“Mirror dimension, go!”

As soon as Lu Li stretched out his hand, the mirror dimension flew out, enveloping Malekith, who was spreading the ether particles.

In the mirror dimension, nothing can affect the real world!

“You’re… The Supreme Mage of Midgard?”

Malekith looked at Lu Li and the Ancient One, his face was solemn to the extreme, the Ancient One’s hands were folded, like two butterflies flying up and down, and the powerful magic power was condensed, forming a fan blade in his hands.

This time, the Ancient One did not absorb the power of the dark dimension, and he stood side by side with Lu Li, his eyes staring at the aether particles of Malekith.

Lu Li also infused divine power into the Mind Gem, emitting powerful fluctuations of Spiritual Energy.

“I’ll entangle him and create an opportunity for you, are you sure you can kill him in a minute?” asked the Ancient One.

The time for celestial bodies to converge is extremely short, so the time to rest in this space is only a few minutes, and once the time point is exceeded, the timeline of this universe will be disturbed.

“No problem!”

Lu Li responded, and before the Eternal Sword could be stabbed, the energy of the Mind Gem had already fallen with a bang.


Shocking hearts!

Malekith’s face turned pale, and he hurriedly manipulated the energy of the ether particles, counteracting the power from the mind gem, while the ancient figure flashed, waving the golden blades of his hands.

“Get out of here!” Malekith quickly drew his other hand towards the Ancient One.

The aether particles split into two halves, one half resisting Lu Li’s telekinetic energy, and the other half attacking the Ancient One.

The Eye of Agomoto opened, and the dark green energy formed a circle of magic runes, which suddenly exploded in the fan blade that Gu Yi swung.

Touching the dark green energy, the dark red aether particles retreated as if they were electrocuted.

On one side is the Reality Gem, and on the other side is the simultaneous attack of the Time Gem and the Mind Gem.

In terms of numbers, Malekis, who is holding the Reality Gem, has already fallen behind.

Gu Yi took advantage of the situation and bullied up, and his hands fell like a storm.


After several battles, Malekith’s body was cut a few times by the Ancient One, and he saw that the aether particles were suppressed by the Time Gem and the Mind Gem.

So he hurriedly counterattacked, but he was all resisted by the magic shield of the ancient one.

The aether particles that dealt with Lu Li’s half suddenly seemed to have lost their purpose, and Malekith suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he found that Lu Li had disappeared in place again.

Where is it?

The moment Malekith was distracted, the mirror dimension shattered.

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A vast thunderbolt came from the sky, and the meteorite fell towards Malekith’s head.

“No… I have planned countless years, not to end here, but to see the whole world annihilated!”

Malekith roared, and all the aether particles erupted, gathering like a sandstorm.

Thinking of resisting Lu Li’s sword.

The nearest ancient one’s hands quickly cast the spell, and the energy of the Eye of Agomoto surged, causing the particles of the ether to suddenly slammed, and in the next second, he also welded any door in mid-air with his bare hands.

Lu Li stabbed out a thunderous sword, and it was about to collide with the aether particles.

At this time, in front of him, a portal suddenly appeared with golden sparks.

Lu Li rushed into the portal, and his figure disappeared in place.

The aether particles shot out and flew into the air, and Malekith’s face turned pale as he mobilized all the aether particles to fend off Lu Li’s attack.

And yet at this very moment.

Behind Malekith a portal appears again.


The dazzling Thunder Sword stabbed out from behind, and in a flash of lightning, it pierced Malekith’s head.

The power of the Mind Gem exploded again, and the endless energy destroyed Malekith’s will, his mind.

The riot of the aether particles gradually subsided.

It was as if the wind had stopped, hovering in mid-air, condensing into a mass of fluid and floating.


Malekith staggered and fell to his knees, his eyes staring vacantly ahead, and gradually losing his life.

“Quick, remove the mirror dimension!”

Gu Yi reminded him, Lu Li immediately waved his hand, and the mirror dimension disappeared in a flash, and the three of them returned to reality.

The wind blew again, and the people on the battlefield who were still just now.

At this moment, the fight resumed.

Captain Mi was pressed to the ground by a mad cursed warrior, and the black widow behind him was bloodied, and he picked up the weapon of the dark elf and shot the head of the cursed warrior with a sword.

Iron Man’s energy cannon kept shooting, and Green Fat and Thor were back to back, dealing with the siege of six or seven cursed warriors.

“Your king is dead, cease fighting!”

Lu Li raised the Eternal Sword, the energy of the Mind Gem rippled, and everyone on the battlefield stopped attacking.

The aether particles floating in mid-air were taken in the hands of the ancient one and cast a magic.

The particles scattered elsewhere gathered one after another, causing the cursed warriors to lose the source of their strength, and their bodies dried up and disappeared.

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