Time flies.

In the process of traveling with the three of them, new fun is always born every day, and Lu Li can maintain a very good state, traveling from the East China Sea to the West Sea and finally the North Sea.

The trip took four years.

Not much has happened in the past four years, there has been no major upheaval in the whole world, and the situation in the new world has remained in balance.

And the samurai of Wano Country and the forces on those islands under the banner of Rikuli are also under the constraints of Rikuli and do not invade the outside world.

With Whitebeard, Traveler, and Redhead, the three Four Emperors all sticking to their original territory and not expanding, the only BIGMOM is not willing to easily clash with the others.

As a matter of fact.

After getting Ember and Quinn, the strength of the BIGMOM Pirates is very inflated, almost no worse than the Whitebeard Pirates.

What prevented her from expanding externally and allowed her to hold her territory in peace and security was because she clearly knew from Quinn the whole process of Lu Li’s defeat of the Hundred Beast Kaido.

She was very touched by this process, and she thought that it was better to keep the current state of peace between people instead of easily clashing with each other.


The situation in the New World is unusually harmonious.

It is worth mentioning that the reorganization of the Navy Headquarters was completed, and the three of Yellow Ape, Pheasant and Peach Rabbit were promoted to the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and the former Admiral Sengoku succeeded him as the Marshal of the Navy.

The navy tried several attacks on the red-haired pirates and the BIGMOM pirates, but in the end, they were forced to retreat due to the strong strength of the two pirates.

In the seventeenth year of the era of the sea pirates.

That is, five years before Luffy went to sea under the normal plot, the O’Hara completed a trip around the world.

Although the four seas are too big, most of the islands have not actually been boarded, and only a small number of islands with more characteristics have actually gone up, but a large number of books on various islands in the east, west, north and south of the four seas have been collected.

The entire library had already been completely filled, and Lu Li arranged an enchantment in the library, transferring more of the books to the enchantment, which kept the library in chaos.

That is, this year.

After completing its journey to the four seas, the O’Hara sailed along the Upside-Down Mountain once again into the Great Voyage, and at this time, it had been a full five years since Rikuri left Wano Country for the East Sea.


Sky Island.

This is the clouds above the Great Route, 10,000 meters in the sky, the whole world is made up of sea clouds and island clouds, and the name of this island is Angel Island, which is the one above Gaya Island.

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On the shore of Angel Island, six or seven young girls with short white wings on their backs were working on the shore with baskets made of white island clouds.

Sky Island also has the work of catching the sea.

Picking up foods such as empty crabs and empty shrimp is just incidental, and the main purpose is to pick up all kinds of shellfish, which are the main tools in the empty island, with a variety of functions, and can meet all daily needs.

The daily work of catching the sea can basically meet the living expenses, and occasionally pick up some more precious and practical shellfish, which can be sold at a high price and can be enjoyed for a short period of time.

A young girl with brown shawl hair bent down and picked up a shell on the cloudy beach, and after looking at it, she suddenly showed a look of surprise and shook it at her companion not far away.

“Nolti!Look what this is!!”

“Wow! Is it a shock shell?!You’re so lucky today!”

The other girl with short blond hair blinked, revealing a look of envy, but then straightened her flat chest and puffed out her cheeks and said, “I feel that my luck today should not be bad.” ”

As a shell used by the Sky Island warriors to go out hunting and fighting, the price of the impact shell is a relatively high type among the many shellfish, and picking up one is basically more than a day’s harvest, and then picking up other things is additional income.

“Come on. ”

The brown-haired Roya smiled at his companion for a moment, then carefully put away the shock shell and put it away.

Nolti puffed out his cheeks and searched the beach quickly, but rummaging around, all he found was some shellfish that had no function.

After picking up another shell that seemed to be very special, but after careful inspection, it was very ordinary, Nolti sharpened his little tiger teeth a little annoyed, and threw the ordinary shell in his hand into the distant sea.

“I’m getting impatient so soon, hahaha. ”

The other companions next to him couldn’t help but laugh when they saw Nolti’s appearance.

But before their laughter could stop, the shell that Nolti threw fell far below the surface of the sea, causing the whole sea to suddenly set off violent waves.

Followed by.


As if a violent explosion, the entire sea suddenly exploded, and a violent impact surged towards the sky, and a large number of sea clouds spurted in all directions, drenching Luo Ya and the others all over their heads, so that their clothes were all wet.

Everyone was frightened, stopped what they were doing and looked at the sea, and saw that a huge sailing ship had already appeared on the sea, stranded on the beach of the empty island.

“This is…”

Luo Ya suppressed the fright in her heart, looked at the ship, quickly reacted, and said in surprise: “… Qinghai’s boat!”

Although the island is 10,000 meters above the sea, it is not completely out of contact with Qinghai.

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