Pieces of cherry blossoms fell down, on the top of Lu Li’s head, on his clothes, on the bridge of his nose, but he didn’t notice it, he still sat there without any movement.

His black hair was littered with a dozen cherry blossoms, and his clothes were covered with leaves and pink petals.

I don’t know when Robin came to the neighborhood, looking at Lu Li sitting there from a distance, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.


Robin muttered.

She wasn’t worried about Lu Li’s lack of food or drink for more than a month, because Lu Li’s methods were already inhuman.

At this moment, Lu Li’s body was scattered with petals and leaves, and she looked a little sloppy and embarrassed, but in her opinion, she felt a little more cute than the usual Lu Li.

It made her a little obsessed.

It is difficult for a man to resist the charm of the Pirate Empress Boyahan Cook, and it is equally difficult for a woman to resist the charm of Lu Li.

And just after Robin stood there, just watching Lu Li from a distance, he remained still for an unknown amount of time.


Lu Li opened his eyes.

His golden pupils seemed to faintly converge into a sword-like pattern.

Laugh at!!!

In a flash.

All the cherry blossom petals and all the leaves on Lu Li’s body were neatly split from the center, as if they had been cut at the same time.

At this moment, Lu Li’s momentum on his body was completely condensed, and the ‘breath’ and ‘breath’ of the whole person seemed to be synchronized with the Demon Sword Village!

If you close your eyes and perceive with the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, all you can perceive is the sharpness of a sword that seems to be able to cut through everything!

This is the highest level of kendo.

The Great Sword Hero is actually not the name of the so-called realm, as long as it is a powerful swordsman, it can be called the Great Sword Hero, but the people who can really be worthy of this name are only the people who have reached the apex of the way of the sword!

Today’s Lu Li, after experiencing battles with the Hades King Reilly, Captain John and other great swordsmen, after gaining the knowledge about kendo that has been passed down for thousands of years in the country of Wano, after more than a month of meditation on sword meditation, he finally really stepped into this level!


Lu Li held the middle of the demon knife and stood up like this, without any movement of the knife, but the ground under his feet appeared in an instant, more than a dozen cracks as if they had been chopped.

This is also one of the signs of the Great Sword Hero, the slash is no longer limited to the sword itself, and it is no longer limited to a straight line!

Hades King Reilly’s sword, even if the yellow ape was frontally framed, there was a cut in his cheek.

Hawkeye’s sword, even if it’s not in a straight line, or even a cannonball that isn’t on a plane, can all split from the center!

Swordsmanship is cultivated to the extreme, that is, to do whatever you want.


“It’s finally done. ”

Lu Li carefully comprehended the swordsmanship realm he possessed now, and muttered: “This is the swordsmanship of the Great Sword Hero!”


He drew his sword out of its sheath at the next moment, and the demon knife in his hand was quiet, as if it was just a very ordinary knife.

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He swung his sword towards the sky, and the invisible sword light spread across the endless distance in an instant, disappearing into the depths of the night sky.

“Eternal mode, on!”

“Eight Gates Dunjia Array, open!”

Lu Li took a breath, and layers of light curtains burst out from his body, and the terrifying aura made the space tremble.

The aura of the demon sword in his hand almost disappeared, and he became unaware of its existence.


Lu Li held the sword in both hands and swung it in the direction of the full moon, and the invisible light flew out of the sky in an instant.

Robin, who was standing not far away, watched this scene, sensed the vast aura on Lu Li’s body, and couldn’t help but look in the direction of Lu Li’s sword, and then her gaze froze all of a sudden.


On the surface of the full moon hanging in the night sky, a black silk thread appeared from the center in the next moment!

The pitch-black thread gradually grew larger, so that the whole moon was centered on the black thread and gradually moved away from each other.

The moon has been split in half!

Robin looked shocked and incredulous.

“It’s really a lot stronger… If you open another ‘Ten Times Realm King Fist’… Well, it’s really nothing to split the sun with a sword!”

Lu Li also looked at the moon on the sky from afar, and there was a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

The realm of the Great Sword Hero is actually like the most extreme technique’, a skill that can bring all the power into play!

If the sum of all the energy in his body before him was about 10,000 points, then before he learned to arm the color domineering, the limit of the strength he could exert was about 9,000 points.

He couldn’t burst all the power out of his body, or he couldn’t make all the power explode in one direction.

But after learning to arm the color domineering, he was able to squeeze the remaining part of the energy that was difficult to mobilize at one time, and burst out in one direction, and he could use 100% absolute power!

And now!

After possessing the realm of the Great Sword Hero, he can not only let all his strength explode in one direction, but can even condense into a line and condense in a single slash!

This is the real power that can split the sun in the sky into two with a sword, and it is the real ‘power to cut the stars’!


Looking at the moon splitting to both sides, it began to gradually collapse, Lu Li put down the demon knife in his hand, and closed his hands.

Six Paths: Earth Explosion Star!

The collapsed moon was pulled by a force, and then closed back towards the center, and was stitched back together.

What does it feel like to watch the moon split in half and then kneaded back together like dough?

That’s how Robin is at the moment.

I don’t know how to describe her mood at the moment, and it produces a sense of distance.

In fact, Lu Li’s power that is so powerful that she can’t see the edge from afar, like a god, has always made her feel far away, if it weren’t for Lu Li’s usual personality and behavior in many aspects close to humans, she might only have left awe of Lu Li.

“What’s the fuss? ”

Just as Robin was startling, a hand suddenly reached over and rubbed it on her head.

When Robin came back to his senses, he saw that Lu Li had appeared next to her at some point, looking at her and chuckling. _

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