“At that time, we used up our natural resources, so our planetary core became unstable, and eventually, our military leader, General Zod, staged a coup d’état, but it was too late, your mother and I foresaw the danger, Karl, you are the first child born naturally on Krypton in these centuries, and the first thing we think of is to save your life!”

After listening to Joe Al’s story, Clark was a little unacceptable for a while, and he asked suspiciously, “Then why don’t you come with me?”

“We can’t do it, Karl, no matter how much we desire and love you, we are all the same as General Zord, the product of failure produced by our world, and we are closely bound to the fate of Krypton.

And you, the son of Krypton, are also the children of the earth, you can embody the essence of the two worlds, it is the dream that your mother and I try our best to protect, you will guide the people of the earth, give the people of the earth the ideals that they strive for, they will try to catch up behind you, they will stumble, they will fall, but in the end, they will fight side by side with you under the sun.

Finally, you will help them to work miracles, which is also the meaning of the symbol of our El family. ”

After Clark heard his father’s words, Lu Li’s figure suddenly flashed in his mind, and he suddenly laughed.

“What’s wrong, my child?” asked Joe Eyre.

“I suddenly remembered a friend. Clark said.

After hearing this, Joe El also showed a kind smile: “I’m glad that you have made friends on Earth, but you may not be able to meet your friends for a while, because I still have a lot of knowledge to teach you, as well as guide you, how to fight, are you willing to learn?”

“I do, I’m learning fast!” said Clarke, no pressure.

“Oh, yes? I’m going to give you all the knowledge of the twenty-eight galaxies we know about Krypton, and then you need to learn this knowledge every day, and you need to learn how to use it and strengthen your own power. ”

Joe El turned around and walked towards the inside of the spaceship, not forgetting to greet Clark: “Now, you come with me!”

Clarke’s face darkened when he heard that he was going to learn about twenty-eight galaxies.

You’re really my father!


Small town.

Almost every day, the Kent couple would ask Lu Li about his condition.

“Mr. Kent, I can really be sure that I am safe now, there is no one in this world who can threaten his life, okay?”

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In this way, Lu Li didn’t know how often, he knew that the Kent couple doted on their son so much, and he should have gone to the North Pole with Clark.

Clark’s adoptive mother, Aunt Martha, has not been thinking about doing farm work recently, she has lost a lot of weight, and has been complaining: “Clark is still young, he has been away from home for almost two months, what if he is cheated by bad people, if he follows others to learn badly, I really don’t know what to do!”

It’s been two months since Clark left town for the North Pole.

Clark is now getting stronger and stronger at an incredible rate.

Although Ken’s father was also worried about Clark’s safety, he did not show it, but comforted his wife Martha, saying, “I believe in Clark, he will be back soon.” ”

At this time, there was a sudden rumbling noise in the sky, and the three of them looked up to see that something like a meteor was falling to the earth.

However, as if it had detected something, the thing suddenly crossed an arc in the air, and it actually fell from the sky towards Kent Farm.

“God, what is that? Is it a shooting star?” asked Aunt Martha, covering her mouth, in astonishment.

Father Ken’s brows furrowed, and he ran towards the house as he said, “Meteor doesn’t change direction on its own, Martha, you take Lu Li out of here!”

With that, Father Ken took out a shotgun from the house and loaded it.

The moment the meteor appeared, Lu Li used his super vision to check, and he found that among the flames was a spaceship, in which sat a man and a woman, and they were carrying weapons far beyond the earth’s technology.

“Kent, Martha, get out of here, it’s not something you can deal with. ”

Lu Li appears on the farm.


The ‘Meteor’ crashed into Kent Farm, and the huge shockwave instantly destroyed the crops planted by the Kent couple, but fortunately, Lu Li stood in front of the second elder to protect him from the impact force.

Lu Li strode forward, and the Kent couple snuggled together and followed behind Lu Li.

Upon approaching, the three of them could clearly see that it was a spaceship that had fallen, and at this moment, the hatch opened, and two people with black armor wrapped in their bodies walked out.

“I feel a powerful aura, you’re… Carl Air. ”

The shorter figure stepped forward, and the voice she made was naturally Kryptonian, but in her ears, she could understand it. _

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