Soon, all three parties arrived at the meeting hall.

As the two parties to the talks, Konoha Village and Yunyin Village were listed on either side of the conference table.

Lu Li took advantage of the situation and saw a beautiful figure at first glance – Yumu Ren.

As for Xi and Darui beside her, they were directly ignored by him.

Yugito happened to look at her as well, and the two looked at each other.

“Hey, beauty, ape dung, meet again!” Lu Li smiled and beckoned to Yugiren.

Yugito opened his mouth, a little confused!

Originally, the atmosphere of the entire venue was as solemn as before the war, but Lu Li suddenly came out with such an inappropriate sentence.

The atmosphere at the scene immediately became strange, and everyone looked at Lu Li, and then at Yugiren.

Lu Li is okay, he is very thick-skinned, and he has a natural resistance to the gaze of others.

And Yugi is a girl after all, with thin skin, and when she is stared at like this by everyone, she blushes slightly.

“Ahem…”The third generation coughed and glared at Lu Li fiercely.

As if to say, serious matters matter, now is not the time to flirt with girls.

Lu Li glared back at the three generations, and the meaning was obvious: flirting with girls is a serious matter, and nothing else matters.

“Lord Thunder Shadow, Lord Hokage, please take a seat! Our meeting has officially begun!” Mifune spoke out in time to relieve the embarrassing atmosphere of being led astray by Lu Li.

“In this meeting, I hope that both of you are here for the purpose of peace…”

Before Mifune’s words were finished, Thunder Shadow had already taken the lead in speaking.

“With great sincerity, I, Yunyin Village, sent five envoys from Shangnin to your Konoha to participate in the alliance ceremony, what is the result?”.

“You Konoha Village are so mad that you secretly execute them, and you didn’t even leave a single intact corpse! Not even their ninja forehead guards were intact when they were sent back to Yunyin Village!”.

“What you have done has touched the scales of my Yunyin Village! Is it tolerable, but which one is unbearable?”

“If you really want peace, then show your sincerity! Where is the murderer of my envoys?”

The four generations of Thunder Shadow took the lead and had an extremely tough attitude.

The meaning is also obvious, the premise for this meeting to continue is that Konoha Village hands over the murderer first.

No matter what purpose the Yunyin Village envoys went to Konoha Village, it would not affect the fact that they were dead.

Yunyin Village undoubtedly held the initiative in this matter.

“If Konoha Village doesn’t even have this bit of sincerity, there’s nothing to talk about, let’s meet directly on the battlefield!”

The four generations of Lei Ying clasped their arms in front of their chests, and looked at the three generations coldly with a lofty attitude.

In Lei Ying’s opinion, the current Konoha Village is no longer the strong ninja village during the Third Ninja World War.

If there is a war between them, other villages may join in.

Then the Fourth Ninja World War will break out!

Konoha Village, which is doomed to failure, will not only lose troops in the end, but also cede land and pay compensation!

It may even destroy the village and the country!

As long as Ape Fei Ri is not an old fool, he should understand it in his heart!

Compromise is his only option!

To put it bluntly, in this meeting, Thunder Shadow’s purpose is very clear, he is ready to sign an unequal treaty that is unfavorable to Konoha Village!

In fact, Lu Li wanted to complain: Lei Ying, you are too young!

As the leader of the neutral country that facilitated this meeting, Admiral Mifune, chose to remain silent at this time.

Mifune naturally stood on the side of Yunyin Village, supporting the demands put forward by the four generations of Thunder Shadow.

In fact, in Mifune’s opinion, on one side is the peace of Konoha, and on the other side is the murderer who killed the envoy group.

It is impossible for the three generations not to understand which is more important.

However, just when Thunder Shadow and Mifune thought that Miyo would definitely compromise on this matter.

The three generations haven’t spoken yet, but Lu Li has already spoken!

“I killed the envoys of Yunyin Village! By the way, they are really too weak, so I only used one move!”.

As soon as Lu Li’s words came out, it instantly caused an uproar.

No one expected that as a guard for three generations, he would generously admit that he was a murderer on such an occasion!

Except for the three generations and the mountain stroke, everyone else was surprised.

Mifune, the general of the Iron Country, looked at Lu Li like a fool.

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow glared angrily at Lu Li.

They only paid attention to Lu Li’s admission that he was the murderer, but ignored what he said and only used one trick!

Lu Li sat down at the conference table, and the old god continued: “Since I have admitted that I killed the person, then, Your Excellency Thunder Shadow, should you also generously admit that your Yunyin Village sent an envoy to Konoha Village, nominally to participate in the alliance celebration, but in fact it is a white-eyed secret?”

“That’s enough…”Mifune looked at Miyo, obviously hoping that Miyo would stop Lu Li from continuing.

In fact, anyone who can come here knows very well what this is all about.


Negotiations are often indiscriminate.

Strength is the ultimate factor in determining the outcome of negotiations.

In Mifune’s opinion, no matter what point of view, the current Yunyin Village is significantly stronger than Konoha Village.

Lu Li’s words were useless, and would only bring the talks apart.

Miyo said slowly: “He can represent me!”.

A simple sentence, the whole house is shocked!


Dear readers, flowers and tickets represent your heart, let the author feel your violent

heart, or cruel, or warm, or soft, or ruthless, or cold, or fiery heart!

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