“Naruto Uzumaki is hidden in the center of the village, and these Uchiha traitors are just bait to divert the tiger from the mountain. ”

Rikuri threw a word to Hiza, Itachi, and Fugaku, and then prepared to rush to the center of the village to find Naruto.

Just then…

A huge amount of chakra rolled over like a wave.

“This chakra…

Uchiha Itachi’s eyes widened instantly, and his gaze couldn’t help but look in the direction of the chakra explosion.

And what shocked him the most was that this direction was not somewhere else, it was the center of the village.

“He’s meowing, Naruto is gone!” Lu Li was also stunned for a moment.

This chakra is not only very majestic, but also full of evil aura.

The image of Naruto’s tailed beast flashed through Lu Li’s mind.

He opened his eyes, so he could see the chakra sweeping out like a tidal wave.

This is enough to prove how terrifying the guy who owns this chakra is.

The worst thing is that the location of this chakra outbreak is clearly the center of the village.

Fu Yue said in a deep voice, “Who released the Nine Tails?”

“It’s Obito!” Itachi said with a solemn face.

Once the Nine-Tails get out of control, the destructive power generated is very terrifying.

If you don’t hurry over to stop it, I’m afraid the entire village will be destroyed by the Nine-Tails.

The bottom line is that this is not the first time this has happened.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the night of the Nine-Tails turmoil back then is still a lingering shadow in the village.

“Itachi, stay here and deal with the Uchiha Rebel Ninja, the others will be controlled by their Sharingan. ”

Lu Li dropped a sentence and hurried towards the center of the village.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan can indeed control the Nine-Tails, but the Uchiha Reninja here also needs someone who can suppress Sharingan to deal with it!

This is the second time that the Nine-Tails has gone berserk!

But the same Nine-Tails went berserk, but the situation was completely different.

The previous time, it was Obito who took advantage of Jiu Sinai’s birth to channel the nine-tails into the village, which is equivalent to the wild nine-tails.

However, this time, it was Naruto’s consciousness that was eroded by the Nine-Tails, and it was the tailed beast of the human pillar force.

In other words, although the Nine-Tails this time is only half of the original chakra, its strength will only be stronger.

Because Naruto said with the help of Dilarda’s mouth, a tailed beast without human pillar power is just a beast with relatively strong strength.


Suddenly, Lu Li recalled another detail.

When Naruto was fully nine-tailed for the first time, the wave of wind and water appeared in his inner world and repaired the seal.

“Itachi, you go and help too, I’m here here!” Uchiha Fugaku said suddenly.

“Yes, Father!”

Itachi immediately went after Lu Li.

He had to stop before the Nine-Tails destroyed the village.

Otherwise, the situation of the Uchiha clan that has been improved with great difficulty will be even worse!

“Why did Obito destroy the village?” asked Itachi after catching up with Lu Li.

It is estimated that except for Lu Li, the intention of the people who released the Nine-Tails was to destroy Konoha.

But in fact, the real purpose of Obito is to collect tailed beasts.

It’s just that because of the lack of intelligence, it is unlikely that the people in the village will know the truth.

So from the perspective of the ferret, the nine-tailed rampage this time is the same as the nine-tailed rampage eight years ago.

Lu Li didn’t explain anything, locked the location of the Nine-Tails with his white eyes, and then rushed to the location of the Nine-Tails’ rampage at full speed.


The three generations also felt the powerful and evil chakra of the Nine-Tails.


The three generations are in charge of the Hokage Building, and the dark department has just completed the assembly.

At this moment, I felt an extremely powerful and at the same time very evil chakra erupt in the village.

Moreover, this familiar chakra made him identify the other party at once.

Nine-tailed Nine Lamas!

The rampaging Nine-Tails will endanger everyone in the village.

Whether it is a ninja, an ordinary villager, or a child, they will all be attacked indiscriminately by the Nine-Tails.

Last time, in order to stop the Nine-Tails, Bo Feng Shuimen did not hesitate to use the ghoul seal to sacrifice himself to save the village.

“Uchiha rebel ninja… Tail… Madara, is it you again?” muttered Miyo to himself.

Suddenly, he realized that this time the situation was completely different from the last time.

At that time, the Nine-Tails went berserk, and it was Jiu Sinai who was robbed of the Nine-Tails when she gave birth.

And now, I’m afraid that Naruto’s consciousness was devoured by the Nine-Tails, so he carried out the tailed beast.

In other words, even if the three generations did not hesitate to sacrifice themselves, they would not be able to use the ghoul seal to stop the Nine-Tails’ rampage.

“Lu left to hunt down the Uchiha traitor… It’s not good, this is a tiger leaving the mountain!” the three generations couldn’t help but roar.

The Uchiha renegade hijacking Naruto was a trick to make them think that Naruto was in the hands of the renegade, in order to attract the people in the village who had the strength to deal with the Nine-Tails to revolve around those renegades.

On the other hand, the nine-tails were unknowingly released in the center of the village, so as to achieve the goal of destroying the village.

The third generation hurriedly said: “Stroke in the mountain, go find Lu Li!”

As a perceptual guard, letting him go to Lu Li is the most suitable person.

However, the three generations also knew in their hearts that Lu Li and Itachi went to the edge of the village to round up the Uchiha traitor.

It may take a little time for them to arrive for support.

“Oil girl takes the root!”

After explaining the task of mountain stroke, the three generations hurriedly looked at the oil girl to take the root.

The worms on his body can quickly convey the message to the roots and the ninjas of the Oil Girl clan.

“Hurry up and evacuate the civilians in the village, as well as the ninjas below the upper ninja!”


The oil girl took the root to respond without hesitation, and disappeared in front of the three generations with the mountain stroke as quickly as possible.

Miyo looked at the rest of the people, then took a deep breath.

Although he is proficient in the Five Escape Ninjutsu, he is the only one who does not know the time and space ninjutsu.

Back then, Bo Feng Shui Gate transferred the Nine Tails out of the village through the technique of the Flying Thunder God.

However, he couldn’t repeat the same trick.

“Can you only fight to delay time?”

The eyes of the three generations condensed slightly, and they couldn’t imagine that at such an age, they would have to stop the Nine-Tails again.

“I can only put together this old bone. ”

As he spoke, the three generations directly raised their arms, bit their thumbs, drew a horizontal line on their palms with their own blood, and then quickly sealed their hands.

Spiritism, Ape King, Ape Demon!

As the palms of the three generations slammed to the ground.


White smoke spread in all directions, and a white-haired ape in armor appeared out of thin air in front of the three generations.

He clasped his hands around his chest, and before he could ask who the enemy Miyo was facing this time, he felt a huge and evil chakra.

Moreover, even the ape demon was impressed by this chakra.

“Obediently, this chakra? Nine-Tails has gone berserk again?”

The ape demon couldn’t help but be stunned, what happened back then, and he still remembers it vividly.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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