
The weather is mild and sunny, the sea is sparkling, and a ship is sailing smoothly.

On the deck of the ship, a table was placed there, and Lu Li sat next to it, holding a pen in his hand, showing a thoughtful look.

On the table are several blank drawings.

Robin was sitting next to Lu Li, also holding a pen in his hand, drawing something on a piece of paper.

“Sir, how about this?”

After drawing for a while, Robin put the drawings in his hand in front of Lu Li, the drawings were painted one by one, and the only one that still had a little ink stuck to it that had not dried up.

Lu Li glanced at it, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and said, “Hmm… It’s the same as the one you drew before, it’s quite funny. ”

It’s been nearly a month since he was separated from the Whitebeard Pirates, and this month he has also arrived on the two islands of the New World, and is now heading to the islands behind.

During this month’s voyage, Lu Li discovered a problem, that is, it was impossible not to get a flag out.

The previous Captain John, most of the time, didn’t recognize that it was his ship, so he attacked casually, and attacked several rounds in a row, and his rude behavior caused his mood to be ruined, and the final result was to die at sea.

In the past month, he has encountered three waves of pirates who attacked him one after another, although he did not let go of the last one, but he was always a little annoyed, because those pirates were often far away, and after entering the range of the cannon, they directly began to shell.

If he had been reading quietly and had not been unexpected, a shell would have landed on the ship.

Although both he and Robin’s personalities are relatively calm, Robin is still young after all, so it is inevitable that he will be taken aback.

Therefore, Lu Li felt that it would be better to get a logo that belonged to him and hang it, so that most of the pirates should be discouraged, and only those who were not very good in their brains would plunder his ship.

Robin was helping him draw the logo.

However, Lu Li regretted letting Robin draw with her, because her aesthetic was really different, and she could find Moonlight Moria’s three-headed dog of hell cute.

She likes ugly and cute monsters more, and the patterns she draws can be imagined, basically all of them are hell three-headed dogs…

Lu Li is not good at hitting her activity in this regard.

After all, the current little Robin likes him, and if the images she likes are too weird and ugly, it is tantamount to putting herself into this range.

So not only can he not say bad about Robin’s peculiar aesthetics, but he also praises her for her beautiful paintings and very distinctive.

“Isn’t that okay?”

Robin tilted his head.

Lu Li let out a ‘hmm’ and said, “After all, my name is a traveler, and this style doesn’t seem too suitable…”

While talking,

Lu Li drew a few more patterns on the drawings in front of him.

On the drawings placed in front of him at this moment, many patterns had been drawn, including the forehead protection symbol of Konoha Village, the union pattern of the fairy tail, and the logo of the thirteen teams of the court.

None of this is appropriate, though.

“Let’s do it. ”

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Li finally chose the one in the bottom left corner.

The pattern is a dragon-shaped silhouette.

Lu Li thinks this is very good.

Either way, his soul is, fundamentally, a descendant of the dragon.

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“This pattern is really beautiful…”

Robin looked at Lu Li’s final choice, showing a slight look of appreciation.

“Well, it’s a dragon totem…”

Lu Li watched Robin silently put away the drawings on the table, suddenly smiled, and said, “By the way, you can choose your favorite pattern, simplify it and put it on top of the dragon totem, just that part can also add some other patterns.” ”


Robin was stunned for a moment, then showed a happy smile and said, “Thank you, sir!”

Although there are only two people on Lu Li’s boat, the meaning of this symbol is a symbol of Lu Li in this world.

Lu Li is willing to add a pattern of her, which represents a huge significance, which means that she is the person Lu Li really recognizes!

Although she is willing to be Lu Li’s little maid all the time, she still has further thoughts in her heart, and the status she can achieve in Lu Li is quite important.

“After all, you’re my crew, too. ”

Lu Li smiled, reached out and touched Robin’s little head, then studied it with her for a moment and came up with a simplified pattern.

Robin ended up with a bizarre snake drawing, which was simplified into twisted lines.

“Hmm… Dragon Snake?”

“Then that’s it. ”

Lu Li looked at the final pattern made on the paper, showing a satisfied look, it looked pretty good.

Robin also stood up, stretched his body, and said, “Do you want to draw it now, sir?”

“Hmm. ”

Lu Li nodded.

Robin quickly brought a paint bucket and a huge graffiti pen, dipped it in the paint, and used his ability to send the brush to the canvas with great effort.

However, due to the size of the brush, the wind on the sea, and the average development of her ability to develop the fruit, her strength was also insufficient, so it was very difficult to hold it, and she was still unable to put down the pen after shaking it a few times.

“If it doesn’t work, just put it there first. ”

Seeing this, Lu Li smiled, stretched out his hand to hold the little paint spilled on the graffiti pen in the air, and took the graffiti pen that Robin had conjured up with his fruit ability and held it tightly.

Robin let go of his hand, and the arms that extended out of the air also turned into petals and disappeared, and said, “You have to put the canvas down.” ”

“It’s not that troublesome, it’s already a full-fledged sail, and you have to learn to draw your own mark. ”

Lu Li smiled at Robin, threw the graffiti pen into the paint bucket, then looked up at the sail, picked up the drawing in his hand, and said, “I’ll leave it to you, just draw it like this.” ”

“Yes. ”

The sail answered, and the rope extended down, curling up the scribbling pen and beginning to paint it himself.

After Lu Li glanced at it twice, he reached out and patted Robin next to him on the shoulder, and said, “Let’s go, let’s go rest, it should be almost the same in a while.” ”

“Hmm… Hmm…”

Robin, who was looking up at the top, responded a little sluggishly, and then followed Lu Li to the rear.

From time to time, her gaze looked at the sails.

“It’s so cute…”

She was controlling the ropes, trying to draw on the canvas little by little, not daring to draw the wrong sail in any place, and the look of that effort was not only very cute in her eyes, but also seemed to be a little pitiful.

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