The nearby CP0s all stiffened at this scene, and one of them stopped talking.

Lu Li noticed his expression, looked at him, and said calmly:

“What’s the problem?”

“No… Nope…”

Just glanced at Lu Li, and the CP0 fell into an ice cellar for a moment, only to feel that the whole person seemed to be immersed in ice water, and his voice trembled.

In fact, the Five Old Stars had given an order to CP0 a long time ago, not to carry out all actions against Lu Li, and to avoid as much as possible when encountering Lu Li, not to have any conflict with Lu Li, this order was issued in the strictest form!

“What’s your name?”

Lu Li looked away and looked at the other CP0 next to him, it was a blonde girl with a light red short-sleeved shirt wrapping around her bumpy body.

“Stussy!” Seeing Lu Li look over, a tremor flashed in her eyes, and she replied quickly.

“I seem to have an impression of you, hmm… Queen of Joy Street…”

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Li remembered something, smiled casually, and said, “You can also be a temporary guide, it feels weird if only Xiao Tang is a man leading the way.” ”


Stussy didn’t dare to refuse, and said, “Well, no problem…”

Doflamingo hesitated for a moment, then said:

“That. ”


Lu Li glanced at him.

“Nothing… It’s also more convenient if you have CP0…”

In fact, Doflamingo wanted to say if he could not call him ‘Don Jr.’, which sounded too strange, but after hesitating for a while, he finally complied with his wishes.

Lu Li can call it as he wants.

Robin watched with a slight surprise as Lu Li brought down the two people from the World Government’s ship.

Doflamingo is still very young now, and most of the time he is active in the underground world, and the Seven Martial Seas system has not yet appeared, so his bounty and fame in the surface world are not very large, and Robin has not been able to recognize it.

But Stussy is dressed as a member of CP0.

“Got two guides. ”

Lu Li smiled, casually pointed to Doflamingo next to him, and said, “This is Xiao Tang, and over there is Stussy, both of whom are still familiar with this country.” ”

Robin glanced at Doflamingo, then ignored him.

Although Doflamingo wears flamingo glasses and doesn’t look like a good person at first glance, there’s nothing to care about.

Stussy next to him is different, with a slender figure and delicate face, exuding the charm of a mature woman, with a hint of luster in her sapphire-like pupils.

This woman is dangerous.

Although Lu Li should prefer to be younger, there is an instinctive attraction between men and women, so it is dangerous for a woman with an elegant posture like Stussie.

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After briefly introducing Robin to Doflamingo and Stussy, Lu Li introduced Robin again and said, “Robin, my crew, you should all know each other.” ”


Stussy nodded.

As CP0, she naturally knows Robin, the only survivor of O’Hara, defined by the World Government as a being wanted by the Son of the Devil.

In fact, the initial cause of the conflict between the world government and Lu Li was because Lu Li took in Robin, which led to a series of conflicts.

If it were an ordinary person, he could now directly draw a judgment that Robin was a very important person to Lu Li, but now he can’t make this judgment directly.

The reason is simple.

For ordinary people, it is undoubtedly necessary to pay decisive will and ideas for the sake of a person to confront the world government, but for an existence like Lu Li, the world government may not have paid attention to it at all, just like a gangster who deals with it casually on the side of the road.

His own crew was bullied by the thugs, so he naturally slapped him back.

Although it seems extremely strange to describe the world government that has ruled the world for 800 years and really controls the world, based on what Stussy knows, this may really be the case!

Although she was not in the Holy Land Mary Joya at the time, as CP0, she also knew how terrible Lu Li was, and it was not wrong to say that she was the most terrible person in the world!


Not human…

Stussy murmured in his heart.

The strength is exaggerated to a terrifying degree, and the appearance is almost the most handsome of the men she has ever seen.

Temperament and demeanor are also elegant, and the combination of these things is simply unreasonable, and there should be no such human beings in the world.

“The most famous place in the Kingdom of Prodes is their gladiatorial arena, which is called the largest in the world, and there are performances every day from morning to night, in addition to human gladiatorial battles, there are also duels between humans and beasts…”

Lu Li and his party walked towards the island, and Doflamingo began to briefly introduce the situation of the Kingdom of Prodians.

Noticing that neither Lu Li nor Robin showed any interested eyes, he continued: “In addition to the gladiatorial arena, this country also retains many relics from ancient times, and the scenery is also spectacular, which is worth admiring for outsiders. ”

“Remnants of antiquity?”

Robin’s eyes lit up slightly, and he said, “It’s worth a look.” ”

She looked up at Lu Li.

Lu Li smiled slightly, looked at Doflamingo, and said, “Let’s go eat something first, and then go over and have a look, and then you will lead the way, Xiao Tang.” ”

“…… Good. ”

Doflamingo replied a little unnaturally.

Even now, he wasn’t quite comfortable with the title, but when he thought about it, it was better than calling Xiao Duo or Xiao Ming, Doflamingo comforted himself.

The group walked towards the interior of the kingdom of Prodeens.

Doflamingo and Stussy are okay, Stussy basically can’t tell that he is a member of CP0 after taking off his white cloak, but Lu Li is still too eye-catching, and after being noticed and recognized, it immediately causes a frightened gaze.

So Lu Li used a method that he had been using before, and released a continuous illusion on himself, and the effect of this illusion was to reduce the sense of existence.

After all, he is a person who prefers to be quiet.

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