There are very few pirates who can achieve Whitebeard’s level, and there are almost none, and Fire Fist Ace was finally able to succumb to Whitebeard’s bearing, not just because of Whitebeard’s strength.

Now that the era of the Four Emperors has not yet arrived, the sea is a super and many strong pattern, and the Whitebeard Pirates are high above the powers, but such a Whitebeard Pirates are almost the poorest pirates.

On the one hand, the Whitebeard Pirates basically do not do anything to loot, and even if they do, they often attack other pirates, and on the other hand, the Whitebeard Pirates almost do not collect high offerings from those countries that use his flag.

Every time he got a small amount of treasure, Whitebeard also gave it all to his hometown, and he basically kept nothing at all, so that he didn’t even have a little inheritance after death.

In fact.

This is no longer a pirate, but a force that rules a certain sea area against the world government, similar to a separatist force.

The four later emperors basically did the same, dividing and ruling a part of the territory.

“That being said…”

Lu Li looked at Whitebeard and smiled, put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, gently pulled out the sword, and said, “But I still want to make a greeting.” ”

In today’s world, no one can surpass Whitebeard in terms of strength, and Whitebeard is undoubtedly a very suitable opponent for him to hone his domineering and swordsmanship.

In addition to swordsmanship, there is also room for further improvement in his domineering.


Lu Li’s drawing of his sword made Marco and the others nervous again.

However, Whitebeard grinned and said, “Goo-la-la, you didn’t seem to have fun with that guy John for half the game.” ”

Lu Li has already made it clear that he is not here to find trouble, so this greeting is not really a battle of life and death.

But that being said.

For Lu Li’s invitation, Whitebeard’s eyes also showed a serious gaze, there are not many opponents on this sea who can make him take it seriously, but Lu Li is definitely one of them.

“He’s too weak. ”

Lu Li opened casually.

The battle with Captain John did hurt a little for him.


Marco, who was in the distance, watched this scene and couldn’t help but speak.

“Marco, Joz, stand back,”

After Whitebeard glanced at Marco and the others, his gaze returned to Lu Li, and in his right hand he held the Nagina Knife Cong Yunqi, one of the twelve works of the Supreme Great Fast Knife, grinning slightly, and the momentum and courage of the strongest man in the world burst out in an instant.

“Don’t worry about anything, I’m… Whitebeard!”

Seeing this scene, Marco and the others couldn’t help but clench their fists, but they still obeyed Whitebeard’s order and quickly retreated to the rear with those unconscious crew members.

Lu Li also waved his hand and sent Robin back to the deck of the ship.

Then he looked at Whitebeard again, and after a pause of two seconds, his eyes flashed slightly, and he took a step forward with the sword in his hand, and the sword in his hand suddenly slashed out.


Whitebeard, who had already been prepared, showed a serious gaze, and his domineering spirit burst out from his body, and he also waved the naginata knife in his hand, ‘Cong Yun Cut’, and met Lu Li’s blade.

The two blades collided in the air, bursting out with a crisp sound of gold and iron, and sparks flew everywhere.

Qiang !!

A crisp voice rang out.

Then there was a thunderous roar that exploded in the sky across the island.

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The countless cherry blossom petals fluttering in the sky were swept away by this terrifying wave of air and shook towards the sea in all directions.

The cloudy sky was even more shattered in half!

“Overlord color…”

“I didn’t spare any hands, Traveler. ”

Diamond Joz looked at this side and the shocking scene in the sky from afar, and opened his mouth with a nervous expression, clenched his fist slightly, and some of his fingers turned into the form of diamonds.

“Don’t worry too much, Joz. ”

Marco said in a deep voice, “That guy said that he didn’t come to ask for trouble, that kind of man wouldn’t talk nonsense, not to mention that Daddy might not lose to him.” ”

Although Lu Li destroyed the Holy Land of Mary Joya and single-handedly dealt with the entire John Pirates in front of them, Whitebeard never lost to anyone!

Even Roger, the king of the pirates, has never won against Whitebeard!

The name of the strongest man in the world is not self-proclaimed, but a name recognized by the entire sea, and Whitebeard is the strongest who stands at the top of the world!

This is……

The battle between the strongest and the closest to God!

“Yes, Daddy won’t lose to anyone, not even that guy. ”

Foil Bista also spoke with conviction.

Today’s Whitebeard is only fifty-five years old, and although his physical strength has declined slightly, his combat effectiveness in all aspects, including domineering, is still at its peak!

And they didn’t just come to this island, but they had been staying for a while, and after a period of recuperation, Whitebeard’s mental state was also at its peak!

With a white beard in this state, they don’t think they will lose to anyone, even Lu Li!

“…… It’s naïve. ”

Robin was standing at the front of the deck, also looking in the direction of Whitebeard and Lu Li, she could hear the voices of Marco and the others not far away, but she just shook her head in her heart.

Maybe Whitebeard is indeed the strongest man in the world, and he is the strongest existence among human beings, and no one can resist it, but Lu Li… It has long been out of the realm of human beings!

The closest man to God?


She has seen Lu Li’s various abilities, and she knows very well that this statement actually has a big problem, Lu Li is not the closest to God, but should be – a god walking in the world!

And under the watchful eye of Robin, Marco and others.

Lu Li, whose sword blade and naginata were against each other, slowly spoke, he looked at Whitebeard and said:

“Is that the power of the Shock Fruit?”

He could feel the violent vibration transmitted from the point where the blade touched, causing his fingers to vibrate, making it difficult for him to hold the sword in his hand.

Whitebeard grinned, “That’s right… I am an earthquake man who has eaten the fruits of the earthquake, and if I fight, I will have to withstand the power of the earthquake…”

Lu Li smiled lightly and said, “I should be able to do it.” ”


The sky is trembling, the earth is trembling.

Whitebeard knew that Lu Li was powerful, so he didn’t deliberately leave his hand, and the power of the Shock Fruit was fully exerted by him, as if he was about to overturn the entire sea at this moment.

Whitebeard during the war on the top, old age and physical weakness and injuries attacked, and he was almost unable to exert the power of the shock fruit to the limit, but it almost made the entire sea where the naval headquarters was located capsized, and at this moment, Whitebeard was in a state of almost the peak!

As Sengoku said.

Whitebeard has the power to destroy the world!

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