A few days later.

The tightly bound ropes between the two ships were untied.

Shanks stood on the edge of the ship, waving at Lu Li, who was standing on the deck of another ship, “Then we will be separated here, senior.” ”

“Hmm. ”

Lu Li stood at the front of the deck, looked at Shanks from afar, chuckled, and said, “The next time we meet again, you should have already reached the top of this sea.” ”

Shanks didn’t show any expressions of pride and confidence, nor did he show any unconfident looks, but just laughed a little and said:

“Hahaha… I’m going to work in that direction, and hopefully we can meet again at the top of the ocean…… But senior, don’t you really think about being a pirate?”

“I’m just a traveler. ”

Lu Li smiled slightly, turned around and walked into the cabin.

Watching Lu Li’s back disappear into the cabin, the two ships gradually distanced themselves.

Shanks exhaled, a hint of regret flashing in the depths of his eyes, and then turned to look at Beckman and the others.

“So, set sail!”


After separating from Shanks, a month passed quickly.

in the cabin.

Eleven-year-old Robin was holding a book and reading quietly by the porthole.

And as she watched, the little hand turned the book to the next page.

The page of writing suddenly twisted, revealing a human face.

“Don’t touch me, little ghost!”


Robin let out a scream and threw the book out of his hand.

Lu Li, who was not far away, watched this scene and couldn’t help laughing, and clicked, continuously pressed the shutter of the camera, and filmed this scene.

If it were Robin a few years later, I am afraid that he would press back the bulging face on the book very calmly, continue to read the book, and even simply show a very cute expression.

This kind of frightening situation can only occur in the case of eleven-year-old Robin.

And even for eleven-year-old Robin, it is very rare to be shocked, and this scene is undoubtedly worth recording with a camera.

Robin exhaled, calmed down his emotions, and regained his composure and looked at Lu Lidao:

“Mr. Lu Li. ”

“Please don’t let the book come to life all at once, okay?”

Being looked at by little Robin with such a calm gaze, Lu Li couldn’t help but smile, shook his fingers, clicked, and took another photo.

Robin: “…”

She sighed feebly.

Forget it, Lu Li can do whatever he wants.

Lu Li looked at the photos he had just taken, showed a satisfied smile, and said, “The beauty of your youth is to record them one by one, otherwise when you get older, you will sigh that time is gone.” ”

Robin looked at Lu Li expressionlessly, “Sir, you don’t seem to be that old, right?”

“yes. ”

Lu Li smiled and said, “That’s why I have to record it.” ”

Robin tilted his head, looked at Lu Li and asked, “Then again, sir, how old are you this year?”

Lu Li’s age was something that made her a little curious.

Judging from his appearance, Lu Li’s age is only about twenty-one or twelve years old at most, and he will not exceed twenty-five years old.

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But many times the words Lu Li said were not quite like the words of this age, such as sighs about the passage of time and so on.

“Age, um… Twenty years old. ”

Lu Li put one hand on his chin and responded to Robin after a little thought.

Compared to eternal life, it doesn’t matter how old you are.

After putting the camera away, he left the cabin and went to the outside deck, where he began to practice the domineering he had learned from Shanks again.

Seeing and hearing the domineering, he only had a slight understanding, and he didn’t go too deep into the cultivation.

Because he has the ability to predict the future, he is at the top of his domineering appearance.

The Eye of Eternity has a viewing angle that can easily cover all corners of a large island.

It can be said that no one can surpass him in perceptual ability.

And seeing and hearing the color domineering is basically useless to him, so he has been practicing armed color domineering for a long time.

Armed color domineering is related to the strength of the body, it is not a breath produced in the body, but an alternative use of the energy contained in the body.

When Zoro got the Great Quick Sword Enma, because of the characteristics of Enma, he suddenly released too much domineering energy when he tried the sword.

The result was not simply a weakening of the breath, but a sudden withering and shriveling of the entire right arm.

And about the flesh.

With the body of the six realms, there is almost no one in this world who can compare with him, and his cultivation of domineering is naturally completely different.

In just one month, his armed color domineering has broken through continuously.

It rises from encirclement to attachment until it becomes full body coverage.


The current Shanks can’t do it either.

“In terms of the domineering hardness of the armed color, the armed color condensed by the body of the six realms, even if the level is not high enough, there should not be many people in this world who can compare with it. ”

Lu Li looked at the pitch-black armed color attached to his fist and muttered a low voice.

There are several levels of armed color domineering.

The lowest is just surrounding, the top is hardening, and the top is full body coverage.

Finally, there is infiltration, which can penetrate directly into the opponent’s body and destroy it from within.

But level does not mean absolute strength or weakness, for example, his current armed color domineering has not yet reached the highest level of penetration, but in terms of hardness alone, not many people can destroy it.

“This kind of power is quite interesting…”

Originally, Lu Li’s idea of being armed with domineering was just a passive skill that could slightly increase his strength.

But after the cultivation was completed, what I felt was completely different.

Armed color domineering is an alternative use of physical energy!

It can better exert the power of the Six Dao Body and the Eight Gate Dunjia Array!

If it is said that Lu Li before, in the state of six paths and eight gates, with a punch with all his strength, the attack power that burst out was 100 points.

So now he is in a state of six ways and eight doors, and he completely punches out his physical energy in a domineering situation.

The power can go up to 120 or even 130 points!

It may seem like a small gap, but it’s actually huge.

Because these 20 points are already the combat power of four or five pheasants!

Of course.

The pheasant I met before was still very young at this time, just a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and there was still some distance from the peak.

But in Lu Li’s judgment, the pheasant has reached its peak, and its combat effectiveness should be about 10 points at most.

Whitebeard, Karp and others will be a little higher, and it is expected to be 15 points.

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