Since Lu Li is not a member of the Golden Lion Pirates, it is obviously necessary to remind Lu Li, after all, the residents of the island are already trying their best to evacuate, and if Lu Li stays here, he may be regarded as a resident of the island by the people of the Sky Pirates.

And even if it is not considered so, it will not be a good thing to encounter the Sky Pirates, seeing that Lu Li’s ship is very large, the Sky Pirates will not let go of looting such a ship.

“Thanks for the reminder. ”

Lu Li smiled casually, didn’t explain much, and after responding to Guina’s words, he walked with Robin to the depths of the island.

Watching Lu Li and Robin walk farther and farther, Guina frowned slightly.

When ordinary people heard the Golden Lion and the Sky Pirates, they should have immediately changed color, showing a frightened look, and then immediately tried to dodge, but after Lu Li and Robin heard it, they seemed to just politely reply to her, and they didn’t take it too seriously.

Haven’t those two people heard of the Golden Lion and the Sky Pirates?!

Just as Guina frowned and hesitated, Zoro came over at some point, and he was also looking at Lu Li and Robin who were walking away, staring at Lu Li’s back.

“The man… It’s a swordsman…”

Zoro saw the sword dangling from Lu Li’s waist.

Now he hasn’t experienced many battles between life and death, and he hasn’t fought with any strong people, just a young man who is less than ten years old, and he can’t detect anything from Lu Li, but he can keenly feel that the sword hanging from Lu Li’s waist is very different.


Guina also noticed this.

As the daughter of Koshiro Shizuki, the granddaughter of Kozaburo, a famous craftsman in Wano Country, she is also very sensitive to swords, and the demon sword Muramasa hanging from Lu Li’s waist, the scabbard alone vaguely seems to exude a demonic luster, which is a completely different type from her Wadochi writing.

“It must be a very rare sword. ”

Zoro retracted his gaze and shook his head, “With such a famous sword, that guy should be a very strong swordsman… If it’s usual, I’d really like to challenge him…”

Although he was only nine years old at the moment, all the other adults in Koshiro’s Ichishin Dojo were no longer his opponents, and the only one he couldn’t win was Guina.

As for Koshiro, being a teacher doesn’t count.

He still had the idea of competing with other adult swordsmen, but now because of the Golden Lion and the Sky Pirates, he didn’t have that kind of challenge.


“That’s the one just now, it’s the granddaughter of the famous craftsman of Wano Country, Kozaburo Frost Moon. ”

Lu Li took Robin and gradually walked towards the island, opening his mouth as he went.

A glimmer of light flashed in Robin’s eyes, and he glanced sideways in the direction of Guina behind him, and said, “The famous craftsman who left Wano Country decades ago…”

Because she has lived in the country of Wano for many years, she has basically mastered the history of it, including part of the history of modern times.

The famous craftsman Kozaburo Frost Moon is also a famous person in Wano Country, and his affairs have also been recorded in the history of Wano Country, so Robin also knows about it.

“Hmm. ”

Lu Li nodded and said: “The kendo inheritance of the country of Wano has always been very complete, and there are many top swordsmen who have appeared in history, and they all have excellent genes and the blood of powerful swordsmen. ”

Sauron’s ability to defeat all the adult swordsmen in the dojo at the age of nine is already an out-and-out monster, and Guina’s ability to suppress Zoro undoubtedly has extremely excellent qualifications.

“Are you going to let them go back to Wano Country?”

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Robin looked at Lu Li.

Lu Li shook his head and smiled: “No, that wouldn’t make much sense… The windmill has been blown now, and it may not take many years before it will turn in front of me. ”


It is about a hundred miles away from Frost Moon Village.

This is nearly 10,000 meters above the sea, and it has come to the clouds, and among the white clouds, there is an island suspended above the sky!

On one of the islands, a roar is erupting.

“Ice Age!!”

The sound of the pheasant came from the island, and half of the island was frozen into ice in an instant.

“Lion’s might!

The sound of the golden lion also came from the island, and the surface of the island, which had been frozen into ice, rolled and surged, and the ice and the shattered earth surged up, turning into seven or eight huge lion heads, roaring and bombarding the pheasant.

The pheasant folded its arms and burst out with huge icicles.


The huge lion’s head was frozen in place.

But at this moment, a string of golden sword light slashed at the face, splitting the pheasant’s body into countless pieces at once.

The slash was wrapped in domineering, but the pheasant had already captured it with the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, and used the advanced elementalization, and was not injured.

The shattered ice reconstituted in an instant.

“Ice blades!”

The pheasant pulled his left hand and right hand together, and an ice blade appeared.

The figure of the golden lion fell from the sky, and the right foot inlaid with the sword kicked down towards the pheasant, and the pheasant swung its sword to meet it, and the two swords collided in the air, bursting out with a crisp sword sound.

“Let’s go down!”

The golden lion grinned as he took his cigar in his mouth, his eyes flashed, and then with a sudden force, he knocked the pheasant off the island and landed outside the island.

In the world of One Piece, strength goes hand in hand with combat.

If you don’t fight all year round, your strength will regress rapidly, and if you don’t exercise, your domineering will quickly fade.

Golden Lion Shiki and Moonlight Moriah are typical examples.

At the peak of Moonlight Moria, he dominated the great voyage all the way, and after entering the new world, he broke into the country of Wano, confronted the Hundred Beast Pirates head-on, and after a big battle, he was finally defeated by the Hundred Beast Kaido, and this event also shook the country of Wano for a long time.

The strength of Moonlight Moria at that time was undoubtedly extremely powerful, although it was inferior to the Hundred Beasts Kaido, it was also close to the existence of the Four Emperors.


After being defeated by Kaido, the Beast, he lost his heart.

was beaten back to the first half of the Great Voyage, hid in the Devil’s Triangle Sea, and began to eat, sleep, sleep and eat, and in the past twenty years, even the immature Luffy and his gang couldn’t win, and almost became the weakest existence in the Seven Martial Seas.

Physical strength, domineering, and ability have declined to a very weak level. _

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