Okay, I’ll carry you back!”.

As he spoke, Lu Li couldn’t help but say, squatted down, and let Hinata lie on his back.

“Sit tight, you’re leaving!” Lu Li reminded.

Hinata rested her head on Lu Li’s shoulder and nodded imperceptibly.


On the way back with Hinata on his back, Lu Li didn’t meet anyone from the Hyuga family.

When Lu Li sent Hinata to Hinata’s house, Hinata had already fallen asleep.

The reception of Lu Li was the Hinata Hinata Hinata who was tragic for a lifetime one hour behind.

Lu Li recognized Hinata Hinata at a glance, and at the same time, he muttered in his heart.

Didn’t Hinata Hinata be sacrificed by the clan when Hinata was 3 years old?

Why are you still alive and well?

This timeline is a bit of a mess, isn’t it?

Lu Li complained wildly in his heart.

“Miss,” Hinata exclaimed.

When Lu Li handed Hinata to him, he casually explained: “It should be a little injured, you have to take good care of her.” ”

“You are…”Hinata Hinata certainly didn’t know Lu Li.

Lu Li didn’t stop, turned around and left, just waved his hand!

Well, do good deeds without leaving a name, that’s what we’re talking about!

Hinata Hinata frowned and looked at the young man’s distant back and black hair, as well as the family crest on the clothes on the boy’s back.

“That family crest is… A thousand hands!”.

Hinata Hinata was stunned!

Thousand hands, what a glorious surname it once was.

It’s almost impossible to see it in Konoha Village now!


Lu Li returned home.

He stretched, and then lay on the bed on all fours.

Maybe he was too excited, and he didn’t feel much sleepiness at this time.

“System, is it here, when will the next check-in task be released?” Lu said silently.

“Ding, a new check-in task has been released, do you want to check?” The sound of the system was as steady as ever.

Lu Li was stunned, why didn’t he notify him when he released it?

This system, really… Skin!

“Check the check-in task!” Lu Li said in a deep voice.

He was both expectant and a little apprehensive.

If the new sign-in task lasts for another three years and five years, it will be a real day… Dogs!

As the saying goes, how many years are there in life?

Even if the sign-in reward is very generous, it really can’t afford to squander time like this, okay!

The system task interface is called up, and a new check-in task appears in front of you.

Check-in task——

Location: Konoha Ninja School

Time: Unlimited

Reward: Confidential

Status: Incomplete


Konoha Ninja School?

Lu Li’s eyes lit up!

In other words, this is also Lu Li’s next goal.

Traveling through the Hokage world will definitely be the Hokage, there is no doubt about it!

Therefore, Lu Li has to have a school status!

You have to be a student to become a ninja!

Once he becomes a ninja, will the Hokage be far away from him?

As for check-in….

Although it took three years to check in for the first time, the rewards were also exceptionally generous!

And what about the second check-in mission?

Mu Dun?

Writing Wheel Eyes?

I’m looking forward to it!

The second sign-in reward, what Lu Li wants most is naturally Mu Dun!

The reason is simple: Chatona + Mu Dun = God of Ninja!

This is a formula for godhood that has been proven in the pillars.

Of course, if it’s a writing wheel, it’s barely acceptable!


Two flowers, one on each table.

The head of the Hyuga family and the people of the Hyuga family stayed in place for a while in fear, and saw that not only did nothing happen in front of them, but they were also unusually calm.

So, someone who was divided said, “Sect Master, let me go and see?”.

The head of the Hyuga family glanced at the man, nodded and said, “Be careful!”

After a while, the person who had gone to reconnoiter the situation went and returned, his face pale and strange.

“How’s that?” Hinata said with a frown.

The man swallowed and said, “There are traces of battle, but no suspicious person has been found.” ”

“Have you already left, let’s go, let’s see!” the head of the Hyuga family swept forward first.

The others hurriedly followed.

Soon, they came to the scene of the incident.

When the head of the family saw the situation here clearly, he gasped.

Large areas of forest have been razed to the ground, and as far as the eye can see, they are devastated!

“Could it be… Tailed beast jade?” someone from the Hyuga family guessed.

“Tailed beast jade?” the head of the Hyuga family was not sure.

“Sect Master, look, what is this?”.

At this time, a tribesman came with something in his hand.

“This is—” The head of the Hyuga family looked down and saw the man holding some scraps of meat and clothes in his hands.

After a while, he recognized it with the ability of his white eyes, and said in surprise: “This is the envoy group of Yunyin Village… What the hell is going on?”.

The man holding the body turned pale and said, “Could it be… The one from the Land of Thunder?”.

The head of the Hyuga family shook his head and said, “It’s unlikely, the Perfect Human Pillar Force generally doesn’t go berserk!”.

The man continued: “Lady she…”

The head of the Hyuga family said in a deep voice: “Give me more search range, I don’t believe that Hinata will be until I get definite evidence…”

Although he knew that Hinata’s hope of survival might be small, as a father, he was unwilling to give up.

The people of the Hyuga family searched this place for a long time, but found nothing.

Just when the head of the Hyuga family was about to despair.

“Sect Master, Miss Hinata…” someone from the Hyuga family hurried here.

“What’s wrong with Hinata?” said the head of the Hyuga family with an excited expression.

The man took a breath and said, “The eldest lady has been sent home! she is currently in a coma, but there is no big problem!”

The head of the Hyuga family was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then said in ecstasy: “Great! It’s great that Hinata is okay!”.

Worried about his daughter in his heart, he didn’t care about him, so he hurried back after explaining.

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