On the other side of Liaison Be, a man carrying a sword, he was one of the four priests under Anilu’s command.

About a year ago, Anilu came to the island and ruled the island after defeating its original ruler, the god Ganful.

After that, Anilu changed many of the laws and regulations of the Sky Island to make it easy for the Qinghai people who did not know the laws here, and then imposed various punishments on the Qinghai people to have the effect of deterring the inhabitants of the Sky Island and making them fear and obey.

Judging from the last six months, the implementation has been very effective.

After disposing of the dozen or so Qinghai people who have occasionally arrived here in the past six months, the inhabitants of Sky Island have become very afraid of Anilu’s rule, and dare not resist any resistance.

After hanging up the contact, the priest Ohm picked up another contact shell, ready to inform the others to prepare for execution.

However, at this moment, a hand reached over and stopped his movements, and when he was slightly startled, he turned his head to look.


“…… No need to get in touch. ”

Anilu was crouching on the arm of the chair, and the little thumb of his left hand plucked his ear, as if sensing something, and then heyed, with an interested look on his face.

He lowered his hand, smiled eerily, and said, “I heard… It’s a powerful breath!”

Ohm was slightly startled.

He knew that Anilu’s mental network could cover almost the entire Sky Island, and he sensed every move of every Sky Island resident, but he had never heard Anilu say that he had sensed anyone’s aura was very strong.

“Lord Anilu…”

“It seems that the Qinghai people who arrived this time are not miscellaneous fish, and I just feel a little bored. ”

Anilu showed a smile, and then the whole person snapped, and disappeared directly into thin air, leaving only a trace of residual arcs intertwined in the void.


Angel Island.

The streets are very lively, and pedestrians are coming and going.

The Sky Island girl Luo Ya walked in front to lead the way for Lu Li and Robin, and constantly introduced the three of them to various specialties of the Sky Island, including some various snacks on the side of the road.

“The taste of the empty shrimp is really good, and the meat is more tender and there seems to be more moisture than the shrimp on Qinghai. ”

Lu Li picked up a grilled shrimp the size of two palms in his hand, took a bite and commented.


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Robin looked over with a little curiosity, and Lu Li smiled and handed over the grilled shrimp in his hand.

Watching Robin take Lu Li’s grilled shrimp and taste it, Luo Ya, a girl from the sky island who was standing not far away, couldn’t help but blush her cheeks, turned her head, and muttered in her heart that the relationship was really good.

After walking forward for a while, the group came to the outside of a furniture store, which was full of some Daoyun furniture that had been cut and made, and there were also raw materials that had not yet been processed.

“This would be nice to use as a bed. ”

Hancock stroked the island cloud couch placed outside the store.

Luo Ya introduced on the side: “The price of Daoyun furniture is generally related to workmanship, the more finely made the furniture, the higher the value, and the more humble the conversely, the cheaper, because Daoyun itself has no value, mainly the cost of processing.” ”

“Well, then you don’t have to buy it. ”

Robin said thoughtfully: “When you go back, just take some island clouds, and you can process whatever shape you want.” ”

Luo Ya whispered: “Actually, the processing of Daoyun is quite troublesome…”

Robin smiled and said, “That’s not a problem. ”

Even if it is dirt and earth, Lu Li can shape it into the shape he wants at will, and Daoyun is undoubtedly the same type of thing, so there will be no difficulty.


Seeing that Robin seemed to be more confident, Luo Ya didn’t suggest more.

She looked around, and was about to continue with the introduction of something else, but suddenly she was startled, and saw a group of white berets coming towards her at the end of the street.

“Haso, residents, please give way!”

The White Berets were patrolling the Sky Island, and when they saw Lu Li’s group, they walked straight over and let the nearby crowd make way for an open space.

McKinley, the captain of the white beret force led by him, looked at Lu Li with a serious expression and said, “Excuse me, everyone in Qinghai, you have violated the law of illegal entry on the empty island!”

“Hey, is it considered illegal entry if you are washed directly to the shore by the current?!”

Luo Ya looked at the other party in surprise.

She remembered that only at the gate of heaven did not pay the entrance fee normally, and those who directly broke into the empty island would violate the law of illegal entry, and it seemed that this was not the case for those who were washed directly into the white sea.

“That’s what the law says. ”

McKinley said solemnly at Roya, “Please don’t get in the way of performing official duties.” ”

A drop of sweat appeared on Luo Ya’s forehead, she looked at Lu Li and Robin next to her, bowed down violently, and said, “Yes, I’m sorry… I don’t know if this is illegal entry, otherwise I wouldn’t have brought you to the island… I’m so sorry…”

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