At the docks.

After throwing the pheasant away, Lu Li walked towards a boat on the dock.

Pheasant is one of the few people in the navy who upholds justice.

And he didn’t mean to catch Robin, but he had been secretly following Robin during the initial period of his growth.

Therefore, Lu Li did not have the intention of killing.

As for Lu Li’s last sentence wishing you good luck, he couldn’t quite predict what would happen after he threw the pheasant out.

Maybe if you’re unlucky, the flight speed exceeds the first cosmic speed of this planet, and it is possible that you can’t come back by flying directly out of outer space.

Or it was just a muddy process that smashed directly into the sea somewhere, and before he had time to activate the fruit ability, he was drowned.

In short, he doesn’t care where he flies.

Just like Robin, who was let go by the pheasant, whether he can survive depends on luck.

“Hello, uncle. ”

Lu Li carried the box of money, walked all the way to a medium-sized sailboat at the dock, and looked at a middle-aged uncle who was standing on the deck with a sluggish face and said hello.

He chuckled kindly and said, “Is this ship yours?” I want to buy this ship, what do you think is the right price?”


The middle-aged uncle swallowed.

As a resident of the Great Voyage, Devil Fruit is naturally something that is known and belongs to common sense.

But the fight between Lu Li and the pheasant is obviously not a confrontation of normal people!

The entire dock has been turned into an ice field!

This exaggerated power moved him very much in his heart, and he finally sold his ship to Lu Li at a very low price.

Robin, who followed Lu Li to the ship with a large backpack on his back, looked at the medium-sized sailing ship with a total of three floors including the bottom warehouse, and showed a hesitant gaze and asked:

“Just the two of us?”

Although she has the ability to be a flower, she is very good at cleaning and chores, and she can do the work of ten people by one person, which is very capable, but it seems that two people are a little reluctant to operate such a ship.

Lu Li was playing with a ball-shaped compass-like thing, which was a record pointer that had been bought with the ship, pointing to the next island of the Great Voyage.

“What, don’t want to do chores anymore?”

Lu Li looked at Robin, smiled at her, and said, “Didn’t you say that although you are young, you can do anything?”

Robin’s expression froze for a moment, and he said, “I’m fine with chores, but I still have to be at the helm of the ship…”

“Don’t worry. ”

Lu Li smiled at her and said, “Those will be done by someone, in fact, you don’t need to come to clean up later, but before I come back, you still need to clean the boat first, and it should be quick to use your Devil Fruit ability.” ”

As the words fell, Lu Li took a step forward, and the whole person disappeared.

This elusive scene startled Robin again.

Fortunately, before Lu Li, even the pheasant didn’t know where to fly, and her receptivity was already much stronger.

After putting her backpack down, she immediately began to clean room by room, using Flowey Fruit as quickly as possible.

It was about the same time as she finished cleaning up.

Lu Li appeared on the deck.

He waved his hand, and a pile of things scattered around.

A large part of it was books, and there were hundreds of them.

In addition, all kinds of food, including fresh meat, are frozen in ice.


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Robin, who had just finished cleaning the room with beads of sweat on his forehead and was a little tired, was almost swept away in an instant when he saw the things on the deck, and walked over with some surprise and said, “You bought so many books?!”

“The journey was boring. ”

Lu Li smiled lightly at Robin.

The books of this world are very different from those of both the Hokage world and the Shinigami world.

After all, it is a world surrounded by the sea, and many styles of books he finds quite interesting.

Lu Li stretched out his hand and grabbed it, causing all the books on the deck to float, along with the meat, vegetables and fruits he had bought.


He pointed.


A large amount of water poured out of his fingertips and washed towards the ship, washing the entire ship inside and out.

Then he stomped lightly.


The surface of the ship seemed to come to life, and brown wood grew and spread rapidly, covering the entire ship inside and out in an instant.

This is a kind of use of the Wood Escape Technique!

Although the shape of the whole ship has not changed much, the appearance and size have changed dramatically.

At first glance, it gives people an extremely tough and sturdy feeling.

There is not even a single gap in the plank, as if it were a whole.


Robin looked at this scene with a hint of wonder in his eyes.

As an eight-year-old doctor of archaeology who is a survivor of O’Hara, she has read the Book of Devil Fruits and has an in-depth knowledge of them.

And the power Lu Li was using at this moment made her feel that it was difficult to compare with any of the Devil Fruit Illustrated Books.

Even if you manipulate the current, gravitational fruits may be able to do it, but making the hull of a ship ‘grow’ bigger is not this type of ability at all!

Could it be that Lu Li has the power of two Devil Fruits?

But how is this possible.

Robin couldn’t help but rush to Lu Li and asked, “Sir, which one is your fruit ability?”

“Is my fruit capable?”

Lu Li put down the books and things flying in the air again, and when he heard Robin’s words, he smiled at her and said, “… Divine Tree Fruit and Spirit King Fruit. ”

Robin was stunned for a moment, and the names of the two Devil Fruits in the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book quickly flashed through his mind.

However, he never thought of a Devil Fruit called the ‘Sacred Tree’ and the ‘Spirit King’.

Could it be the genre that hasn’t been recorded in the book?

Just as Robin was pondering.

Lu Li stood there, and in the pupils of his eyes, which were as bright as stars, a force poured out of his pupils and fell into various areas of the ship.

Followed by

He pulled out the captain’s saber he had just bought, raised it lightly in front of him, looked at the sea in the distance, smiled, and said:

“Yang Fan, set sail!”


The rudder, the sails, the ropes, the sides, and the anchors all came to life, and they all made noises.

The Reincarnation Eye has the power to give life, and after evolving into the Eternal Eye, this ability has matured even more.

As long as Lu Li is willing, he can make seawater, air, wood, etc., come to life!

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