Paradise Island, the main hall of the Amazon Castle.

Diana held the Lasso of Truth and tied up Fura O, and then she explained to Lu Li: “This is called the Lasso of Truth, and the person bound by it will say what he really thinks in his heart. ”

“Awesome, this is a powerful weapon!”

Lu Li smiled kindly at Diana, even though he had long known what this golden glowing rope was, but… Ahem.

Queen Hippolyta, who was standing around with the Amazons, was the first to speak and asked Fra Or, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

Although Fra O was reluctant to answer Queen Hippolyta’s words, the divine power of the Lasso of Shingon made her can’t help but want to tell the truth, especially since Fra O was affected by kryptonite at this time, and she was weakened and unable to resist the power of the Lasso of Shingrum.

“My name is Fura O, and I am on the orders of General Zod… Come here to find… The Secret Book of Life!”

“What is the Secret Book of Life?” asked Diana curiously.

Fula O found himself unable to resist the power of the Lasso of Shingrum, but fortunately gave up, “What can regenerate my people, it should be in my ship, and I must send it to General Zod.” ”

This surprised the Amazons present, because in their eyes, wanting to revive their own community did not sound like a bad thing.

Lu Li naturally understood the thoughts of these people, and he immediately asked, “Where will General Zode revive his race.” ”

“From the galaxy we know, the earth is undoubtedly the most suitable place, although the earth is a backward planet, but its astronomical conditions and all aspects of the factors are very good, what is even more rare is that the earth has been under the yellow sun for a long time, we kryptonian people are here, can have extraordinary abilities. Fura O replied.

“You rebuild your race on Earth, so what will happen to the earthlings?” Lu Li continued to ask, although he already knew the answer, he still needed to let Diana hear it with his own ears.

“We will transform the environment of the earth into the shape of Krypton, and when the time comes, all the creatures on the earth will die, and our race will become more and more powerful!

Fura Ao’s aura had weakened to the extreme, and as she uttered the last few words, she finally fainted from the effects of kryptonite.

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Diana and the others couldn’t digest it for a while, they Amazonians master hundreds of languages on the earth, but they are out of touch with the times, they don’t know the earth, the universe, and these astronomy knowledge.

It took Lu Li some words to explain these things clearly.

“Everyone on Earth will die, and they will wage endless wars against the entire universe!”

Diana had a ‘I already know everything’ expression on her face, she looked at her mother and said, “It’s Ares, only he can do such a thing, unleash an infinite war, hundreds of millions of lives will be destroyed, I must stop him!”

Queen Hippolyta sat back on her throne, and she rubbed her face with her hand fiercely, it was really hard to accept, “Even if what she said is true, Diana, I think we need to have a good discussion.”

That’s all for today, Mr. Lu Li, this demon’s servant will be handed over to you, and Diana will send you out of here. ”

Before she could finish speaking, Queen Hippolyta left the temple with the elders, who had spent a long time at peace, hating war in their hearts.

“Mother, we need to do something, we can’t sit idly by!” Diana couldn’t understand why her mother could still sit still, and she was now eager to put on her armor and fight General Zod for three hundred rounds.

I have to say that Diana, who was still mentally immature at this time, had a persistent middle two temperament, but this temperament appeared in her, not only would it not be annoying, but it would make people appreciate her innocence, kindness, enthusiasm, and a series of beautiful qualities.

Queen Hippolyta led the elders out of the hall, leaving Diana with a lost face, “Why are they indifferent to this, isn’t it our sacred duty to protect this world?”

“Diana, you can’t blame your mother, she is the queen of the Amazons, and she has a duty to protect her people. Lu Li stepped forward and comforted.

“I know, but at least you can let me go, you said this is my fate, I can save this world, please let me join you, Mr. Lu Li!”

Diana walked up to Lu Li and looked at Lu Li with a determined gaze.

Lu Li smiled: “Diana, I have to remind you that the road ahead will be full of thorns and dangers, are you ready?”

“I’ve been ready for a long time, Mr. Lu Li, whether my mother agrees or not, I’m going to stop Zod, stop Ares, I hope to be with you!” Diana said firmly.

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