Stussy looked at the historical text stele and was silent, she knew that the government had been a headache for these historical texts, and had collected some of them, but there was no way to destroy them, and the most important pieces were in the hands of forces that were difficult to deal with, such as the Hundred Beasts Kaido, BIGMOM and so on.


Doflamingo walked to the corner of the historical text stele, and a few silk threads spread out from his fingertips, and attached to the pitch-black armed color domineering, and scratched it on the stele.

Sparks flew around, but left no traces.

“Sure enough, I still can’t leave a trace…”

Doflamingo didn’t look surprised, he had come into contact with a historical stele a long time ago, and he had tried to destroy it at the time, but he couldn’t do it.

As a native of the original Tenryu, he also has a lot of insider knowledge of the historical text stele, knowing that it was made by the craftsman ancestors of Wano Country, and even now the world government cannot destroy it.

This historical stele is written on two and a half sides, and about one and a half parts are not written, and the recorded history is a blank 100 years ago.

“Robin. ”

Lu Li stood there, looked at the historical text stele for a moment, and then said to Robin: “Do you remember the blank history of a hundred years?” ”


Robin nodded at Lu Li.

Lu Li smiled slightly and said, “Then you should be able to translate that part of history into this kind of text… Since we’re here, we should leave something behind. ”

Robin was slightly stunned and said, “Sir, are you planning to fill in the blank part of the gap of a hundred years of history?”

Stussy and Doflamingo both looked at it.

Carving a blank hundred years of history on a stone tablet, this kind of thing is undoubtedly an extremely bad crime for the world government, as a CP0, it is natural to prevent it, but this is obviously impossible, and there is probably no one in this world who can stop Lu Li.

However, even the world government has no way to do this thing of the historical text stele, even a blow from an existence like Whitebeard cannot leave a trace, the hardness surpasses everything, and it is almost impossible to carve a trace.

“What do you think?”

Lu Li looked at Robin and smiled.

After thinking for a while, Robin said, “It is indeed the right thing to do to record the history, but it is said that this kind of historical text stele cannot leave a trace by any means…”

“Don’t worry about that. ”

As soon as Lu Li’s mind moved, a wisp of the power of the six realms escaped, condensed and wriggled in the air, turning into a pitch-black Dao Seeking Jade, and then squirming, turning into a black rod.

This kind of small scene naturally doesn’t need a higher level of eternal power, and the power of the six realms is enough.

Lu Li bent his fingers, and a layer of golden immortal chakra appeared at the end of the black rod, wrapping around the end, forming an area that was just right to hold.

“Take this and go for the record. ”

With a wave of his hand, the Seeking Jade Black Stick flew towards Robin.

Seeing Lu Li’s black rod approaching, Robin instinctively felt an inexplicable palpitation, subconsciously took half a step back, and then carefully held the golden part of the end of the black rod with his hand.

She looked at the black stick in her hand with a little hesitation, and then came to the blank part on the third side of the historical text stele, and after thinking for a while, she wrote it with the black stick in her hand.


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I thought that the black rod that Lu Li made out was some kind of special paint, but what made Robin move was that the part touched by the black rod directly disintegrated and sunken in!

She subconsciously raised the black rod in her hand, and she could see that the place where the black rod came into contact with the historical text stele had been obviously sunken down a small piece, and traces were inscribed!

“It’s… How is that possible…”

Stussy looked at this scene with a look of shock.

As a CP0, she clearly knows what the historical text stele is, and no one has left a trace on it for 800 years so far!

What is that black stick that Lu Li made?!

After a short pause, Robin quickly recovered, she calmed down, and quickly filled in the gap of a hundred years of history.


In the middle of the fourth side, Robin leaves the last paragraph.

“…… We have come here to fill in the blank history here—in the year 1504 of the Lunar New Year, the traveler Lu Li and Nicole Robin Liu. ”

“Alright. ”

Robin carefully checked it, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he carefully took the black stick and returned to Lu Li’s side.

When she was carving just now, she touched the stone on the ground nearby with a black stick, and the stone directly and silently annihilated and dissolved.

No doubt.

This is not the kind of special substance that can be engraved on the historical text stele, but a material that is more terrible than the historical text stele!


Lu Li withdrew the Seeking Dao Jade, revealing a hint of a smile, and then with a flick of his fingers, a black beam of light fell on the surface of the historical text stele.

He flicked into a six-level sealing technique.

Basically, no one in this world can break the seal of the Six Dao Levels, so no one can move this historical text stone tablet, and it will exist like the Uchiha Stone Tablet left by the Six Dao Immortals.

“Well, today’s guide has worked hard for you. ”

Lu Li turned his head, looked at Doflamingo, and said with a smile: “Let’s separate here, the matter of the Supreme Knife is entrusted to you, Xiao Tang.” ”

Hearing Lu Li’s words, Doflamingo finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and said, “I’ll look for it quickly, but how to deliver it to Mr. Lu Li after I find it…”

“Just send it to Wano Country, I’ll go there next. Lu Li said.

Then, he glanced at Stussy and nodded with a smile.

Then he reached out and put a gentle touch on Robin’s shoulder, and then the two of them swooped and disappeared into thin air.

Only the historical text stele remained, as well as Doflamingo and Stussy.

Neither of them could detect how Lu Li left, and it wasn’t until a few seconds after Lu Li disappeared that they came back to their senses and took a breath.

Ordinary people may not know the concept of leaving traces on the stone tablet of the historical text, but both of them are very clear.

This shows that Lu Li can destroy the historical text stele!

The meaning of what it represents is far more terrifying than the destruction of the John Pirates before Lu Li!

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