A moment later.

Robin looked shocked, looked at Reilly, and then turned his head to look at Lu Li.

“I see…”

“That’s the legendary Great Treasure, no wonder you named that island Ralph Drew. ”

She slowly calmed the turmoil in her heart.

Lu Li always smiled slightly, as if he had known it for a long time, took a sip of wine gently, and said with a smile: “Ralph Drew… The name you gave to the Island of the Final is really apt. ”

That’s it…”

That’s why Roger called that island Ralphdrew. ”

Hades Reilly lowered his head slightly, looked at the yellow wine in the glass, and seemed to see Roger’s reflection on the liquid surface of the wine, and the corners of his eyes moistened a little unconsciously.

He picked up the wine glass, drank the wine in the glass, closed his eyes slightly, let the moisture in the corners of his eyes disappear, and looked at Lu Li again, and smiled:

“What’s the second thing you just mentioned?”

Lu Li smiled and said, “The second thing is also a trivial matter, I want to ask about the highest level of domineering and swordsmanship.” ”

Reilly was slightly surprised, and said with a smile: “You have even defeated the Warring States, and there are not many people on this sea who can be your opponent, I’m afraid I don’t have anything to teach you.” ”

Reilly has faced off with Sengoku more than once.

Every time Sengoku and Karp chased after him, Karp found Roger and the two went head-on, and he faced off against Admiral Sengoku, and in the end they were all evenly matched.

Lu Li can defeat the Warring States, which means that most of his strength is above him.

“No, in fact, I don’t know much about domineering, but I just got some of the cultivation methods from Shanks, and I know a little bit about swordsmanship. ”

Lu Li smiled and said, “To defeat the Warring States, you use other abilities. ”

“That’s right…”

Reilly gave a look of surprise.

In this sea, it is generally difficult for people who rely too much on the ability of Devil Fruits to become the top powerhouse, but this does not mean that if you develop your Devil Fruit ability to the limit, you will not be able to become the strongest.

When it comes to armed domineering, the strongest person must belong to the naval hero Iron Fist Karp, and when it comes to seeing and hearing domineering, the strongest person must belong to the dead One Piece Roger.

There has always been a tie between Roger and Karp.


In addition to Roger, who has the strongest color, and Karp, who has the strongest armed color, there are other people who can also fight against the two, and the most famous of them is undoubtedly Whitebeard!

Whitebeard’s appearance is not as good as Roger’s, his armed color is not as good as Karp’s, and his physique alone is not as good as that of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, but he has developed the power of the Shock Fruit to the extreme!

If you talk about who has the most powerful attack in this world, it’s Whitebeard!

Lu Li should also be an existence similar to Whitebeard, and he has developed the ability of the Devil Fruit to the extreme, even if he is not the strongest in terms of domineering, but he also has overwhelming strength.

“You met Shanks?”

Reilly didn’t answer immediately, but after a sudden moment, he looked at Lu Li with a little surprise and said with a smile: “That kid used to be a trainee on our ship, and I haven’t seen him for many years, how is he doing?”

“It probably won’t be long before you’re here. ”

Lu Li smiled.

He basically sailed as fast as he could, without many stops, and went straight all the way to the Chambord Islands, and Shanks would have been estimated to be a month or two late if he had other adventures.

Reilly showed a hint of nostalgia, and remembered the time when he was sailing on the sea, and then he stood up and said with a smile: “Since you are willing to ask me, an old man, for domineering and swordsmanship, then I will not refuse.” ”

A young man who is stronger than him respects him as a senior and asks him for swordsmanship and domineering, so he will naturally not be arrogant about this, and in the chat with Lu Li just now, he felt that Lu Li’s personality was also a little similar to Roger.

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The title of traveler,

In his opinion, it is indeed very similar to Lu Li.

“You’re still young. ”

Lu Li drank the remaining liquor in the glass, stood up and smiled.

Reilly laughed and walked out the door, while Lu Li followed Reilly out, and before leaving, he turned his head and said to Robin:

“You stay with Aunt Xia first. ”

Robin nodded.

Xia Qi next to her smiled and stretched out her hand, touched her head, looked at the back of Lu Li and Lei Li leaving, tilted her head, and chuckled:

“Appearance, conversational strength… It’s all impeccable, I’ve never seen such a brilliant young man, if I were twenty years younger, I’d definitely fall in love with him, hehe. ”


Robin glanced at Xia Qi silently.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.


A month and a half later.

Located on an island in a windless zone.

Lu Li held an ordinary captain’s sword in his hand, and held it in one hand in his right hand, and the pitch-black armed color domineering condensed on the blade, and then suddenly swung forward.


A huge black sword qi slashed down towards the front, and this sword qi was composed of a sword master-level slash and a powerful armed color domineering.

Standing opposite Lu Li was the Hades King Reilly, who held a long sword in his hand, and suddenly swung out with a sword, which could block Lu Li’s sword qi.


Lu Li’s figure flickered, and he came to the front of Reilly, and the sword in his hand slashed up and down.

Reilly also held a sword and constantly swung his sword to attack and parry, the sound of ding ding dong was endless, sparks were constantly splashing around, and a wisp of sword qi that popped out from time to time could make the nearby earth crack and cut the trees into two pieces.

After about half an hour of fierce fighting.

“Whew… Whew…”

Cold sweat broke out on Reilly’s forehead and he began to gasp violently.

He parried Lu Li’s attack again, retreated to the rear, and said at the same time: “After all, it’s old, hahaha…”

said so, but in fact, he was only in his fifties at the moment, and he still had the combat power of his peak, and his physical fitness had decreased slightly, but the decline was not large.

In this case, he was out of breath and exhausted on his side, while Lu Li’s side seemed to be still full of energy, and he didn’t even show a trace of sweat.

Monster-like physique!

This is what Reilly said about Lu Li.

It is impossible to reach the pinnacle of the sea by only developing the ability of the Devil Fruit without focusing on the physique, but if you are proficient in both of the Devil Fruit, domineering and physique, you can become the top powerhouse of the sea.

Lu Li’s physique is the most monstrous of the young people he has ever seen, and it seems to be more perverted than the beasts Kaido and BIGMOM in his youth, and he has never seen Lu Li show signs of physical exhaustion.


Lu Li stopped attacking, lowered the sword in his hand, looked at Hades King Lei Li and said, “Actually, senior, your physical fitness is already very strong, but my physique is a little special.” ”

Seventeen years later, Reilly, who is in his seventies, can swim physically across windless strips, from island to island, and in the middle of the process, killing a giant sea king hundreds of thousands of kilometers in size, not to mention that he is only in his fifties.

Physical fitness will not deteriorate much.

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