“There are gangsters robbing banks. ”

“There were about five gangsters, all with guns in their hands, and they had taken hostages. ”

Lu Li could see the struggling look in Clark’s eyes, he wanted to assist the police, but he was also worried that his ability would be exposed and cause trouble for his family.

“Clark, if you want to help, and you don’t want people to know, just make some disguises, come on, take this on your head!”

Lu Li casually picked up the greasy yellow paper bag on the table, which had been filled with burgers and lattes.

When Clark saw the greasy yellow paper bag in Lu Li’s hand at that time, his whole face turned green.

“Teacher, you’re letting me wear this? I’d rather die than put this thing on my head!”

Lu Li smiled: “It’s better than wearing underwear!”


Lu Li: “Maybe I can take a moment and find you a beautiful mask…”

“But there’s no time left, the hostages’ lives are in danger at any time!” Clark scanned the room with his clairvoyant eyes, and pulled out two Halloween masks from the closet.

He took one with himself, threw the other to Lu Li, and then rushed out in an instant, like a red lightning bolt, disappearing at the end of the street.

Lu Li touched his nose, glanced at the mask, didn’t wear it, and followed.


West Street Town Bank, five gun-wielding gangsters have taken everyone in the bank hostage.

In such a vicious incident, the small town police dispatched almost all their police forces, and drove ten police cars to fence off the bank.

“Listen to the gangsters inside, you have been surrounded, immediately lay down your arms and surrender, and strive for leniency!”

In response to J Cha’s shout, the gunfire of the gangsters inside, a burly man with a cigar in his mouth, held a machine gun at the door for a burst of strafing, tongues of fire poured out, and all J Cha found cover to hide.

In the midst of a series of gunfire, the burly gangster laughed and said, “Haha, surrender?

The burly gangster was followed by four people, three of whom were carrying four or five large bags and small bags, needless to say that they must have been filled with dollar bills, and the last one had a hostage in his hand, a young girl.

“Listen to me, slivers, there are more than a dozen hostages, plus a bundle of explosives, you find us a truck at once, otherwise, be careful that I detonate the explosives!”

As he spoke, the burly gangster also shook a remote control in his hand, saying, if you don’t agree to our request, let’s get ready for the funeral!

“What about Sheriff James?”

The police officers looked at each other, they were worried about people’s safety, they did not dare to act rashly, and they were unwilling to let these gangsters leave.

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Sergeant James hammered the police car hard: “Fake, life is at stake, do what the gangsters ask, rescue the hostages first!”

At this time, a figure appeared on the field one after another, with a black mask on his face, and for a while, the eyes of everyone around him fell on this person.

“Where did the bear kid come out?”

“Why do you still have a face shield?”

“I guess it’s a bear kid at a masquerade!”

Clark ignored the discussion of the crowd around him, he stared at the girl who was kidnapped by the gangsters, and whispered: “It’s Chloe, she was kidnapped, I have to save her!”

“Who is Chloe?” Lu Li asked rhetorically.

He was some distance away from Clark, but he could hear Clark’s voice, and what he said could reach Clark’s ears.

“I am also a member of the editor of our school newspaper. ”

Clark said, about to go ahead, the police officer on the side saw Clark, and immediately shouted: “Boy, what do you want to do, get out of here for me, don’t make trouble!”

Sheriff James also looked over, he frowned and said, “Which family are you from, what is your name…”

Clark was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice, “Teacher…”

Lu Li’s voice sounded in his head: “Your name is Superman.” ”

Kra immediately interrupted Sheriff James’ words in a thick voice, and said in a deep voice, “Please call me Superman!”

As soon as the word Superman came out, everyone was collectively stunned.

Clark himself was stunned for a moment, “Uh-uh… Teacher, when I hear this name, I feel like a second uncle in a leotard, it’s too earthy!”

Lu Li was also stunned, the young and ignorant Clark Kent actually said, ‘Superman’s code name is too earthy!’

The official complaint is the most deadly!

So he immediately took out his mobile phone and planned to record it: “Clark, I didn’t hear it clearly just now, please repeat what you just said.” ”

Clark looked at Lu Li’s phone and walked over, and swallowed the words that came to his mouth in a daze.

Sheriff James on the side was furious and yelled at Clark, “I don’t care what your name is Superman, get out of here immediately, or I’ll arrest you for obstructing the execution of official duties!” Tom, blast him out of here!”

The gangsters who kidnapped Chloe on the other side were also angry, and in particular, we came out to rob the bank, and a bear child appeared there to steal the limelight.

And he was surrounded by J Cha, and he couldn’t take the opportunity to escape.

So the gangsters also shouted, “Hey, have you figured out the situation, the first time the labor and management robbed the bank, is it good to give some face, what about the car I asked you to prepare? If the truck doesn’t come again, I will shoot this girl immediately!”

As he spoke, he pointed a gun at Chloe’s head, and at the same time raised the bomb remote control in his hand, ready to press it without saying a word. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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