Just in the Admiral Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters,

When leading a fleet from the headquarters of the Navy.

Lu Li and Robin also walked around Merk Island, which is not a scenic island, but an island where gamblers gather, and casinos are everywhere.

“Sir, we only have 200,000 Baileys left in our money. ”

After eating at a high-end hotel, Robin counted the remaining money and said at the entrance of the landing: “If you spend here, it shouldn’t last more than ten days.” ”

“It’s a bit distressing. ”

Lu Li tilted his head, originally he planned to ‘borrow’ some money from the Tianlong people after he arrived in the Chambord Islands.

But now it seems that it can’t support the Chambord land.

It’s fine to be frugal, but in that case, it’s a bit unseemly.

“Forget it. ”

“Go win a little bit of money. ”

Hearing Lu Li’s words, Robin was slightly stunned and said, “Do you want to go to the casino?”

Lu Li stretched his body, stood up, and said: “Although I don’t like gambling, my strength is very strong, and it is not a problem to win five million with 200,000 yuan… Let’s go. ”

Somewhere inside a casino.

At one of the poker tables, a mountain of chips was stacked on the table, and a person sat on either side of the table.

One of them was a bearded man wearing a captain’s hat, and his body was burly and strong, like a mountain of meat.

The person opposite looked much smaller, with fair skin, a faint golden sheen in his eyes, and a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

“I’m sorry, friend. ”

The bearded pirate picked up the wine glass next to him, poured a glass of yellow beer into his stomach, and then cracked his mouth and said: “The cards on your table are three 7s and one K, and in the second round, you dare to call my two million when you get K, which means that your hole card must be a pair of K, and your card must be a 7K gourd…”

With that, he flipped over the hole cards on his table.

The hole card is a 3 of diamonds.

Together with the other cards on the table, there are four threes and one ace. ”

“Oh, four of a kind!”

Some of the people standing at the table let out an exclamation that four of a kind cards are rare in stud, and it is difficult to come across a hand after many years of playing.

And, as he said, with such a hand, he has already won.

It is impossible for Lu Li to have four 7s in his hand, because if it is four 7s, Lu Li will have two cards of 7 and K in the first round, and it is impossible to call two million.

Lu Li’s hole cards are either kings or aces, and only with a pair of AK or KK in the first round can he call the two million Bailey chips and raise until the end.

The bearded pirate grinned, stood up, and began to pack his chips.

“Don’t be in such a hurry. ”

Lu Li picked up the goblet next to him, took a sip of red wine, touched the little head of Robin sitting next to him by the way, and then gently turned over his hole cards and said, “At least I finished reading my hole cards… Let go of your emotions again. ”

The hole card that is turned over is a 7 of clubs.


Four of a Kind!

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This scene made the bearded pirate’s expression freeze, and the others next to him almost all looked at it in shock, looking at the hole card, and they all showed a look of disbelief.

“Four… Four of a Kind?!”


The bearded pirate’s eyes widened, and he rushed over in disbelief, grabbed Lu Li’s hole card, and rubbed it hard, but that card was indeed a club seven.

Lu Li stood up with a smile and said, “Robin, collect the money, we should go.” ”

Robin exhaled, stood up, picked up the box next to him, quickly put the chips on the table into the box, filled the box completely, and then carried the box with both hands, followed Lu Li, and walked to the front desk of chip exchange.

Only the bearded pirate was left standing there in disbelief looking at the cards in his hand.

He turned his head sharply, looked at Lu Li, and said:

“It can’t be! How could you call my two million in that round! This doesn’t make sense! No one would bet and call like that! Why?!”

Everyone looked at Lu Li in unison.

Together with Robin, who was following Lu Li and carrying a chip box, he also looked up at Lu Li.

Although she doesn’t know how to gamble, she is so smart that she already fully understands the basic rules just by watching two games.

She could also realize that Lu Li’s betting method was very strange.

And the most important thing is that she can see the cards in Lu Li’s hand when she is sitting next to Lu Li, and she is sure that Lu Li is not cheating in any way.

Even in the whole process, only the first time to pick up the hole cards to take a look, the rest of the time from the beginning to the end of the card has not touched a card!

The dealer should not cooperate with Lu Li’s cheating.

What the hell is going on here?!

Lu Li turned his head to look at Robin, noticed a trace of doubt in Robin’s eyes, smiled at her, and said:

“Because of my eyes…”

“You can see the future. ”


One box of chips was exchanged for two large boxes of bills.

A total of 22,240,000 Baileys!

Lu Li originally planned to leave after winning 20 million, but when he bet on the number of dice, he hit seven times in a row, which attracted the attention of the casino and was invited to the VIP area, so the previous scene happened.

“The future…”

Walking out of the casino, Robin’s eyes flickered slightly and asked Lu Li, “Sir, can you really see the future?”

Lu Li’s previous words, in the eyes of the rest of the casino, should be just a casino big winner deliberately raising a wave of style when he left, but Robin felt that maybe it wasn’t just like that.

“Seeing the future is actually a very boring thing, knowing that everything is going to happen, then it will be boring, so I usually don’t use this ability. ”

Lu Li smiled lightly.

The two left the casino and walked on for a while, before they knew it, the figures on the street gradually disappeared and became empty.

Robin stopped, turned his head to look around, and saw a figure appear in the alleys around him, all holding firearms in his hands, staring at this side with an indifferent face.

There were nearly twenty people, surrounding her and Lu Li.

The leader was a stout man, wearing a captain’s hat, a brown beard with three braids on his chin and hanging down, and a pistol in each hand.

“Son of the Devil, Nicole Robin… I guess I’m not mistaken, right?”

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