More and more slaves were freed with him.

The entire underground is also becoming more and more chaotic, along with the holy place of Mary Joy above, which has also been alarmed, and a large number of guards have begun to pour into the underground and begin to try to suppress the chaos underground.

The passage through which Lu Li penetrated led directly to the forest outside the Holy Land of Maryjoya.

At this time, the three of Hancock had already fled to the forest, and fled farther along the forest, in fact, they didn’t know how to escape from the Red Earth Continent, but in short, it must be right to stay away from the Holy Land Mary Joya first.


“Over there… It seems like there’s been a mess over there. ”

Following Hancock, running for her life until she was out of breath and really reached her limit, Sandasonia stopped, panting and struggling to spit out a few words.

Hancock was also gasping violently, and she also stopped, her chest rising and falling, and she turned her head to look behind her, and could hear the sound of chaos in the holy place behind her.

“Gotta get out of here quickly…”

“The government’s forces will soon be gathered, and the navy should be mobilized as well…”

This is the Holy Land of Mary Joy, the center of the world, and a place like Lu Li, where slaves are imprisoned, will inevitably alarm the entire Holy Land, and even the Navy Headquarters will soon be dispatched!

“Well, that benefactor… It’s going to be fine…”

Mary Gorud gasped, worry in her eyes.

Hancock also clenched his fists slightly, and she was still extremely grateful to Lu Li for rescuing her and allowing her to escape from that hell.

“That benefactor’s strength should be able to escape. ”


Sandasonia nodded as well.

Lu Li could blast out a passage that stretched for hundreds of meters with a single punch, leading to the forest on the outer side of the holy land, and with such power, it was undoubtedly much easier to escape than them.

“Sister, do you know how to leave the Red Earth Continent?”

“I don’t know…”

Hancock shook her head, noticing that there seemed to be guards from the rear of the Holy Land starting to enter the forest to search, she took a breath, and immediately ran again, saying, “Quick! Keep running away!

She continued to flee forward, and her two younger sisters followed her as fast as she could.


The chaos in the Holy Land began to grow louder.


On the top floor of Ponger Castle, in a secluded conference room, the five old stars were sitting at a round table, each talking about something with angry faces.

“Bastard thing!!”

“Completely contemptuous of the government, even the Celestial Dragons are wantonly killed…”

The news that the Celestial Dragon Kamael was killed by Lu Li on the Chambord Islands had just been transmitted here, and they were all furious when they were discussing the placement of the navy.

“In that guy’s eyes, he has completely ignored the majesty of the government. ”

“The Navy is such a bunch of shit!”

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They weren’t even surprised that Lu Li could be so lawless.

Because Lu Li invaded the Navy Headquarters alone, not only destroyed the Headquarters, but also left in the end.

If you can do this kind of thing, if you change to any person, I am afraid that you will not have any fear of the world government in your eyes, and you will dare to kill the Tianlong people unscrupulously!

Now that the Celestial Dragons have been killed, sending a general to hunt down Lu Li is a joke at all!

“The Traveler’s strength is already a little difficult to control, and according to the available information, he seems to have various abilities such as manipulating gravity, manipulating wood, summoning meteorites, and giving life to dead objects, which are definitely not the power that a single Devil Fruit can have!”

One of the five old stars opened his mouth with a somewhat ugly face, and said, “He should be the kind of guy whose body structure belongs to the alien shape, and he can have the ability of multiple devil fruits at the same time…”

As the world government that has ruled the world for 800 years, it has also accumulated information about Devil Fruits and various abilities for 800 years.

In the past 800 years, there have not been examples of the same person eating two Devil Fruits without dying, and also possessing the abilities of two fruits.

The government has also seized each other and conducted research on their bodies.

“The kind of alien body that can master the abilities of a variety of Devil Fruits is even rarer than the owner of the overlord color domineering, how come another one has appeared in this era…”

The white-clothed five old stars, who were holding a sword, gritted their teeth and spoke.

The power of the Devil Fruit is already very strong, and even some weak fruits can develop great power in the hands of powerful people.

And those who can have the ability of two fruits will generally turn that era upside down!

Looking at the history of 800 years, this type of character has only appeared a few times, and each time it has also made huge waves in this world.

“In his situation, even if CP0 joins forces with the navy, it will be extremely difficult to take him down, and he must quietly design traps to have a chance…”

“Are we just going to sit back and do nothing?!”

“That’s all it can be said for now.

The faces of several people were very ugly.

The Navy Headquarters is unable to suppress Lu Li, so to suppress Lu Li, only by counting them and CP0’s forces will have a chance, but this is impossible to do.

Unless Lu Li also came to the Holy Land to make a big fuss, it would be impossible to send all the CP0 members to hunt down Lu Li with the Admiral and the Admiral, because in that case, the Holy Land Mary Joy and the Navy Headquarters would not be a problem of rear air defense, they would be invaded casually, and they would have to suffer huge losses, and they would not have strong enough combat power to resist!

The Draconians were killed,

The government could do nothing.

This hasn’t happened for hundreds of years.

“Looks like it’s time to report it to Lord Imu. ”

One of them said in a deep voice: “The time has come to determine the future direction, the threat that the traveler poses to the navy and the government is too great. ”

Hearing this, several people next to him glanced at each other, and then they all took their own breaths.

“I agree. ”

“I agree, it’s up to Lord Im to decide. ”

And just as the five elders reached an agreement and were about to report the matter to Imu, someone rushed into the conference room.

“Lord Five, Emergency! The Traveler has appeared in the Holy Land!”

“What did you say?!”

The five old stars changed color in unison.

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