As Superman’s mortal enemy, a war maniac dedicated to transforming Earth into Krypton, General Zod’s ideas stand on the opposite side of all mankind without any suspense.

He is bent on finding the Secret Book of Life stolen by Joe El, so he has been frantically searching for the whereabouts of Clark and the whereabouts of the Secret Book of Life all these years.

Once the Secret Book of Life falls into Zod’s hands, he will be able to use the World Engine to transform the Earth into Krypton, but the humans on Earth will not be able to adapt to the changes of the planet and die.

In Zod’s view, only on the ruins will a new life be established, as long as the Kryptonian civilization can be rebuilt, let alone sacrificing an earth, even if all the lives in the universe are buried, he will not hesitate!

“It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t come to Earth, if Zod dares to come to Earth, I will definitely treat him well!”

Lu Li raised his fist high against the dying Kryptonian warrior Joel and smashed it down.


Joel spat out a mouthful of blood, a large chunk of his chest collapsing, and his eyes lost their brightness as his heart stopped beating.

“So unbeaten…”

accidentally beat a Kryptonian to death, Lu Li was a little helpless.

“Sheriff James, the body inside will be handed over to you to dispose of!”

With that, Lu Li left the café.

In the sky, there was another roar, and Lu Li followed the direction from which the sound came from, and it was the spaceship piloted by Flao, ready to leave.

“I didn’t kill women, forget it…”

Looking at the spaceship that disappeared into the air, Lu Li casually threw a punch.


The ship piloted by Fra O had already flown far away, but it still disintegrated in the air.

The fragments of the ship and Fura O fell from the sky like meteors, through a large dark cloud, and suddenly saw light again.

Fura O fell to the ground of an island, roaring and trembling.

“Huh…” Lu Li was suddenly stunned for a moment, and disappeared the next moment.

At the time of appearance, he was already suspended in mid-air, landing the Kryptonian warrior Frao in a deep pit in the ground.

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This is an island, and the water on the island is beautiful.

After a while, there was a sudden sound of horses’ hooves in the distance on the island, and Lu Li slowly landed on a rock and looked into the distance.

In the jungle of the island, a group of all-female cavalry appeared, wearing armor similar to that of ancient Greece, holding bows and arrows in their hands, galloping in the direction of Lu Li and Fura Ao.

“Paradise Island, they should be… Amazons!”

Lu Li naturally knew that on the earth of the D universe, there was a place similar to the daughter country, that is, the Amazon clan who lived on the paradise island.

Fura O had already gotten up from the pit at this time, she glanced coldly at the Amazon cavalry riding over in the distance, and snorted coldly: “It’s still using cold weapons, the earth is really a backward and low-level planet.” ”

Less than a hundred meters away from them, the Amazons on horseback jumped up, made a beautiful arc in the air, and tumbled and landed around Lu Li and Fura Ao, surrounding the two.

“Intruder, this is not the place you should be!”

The one who spoke was a woman on horseback, who looked like she was only in her thirties, wearing a luxurious military uniform, and her whole person was extraordinary.

Lu Li knew from her clothes that this woman was the leader of the Amazons, or should I say the queen, according to the setting of the Amazons in Paradise Island’s immortality, her age was probably after thirty plus a zero is not too much.

Lu Li just smiled.

But Fura O didn’t pay any attention to these uncivilized primitives, she stepped on her feet, her body rushed out very quickly, her right hand clenched into a fist, and she slammed it in front of her.

It was as if a wave of air appeared out of thin air, knocking all the Amazon warriors in front of her into the air.

Fortunately, the Amazons are far more powerful than mortals, so in the face of Fra Ao’s punch, they were only slightly injured, and they were not killed on the spot.

Fura O’s actions completely put both sides… No, it should be the smoke of gunpowder from the three sides, the queen of the Amazon has a cold look in her eyes, she draws the long sword at her waist, waves it and roars: “Attack, destroy the invaders!”


The surrounding Amazonian female warriors all showed their weapons, wielding swords and drawing bows, and launched an attack on Fura O and Lu Li in an instant.

“Hey, hey, I’m not in the same group as her, don’t think that I won’t dare to beat you if you’re a woman!” Lu Li shook his head.

But these Amazonian warriors didn’t reason with him at all, and several arrows were fired, most of them aimed at Fura Or, who had already shot, and one of them was aimed at Lu Li’s heart.

Fra O slammed all the Amazons who surrounded her to the ground, and she charged all the way to the sea, with the obvious intention of salvaging the debris of the ship, which had sunk into the sea, after all, Clark’s ship inside.

And in her opinion, in Clark’s spaceship, there is the secret book of life that Zod wants, and that is the most important thing!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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