So far, the four-person group of Yunyin Village has been captured!

This is a result that Mifune never dreamed of!

What made him feel most ridiculous was that on the side of Konoha Village, only Lu Li was the only one who really made the move.

The mountain stroke can only be regarded as a slight involvement.

As for the three generations, one of the people who eat melons is basically playing soy sauce all the way!

But that’s the scariest thing!

This shows that Konoha Village is not only not as weak as imagined, but also a powerful mess!

A thousand hands, a name never heard of before, a little guy who is only 13, 4.

Actually captured four generations of Thunder Shadow and a perfect human pillar force alive!

The horror of combat power is probably going to catch up with the original Hokage!


Mifune has a full view of the previous battle, not to mention how complicated his mood is now.

The reason why he pushed for this meeting was to act as a bridge for the re-establishment of peace between Yunyin Village and Konoha Village, so that they could sign a new alliance contract.

As a result, I never expected that good intentions did a big bad thing!

Four generations of Thunder Shadow, Two-Tailed Man Zhu Li, Nozomi, Darui… The four representatives of Yunyin Village have all become prisoners of the Konoha side!

And considering that the Land of Thunder is already a very belligerent country, after being insulted so much, it will inevitably choose revenge.

What followed was a war between the two great powers, and after only 9 years apart, another full-scale war in the ninja world was about to break out!

“Brother Mifune, there is no need to say more. No matter what happens in the future, I can assure you that the position of the Iron Country as a neutral country will not change!”

It’s nothing more than being afraid of the country of thunder and pouring anger on their heads.

Lu Li has a saying that is very good!

Peace is a pure land created by a strong ability to stop war!

The current Konoha Village has this ability!

You must know that the Thunder Shadow and the Two-Tailed Pillar Force are now in their hands, and at this time, the Yunyin Village is not only leaderless, but also lacks two top-level combat power all of a sudden!

At this time, Yunyin Village dared to start a war, it was definitely kicked in the head by Lu Li!

Next, the three generations have to think about how to deal with these four people.


Unless Lu Li was kicked in the head, and it was kicked countless times, he would do this!



You can’t kill it, you can’t put it!

The three generations subconsciously looked at Lu Li, and when did it start, even in the eyes of a Hokage, Lu Li’s opinion was already indispensable.

“Lu Li, what to do with this person, tell me what you think!”

Three generations discussed with Lu Li in private.

Lu Li didn’t want to think about it and said: “It’s very simple, Yumu is already mine, and it has nothing to do with anyone!” As for the remaining three guys, leave Lei Ying and Xi, and let Darui go back to Yunyin Village to spread the word.” Let’s just say, if you want to redeem Lei Ying and Xi, take out 10 billion taels, otherwise, tear up the ticket!”

The third generation gasped.

It’s too simple… It’s thick!

The idea of the three generations is to symbolically take some compensation, and then force Yunyin Village to re-sign a peace covenant with Konoha, it’s almost the same!

In contrast, he found that he was still too young!

also underestimated Lu Li’s ruthlessness!

But thinking about it, he immediately understood Lu Li’s intentions.

After all, the world of Naruto is not a developed industrial civilization, and GD has not reached the level of tens of trillions at every turn.

The gap between the economic scale of agricultural civilization and industrial civilization is very large!

For example, it has been estimated that the GDP of the Celestial Empire during the Tang Dynasty was about $35 billion, accounting for more than 50% of the world’s GDP at that time

And the Celestial Empire in the industrial age, the current GDP is already more than 10 trillion US dollars!

300 or more gaps


According to the price of the Hokage World, the ransom of 10 billion taels, even if it is a five or six discount, is enough to make Yunyin Village break its muscles and bones, and then tighten its belt and live a hard life for several years!

And war does not rely on roaring, but on national strength! And the economy is a very important factor in this!

As soon as the so-called cannon sounds, there are ten thousand taels of gold!

If you can’t get enough to eat, then it’s a fart fight!

Therefore, let’s not talk about whether Yunyin Village can get this money or not, even if it can be taken, after Lei Ying returned to Yunyin Village, the first thing he thought about was not to fight and take revenge, but to find a way to feed everyone’s stomachs!

So will Yunyin Village refuse to take money to ransom people?

It’s possible, but it’s not likely!

You must know that the current Thunder Shadow is in the prime of life, and his combat power is at its peak!

Whoever is missing in Yunyin Village can’t be without Thunder Shadow!

What’s more, as the brother of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, Kirabi will definitely find a way to redeem his brother-in-law!

There wasn’t too much entanglement, and after a little thought, the three generations agreed to Lu Li’s plan.

Directly put Darui back in Yunyin Village!

And they are ready to wait for news in the capital of the Iron Country, and complete this transaction!

Since they were still preparing to spend some time in the Iron Country, Lu Li’s plans were naturally not necessary to hide them from Mifune.

When Mifune learned of their intentions, he was also stunned for a long time.

100 taels of ransom, and dare to open your mouth!

In a small country like the Land of Iron, the land is barren.

If it’s them, don’t say 10 billion taels, it’s enough to take out 1 billion taels!

“Aren’t you really worried about starting a war?” asked Mifune, incredulously.

He had always thought that the Hokage and the Thunderkage had agreed to attend this meeting for the sake of peace.

To this end, I have also made a lot of efforts.

“With the belligerence of Yunyin Village, it will definitely be provoked, and war will be inevitable!”

Mifune’s emotions became agitated.

Although the Land of Iron is a neutral country, as a buffer between the two great powers, it is likely to become a battlefield.

This is the last thing Mifune wants to see!

Moreover, once Konoha Village and Yunyin Village start a war, other ninja villages may not be honest in watching the show.

Once this matter is not handled well, it is very likely to evolve into the Fourth Ninja World War. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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