In the past eight hundred years, except for Lu Li, no one has been able to destroy the Navy Headquarters and the Holy Land Mary Joya one after another, and even forced the Celestial Dragons to be terrified, and they almost did not dare to take any retaliatory action!

Even the most terrifying being of the last era, Locks, the captain of the Rocks Pirates, could not do this, and he was buried in history by the World Government!


Under the horrified gaze of Ivankov and others, Lu Li looked so calm, with a hint of a smile, walked all the way to the open space, and came to Karp and the others.

Lu Li’s appearance made the demeanors of Karp, the dragon, and the red-haired three people all change significantly, and they were all different.

Shanks was the one who reacted the fastest, and immediately smiled and said, “Ahhhhhhhhh ”

“I just got the news that you killed the Golden Lion over there, but I didn’t expect you to be here. ”

Karp first looked at Lu Li with a slight solemnity, then didn’t know what he thought, and suddenly his expression relaxed, and he picked up the wine bowl and said, “The incident in the Holy Land, you are really happy.” ”

Although Karp is a navy, he has always been unaccustomed to the behavior of the Draconians, and even calls the Draconians garbage.

Due to the huge feats he had established, as well as his strong personal strength, even the Five Elders could only turn a blind eye to his actions.

Lu Li’s scene in the Holy Land killed almost all of the Celestial Dragons, and this incident was extremely painful for Karp.

“It’s just a casual thing, not enough to worry about. ”

Lu Li smiled freely.

He walked over to the three of them and sat down, and before the redhead could ask his subordinates for a wine bowl, he stretched out his hand.

With Lu Li’s action, the grass cracked silently, and then a cloud of dirt floated up and landed in Lu Li’s palm, and then quickly melted and changed, turning into the shape of a wine bowl.

Then a blazing flame appeared, scorching the bowl and causing it to freeze rapidly, and finally a cool whirlwind blew through, cooling it completely in a matter of seconds.


The brand-new wine bowl fell into Lu Li’s hand, and then a touch of red spread from the bottom of the bowl, quickly covering the entire surface, making this wine bowl exactly the same as the wine bowl in front of the redhead and the others.

The redhead, Karp, and Long watched this scene, and they were all in a daze for a while, until Lu Li put the wine bowl on the ground, and a few people came back to their senses.

“This is no longer the power of the Devil Fruit. ”

Shanks paused for a second, and the wine jar next to him filled the wine bowl made by Lu Li, and said at the same time.

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Lu Li smiled lightly and said, “It’s just a little trick.” ”

After a short hesitation, Shanks still looked at Lu Li, a glimmer of luster in his eyes, and said, “Senior, you… Is it really a god who walks on earth?”

When he first met Lu Li, Lu Li showed shocking power, but at that time, he didn’t have the current vision.

When he walked to the new world and got the news about Lu Li, he, like everyone else, felt that Lu Li might not be a human being, and that that kind of power should not be something that human beings can have!

“Nope. ”

Lu Li picked up the wine bowl, looked at the clear wine in the bowl and smiled: “It’s not what you imagined… I’m just a little more powerful human. ”

The corners of Karp’s mouth twitched slightly.

Not only is it a little stronger, it is basically 100 million points stronger!

The overwhelming strength that Lu Li showed in the Navy Headquarters, he still remembers it vividly, and when he thought that his strength was already standing at the apex of the sea, Lu Li’s strength was far superior to him!

“Mr. Lu Li, I’ve always wanted to meet you…”

When Karp and Shanks were silent, the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon, who had not spoken all this time, finally spoke, and with a hint of respect, he politely took the wine bowl.

Lu Li looked at him and said with a light smile: “You are the leader of the revolutionary army, Long.” ”

“It’s down there. ”

The dragon took a breath, looked at Lu Li and said: “Everything in this world, as a traveler Mr. Lu Li, you should already know very thoroughly, the current world government has been dominated by rotten people, we hope to overthrow it, liberate this world, and lead to freedom, so we hope to get your help, Mr. Lu Li.” ”

The work of the revolutionary army is still in the stage of disseminating ideas, but if it can get the help of Lu Li, then it may soon be able to truly overthrow the rule of the world government.

In this world, there are many powerful people, but no one has ever had the strength of Lu Li, and one person has destroyed the Holy Land and made the world government fearful.


Those who are powerful, many of them also have endless ambitions, and they want to dominate the world, not liberate it.

Like Whitebeard, who doesn’t have much ambition, but has no interest in overthrowing the world government, like One Piece Roger, he just yearns for the freedom of himself and his companions.

The red-haired Shanks has never been clear about the other party’s intentions, so this time he met by chance in Windmill Village, and he also wanted to test Shanks’ thoughts.

But compared to Shanks, Lu Li’s point of view is undoubtedly much more important.

Moreover, Lu Li had destroyed the Holy Land Mary Joya and killed a large number of Celestial Dragons, so he should also be very dissatisfied with the decay of this world, so he was more likely to be recognized by Lu Li. _

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