Clark took out the spaceship key in his pocket, and the long key actually floated directly in midair, like a compass, and turned in midair, and finally pointed in a direction.

“Oh no, Newton’s coffin board can’t be pressed!” Lu Li complained in his heart.

“I feel like it’s pointing me in the right direction. Clark looked in the direction the key was pointing, and he was more sure that the sound was coming from there.

That direction pointed to the North Pole, and of course Lu Li knew that Superman’s Fortress of Loneliness was also in the North Pole.

There seems to be a version that the ship’s key guides Superman to the Fortress of Solitude, and then Superman is guided by the phantom of his biological father, Joe Al, in the Fortress of Solitude, and becomes the real Superman.

“Your mission is calling you… Go Clark!” Lu Li encouraged.

“But I don’t know how long I’ll be going, my parents’ side—” Clark was still a little worried.

“I will explain it to your parents clearly, and if you can know your background, they will also be happy for you, you big man, don’t ink, there is still me in the town, you can rest assured!”

What Lu Li can’t stand the most is the twisting and pinching of these old men, he can do whatever he wants, why do he still have idol baggage?

Hearing Lu Li’s words, Clark smiled self-deprecatingly, “Thank you, teacher!”

Lu Li also smiled and hammered Clarke’s shoulder.

The spaceship key suspended in mid-air seemed to feel Clark’s will, and it suddenly let out a slight tremor, and then ‘whoosh’, shooting straight out in the direction of the North Pole.

“Go, Clark, follow the key!” Lu Li said with a look of encouragement from his eyes.

Clark nodded heavily and said in a deep voice, “Tell your parents instead of me, and I’ll be back soon.” ”

Before he could finish speaking, Clark disappeared in an instant, turning into a bolt of lightning and chasing after the ship’s key.

Lu Li roughly calculated, from Kansas to the North Pole, it will be about 550 kilometers, but unfortunately the little Superman at this time can’t fly, otherwise he can fly over in minutes.

If it’s with running… Suddenly there was an inexplicable heart.

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Superman can’t fly is a real pit!

Seeing Clark disappear into the horizon, Lu Li yawned, it was already late at this time, and it was time to go back to sleep.

I don’t know how long Clark in this world will stay in the lonely fortress, but I hope that when I wake up, I can see a Kryptonian child!


North pole.

The emergency rescue satellites of the U.S. Imperial Aerospace Agency at the poles found that there was an anomaly under a glacier in the Arctic.

At first, some scientists thought it was a Soviet-era submarine, but studies have shown that the contents have been around for more than 20,000 years.

A helicopter slowly landed on this side of the glacier, and out of it came a woman wrapped in a thick anti-freeze suit, although she was wearing bloated clothes, but she could not hide her temperament at all, she was like a snow lotus blooming proudly in this thousands of miles of ice and snow.

The woman got off the helicopter, and the man who had been waiting for a long time stepped forward and greeted: “Ms. Louise Lane, I am the on-site manager of Arctic Cargo, you can call me John, and I will take you to the station.” ”

Louise put on her windproof glasses and smiled and said, “Thank you.” ”

“I’ll help you with your luggage, and you can just follow me. John led the way in front, and he smiled and complimented Louise: “Lady Louise, although I am not a fan of the Planet Daily, I am very impressed by the articles you wrote by the First Division, you are an amazing reporter!”

“I just did what a journalist does, Mr. John. ”

Louise responded modestly, she followed the man forward a few hundred meters, and suddenly a huge glacier appeared in front of her, in front of the glacier was the temporary base of the scientific expedition team, but now the military has sent people to station.

“Is what they found ahead of us?” asked Louise.

“Yes, it is said that those scientists used sonar to detect a 300-meter-long metal object under the glacier, can you imagine, 300 meters long, the world’s largest nuclear submarine is far from reaching this length, it is simply an aircraft carrier!”

“Are you kidding, an aircraft carrier 20,000 years ago?

“I’m not kidding, Lady Louise, I think the most important thing at the moment is to settle you down first, and I’ll take you to the dormitory, but Lady Louise, don’t leave the station until the evening, the temperature will plummet to minus forty degrees, and your body will be found after spring. ”

As the two chatted, John soon took Louise to a warehouse, where Louise Lane, a reporter from the Daily Planet, would follow and report on the secrets under the Arctic glacier for the next few days. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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