Not far away.

Mao, the second-place hero of the B-rank, and the third-ranked mountain ape, both looked at this scene stupidly, and they both fell into a state of petrification for a while.

This…… What’s the situation?!

The eyelashes opened their mouths, and after being stunned for a few seconds, they couldn’t help but subconsciously say, “Blow, blow snow?”

“…… Huh?”

Blowing Snow was still standing behind Lu Li, her two little hands were pinching and pressing on Lu Li’s shoulders, and when she heard the words of her eyelashes, she looked over a little dazedly.

In this confusion, her consciousness gradually recovered, revealing a stunned expression, looking down at the movements of her hands, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes.

Why did Lu Li suddenly ask her to come over and pinch her shoulder, and why did he agree?

I didn’t figure out the situation for a while, and the movements of her hands didn’t stop, they continued until two or three minutes passed, and she stopped moving a little stiffly.

The atmosphere became eerie.

It was around this time that Lu Li stretched his body, lifted his head from under the soft snowball, and left the chaise longue to look up at the sky above.

“Hmm. ”

“It’s almost time to start. ”


Association of Heroes.

Central monitoring room.

The fluorescent screen is projected in the air, forming a three-dimensional projection of a blue planet, the Earth.

And above the earth, there was a star cluster glowing with fire, and the trajectory was impressively coming in the direction of the earth, which was a meteorite rain composed of more than a dozen huge meteorites!

At this moment, the entire monitoring room was in chaos, and many staff members were constantly dialing the phone, contacting the personnel of various branches and the S-class heroes of the Hero Association

“Haven’t you calculated the crash location yet?!”

A director of the Hero Guild looked at the picture and asked loudly, slightly nervously.

“It’s going to be right away!”

The nearest staff member quickly clicked the button, and the screen in front of him was a line of data and a three-dimensional unreal model.

At the top of a high-level monitoring room of the Hero Association, looking at the data in a corner of the huge three-dimensional projection above, he said in a deep voice with a slightly solemn expression:

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“In the end, it’s a god-level disaster that has never happened before… Even the aftermath of the creation and the threat caused by it can already be judged as a dragon. ”

This is the aftermath of the battle between the Bald Emperor and the One-Eyed Emperor!

The battle between the Bald Emperor and the One-Eyed Emperor many days ago destroyed a large number of meteorites in the asteroid belt, and also destroyed a meteorite that had been captured by the Hero Guild a long time ago and was about to fall in the direction of Earth, so that it would be destroyed in space.


The fighting between the two sides has also caused instability in the asteroid belt.

These dozen meteorites that smashed into the earth were just a small part of some of the meteorites that were shaken out by the aftermath of the battle many days ago, and their trajectory happened to be in the earth’s orbit, and they were captured by the earth’s gravity and then smashed in the direction of the earth.


At this moment, on the screen in front of a staff member, the constantly changing data was finally fixed, and a clear trajectory appeared on the diorama.

“Report! The specific landing point has been calculated! It is in City C!”

“The fall will be about thirty-seven minutes later!”

“The disaster level is expected to be dragon-level!

The voices of the staff rang out throughout the main monitoring room.

A supervisor of the Hero Association immediately turned his head, looked to the other side, and said loudly, “Immediately notify the S-class heroes of the location information and specific time!”

“Yes. ”

Several staff members immediately responded.

Another supervisor nearby looked over and said, “To prevent a disaster of this magnitude, it should be enough for Mr. Bald Emperor alone, and after all, he made it.” ”

“It’s not that simple. ”

A staff member next to him said in a low voice: “Mr. Bald Emperor’s strength is very strong, but the aftermath he created will also cause considerable damage, no worse than ordinary disasters, and the number of meteorites that fell this time is too much, it is inevitable that there will be some accidents in the process.” ”

Unlike meteorites floating in the asteroid belt.

Each of these meteorites that fell to the earth has carried extremely huge kinetic energy due to high-speed movement, and stationary and moving are two completely different states!

The supervisor slapped his forehead and sighed, “Miss Tatsumaki just isn’t here, otherwise if she and Mr. Bald Emperor are together, the disaster should be minimized.” ”


City C

Blowing snow, who didn’t understand why he listened to Lu Li’s words, watched Lu Li stand up and look up at the sky, the expression on his face was quite unnatural.

She stopped talking and stopped, and when she was about to say something, a siren suddenly sounded from the center of the city, and spread in all directions. _

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