Of all the men she met, no one could compare to Lu Li in appearance, no one could compare with Lu Li in temperament, and no one could get close to Lu Li in strength, not to mention that Lu Li also saved her from the dark abyss.

The heart of a twelve-year-old girl is full of adoration, and a few steps are destined to these adorations, which will gradually change into another emotion over time—admiration.

“That’s… That…”

Hancock looked at Lu Li, didn’t know what he was going to say for a while, and paused a few times in a row.

At this moment, the empress has not eaten the sweet fruit, nor does she have the charm of killing men, women and children, but this somewhat incoherent appearance looks very cute.

“My name is Lu Li, you can call me sir. ”

Lu Liwan opened his mouth with a smile.

As he spoke, he looked at Hancock, a glimmer of gold in the depths of his eyes.

A brief look at Hancock’s future, most of which is adrift at sea, is very bad, relying on this small ship, without a record pointer, it is completely impossible to survive in the waters of the New World.

“Mr. Lu Li…”

Hancock rushed to the landing exit.

The emotions in her heart were so intense that she forgot what she was going to ask Lu Li about the recording pointer.

And it was at this time that a ship slowly fell from the sky and landed on the sea next to it.

This scene woke Hancock up.

When she looked over the boat, she saw a girl about her age lying on the side of the ship, tilting her head and holding her chin in one small hand to look at it.

I don’t know why, the first time she looked at each other, there was an instinctive hint of hostility in her heart.

“Looks like you need to keep a pointer, but I don’t have anything extra for you here, but I can give you a ride. ”

Lu Li turned and walked towards Robin’s boat, smiling softly at Hancock.

Hancock came back to his senses, looked at Lu Li with a hint of gratitude, and said, “Feeling… Thank you…”

Hancock’s appearance at this moment makes it difficult to associate her with the willful, arrogant and cold Pirate Empress.

Sure enough, no matter who it is, it’s cuter when I was a child.

Lu Centrifugal commented on it.

The boat approached the big ship, and Lu Li stepped on board the big ship, and the three Hancock sisters also followed closely behind and boarded the big ship.

Robin saluted lightly to Lu Li, who had ascended the deck, and then looked at Hancock who was following behind calmly, and said:

“There’s a spare room on the ship, I’ll take you there, but you’ll have to go to the bathroom first, wash yourself, and then change into clean clothes. ”

“I’m sorry for your help…”

Sandasonia spoke at Robin.

Robin said calmly, “Follow me.” ”

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She turned around and led the three Hancocks outside the bathroom, and only after they had all showered, washed, and changed into new clothes did she look at them:

“There are a few important things you need to know about staying on this ship, the first is that a lot of things on the ship are alive. ”


Hancock was slightly stunned.

Robin didn’t explain, and said: “You will know later, the second is to prohibit loud noises, Mr. likes to be quiet, the third is to pay attention to hygiene and cleanliness, Mr. likes to be clean… With all of the above in mind, I’ll take you to your room. ”

The land ship is a small and medium-sized boat with three decks.

The bottom floor is the surviving bilge, and the middle second floor has a kitchen, bathroom, and a large living room, plus a smaller study, and a bedroom.

The third floor is all living bedrooms, with a total of five rooms, Robin living in the room closest to the stairs, and Lu Li living in the only bedroom on the second floor.

“That’s the gentleman’s bedroom, and the gentleman should be resting, so be quiet. ”

Robin briefly introduced the situation on the ship to the three Hancocks, and said, “Sir will read in the living room or study most of the time, and it is forbidden to disturb when reading, even if you go to the bathroom, you should try to be as quiet as possible, unless Sir takes the initiative to talk to you.” ”

As he spoke.

Robin led Hancock to the third floor.

Hancock followed behind Robin, because she had already looked at the environment of the living room before, so at this time, her eyes looked at Lu Li’s bedroom from time to time, with a little shiny.

If before, Lu Li’s power in the Holy Land leveled the entire shocking scene of Mary Joy, making her feel that Lu Li was like a god, distant and untouchable, and could only look up and not blaspheme, then now when she came to this ship, she had a completely different feeling.

Living room, bedroom, reading…

These living habits, coupled with Lu Li’s smiling face almost all the time, echoed in her mind, making her feel that the sense of distance disappeared a lot.

The disappearance of this sense of distance also made Hancock’s heart begin to change little by little, from the pure admiration and reverence for Lu Li at the beginning, to now she began to be curious about Lu Li’s living situation, which seemed to be no different from normal humans.

“This is my bedroom, if you have anything, you can come to me first. ”

Robin pointed to his room, then looked at the bedrooms in the back, and said sideways: “Because I don’t think there will be other people on the boat, there is only one spare bedroom with beds, I still have a set of beds here, you can arrange another room, you three need to squeeze two rooms.” ”

Sandasonia and Marigorud nodded at Robin obediently and said, “Excuse me, we’re fine.” ”

And at this very time.

The door of the only bedroom on the second floor was pushed open, and Lu Li walked out of the room, closed the bedroom door, held a book in his hand, and walked to the sofa in the living room.

As he walked, he looked up at the second floor, and could see that Hancock had changed into a Robin white shirt, the dust had been cleaned from being held and sold back and forth, and his black and silky hair seemed to be a little damp behind his shoulders.

The white shirt looked a little tight, Hancock was a year older than Robin, and the twelve-year-old body had developed a little, no longer a flat small chest, but could see a wonderful arc.

“Don’t be too nervous. ”

Noticing that Hancock and his two younger sisters were obviously becoming a little nervous, Lu Li couldn’t help but smile and said, “I won’t eat people, just pay a little attention to what Robin said, and don’t treat it as a rule that must be followed.” ”

The slightest nervousness in the face of Lu Li disappeared from Hancock, replaced by a trace of daze, and she looked at Lu Li with a pair of bright big eyes, and there was a little light in her eyes.


So gentle…

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