Defeated the Admiral.

If you do such a bad thing, the bounty will be raised to at least more than two billion, and this time one billion is just to cover up the news, and it will inevitably increase one after another in the following time.

“Mostly. ”

Lu Li chuckled, threw away the newspaper in his hand, and said, “It seems that it is necessary to let them feel the pain… Well, it should be the Chambord Islands in front of you. ”

Chambord Islands.

This is the last island in the first half of the Great Voyage and the end of all routes, whichever route you enter will eventually reach Chambord.

Also known as the Soap Bubble Islands, it is an island made up of the roots of the world’s largest mangrove tree, the Alqi mangrove tree, which is extremely tough due to the special liquid secreted by the mangrove resin.

They are also one of the routes to the second half of the Great Voyage.

The first half and the second half of the Great Voyage are separated by the Red Earth Continent, and directly above the Red Earth Continent is Mary Joy, the holy land where the World Government is located, which is generally difficult to pass.

With these bubbles, you can coat the hull of the ship, and then take a boat down to 10,000 meters to the bottom of the sea, reach Fish-Man Island, and enter the second half through the cavern directly below the Red Earth Continent.

In fact.

The world of One Piece is much larger than that of the Hokage, and although there are no large pieces of land, there are many islands, including some of the largest islands comparable to the rest of the country.

The great shipping routes and the laterite continent surrounded by windless belts cut this world into four parts, that is, the southeast, northwest, and four seas.

“It’s like an island in a dream. ”

Robin stood on the deck, looking at the soap bubble-covered islands in front of him, and could see the bubbles glowing in the sunlight.

Lu Li stood tall at the front of the deck, also looking at the Chambord Islands from a distance, he showed a smile and said, “It is indeed a dreamlike place, like a fairy tale world.” ”

Chambord, Sky Island, Fish-Man Island… These beautiful places can be said to be extremely rare in most worlds, and only the world of One Piece, which tends to be romantic and adventurous, has such a almost heavenly scenery.


Lu Li took out his camera and took a few photos from afar.

Then, while he was looking at the photographs, the ship had approached the Chambord Islands and docked on a coast.

Unlike other islands, the Chambord Islands can dock at every place on the periphery, and they can go ashore at every point, which is why it is so close to the naval headquarters, and even has a large number of naval garrisons, but still many pirates can go to the New World.

“It’s the same as in the book, it’s a very tough bubble because of the geography. ”

Robin and Lu Li landed on the shore, she came to a huge floating bubble, stretched out her finger and poked the bubble a few times, she could feel that the bubble was like plastic, extremely tough.

And at this very time.

She felt her body suddenly lighten, and someone lifted her up from behind, and got into the bubble headlong, and then the whole person also disappeared into the bubble at once.

“How does it feel?”

Lu Li stood outside the bubble and smiled at Robin in the bubble.

Robin slipped continuously in the bubble, and finally lay down at the bottom of the bubble, she looked at Lu Li with a smile, and said, “Then I will trouble Mr. you to take me for a ride.” ”

After getting along with Lu Li for a long time, she already has a general understanding of Lu Li’s habits, and occasionally dares to make some jokes with Lu Li.

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Lu Li smiled lightly and said, “Then let’s go, but your appearance is still very conspicuous, and you will probably be targeted by pirate hunters, the pirate hunters gathered here are said to be masters of some level, oh yes, there are all kinds of human traffickers…”

Robin tilted his head to look at Lu Li in the bubbles, and said with a smile: “But if I am captured, there will be no maid to cook for you, and you won’t let me be captured, right?” ”

Lu Liwan smiled.

He looked at the bubbles, flickered slightly, and the bubbles were brought to life by him, and came to life, with two eyes popping out of them, blinking twice.

“Keep up. ”

Lu Li retracted his gaze, gave a casual order, and walked forward.

The bubble that put Robin in in it floated behind and followed Lu Li.

For this ability, Robin has also seen it many times, and at this time it is no longer strange, she sat in the bubble, looked at the nearby scenery, looked at Lu Li and said, “Sir, where are we going first? I seem to see the navy. ”

“Ignore the Navy. ”

“Let’s go meet someone first. ”

Lu Li smiled indifferently, and then his eyes flickered slightly, glowing with a blue glow, looking at the island in front of him, and penetrating the entire island buildings one by one.

Robin was slightly surprised, “Who are you seeing?”

Lu Li’s gaze continued to sweep over the island in front of him, and after about half a minute, his eyes stopped moving, and his gaze froze in a certain direction, revealing a hint of a smile.

Got it!

“See a… A man who knows everything. ”

“Immortal Reilly!”


A moment later.

Inside a tavern somewhere.

Lu Li, who was wearing a white trench coat and coat, walked in from the outside, and he was dressed a bit like a nobleman, so he also attracted the attention of many people in the neighborhood.

Some of them felt that Lu Li seemed a little familiar, but they couldn’t recognize it at once.

Lu Li walked to the bar counter of the tavern with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand to the proprietress behind the bar, and said, “Have a glass of whiskey, add ice.” ”

“Okay. ”

The proprietress smiled in response.

After Lu Li said hello, he sat down directly in front of the bar.

On his right, there sat another man, his clothes were a little sloppy, wearing a yellow shirt, his hair was half black and half white, his beard was also mixed with some white, his figure was not tall, he did not look strong, he seemed to be just an ordinary middle-aged man.

Robin stood next to Lu Li, looking at the other party with a slight flickering of her eyes, she knew who the middle-aged man in front of her was, the other party was the deputy captain of Roger’s Pirates, and the right wrist of One Piece Roger-

Hades, Silbazraeli!

The existence that once truly conquered this great voyage and stood at the apex of the sea!

Since One Piece Roger was executed, the members of the Roger Pirates have been completely dispersed, but I didn’t expect that the legendary Roger Pirates’ deputy captain Hades Reilly would be in the Chambord Islands, although she had seen Reilly’s wanted notice, but it was the first time she saw the other party in person.

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