Oliver’s whole face turned green, he had accepted that humans could lift two tons, that someone could live forever from the age of the gods to this day, and that you even jumped more than twenty meters in front of him.

But what does it mean that you can still fly in the sky?

Lu Li whistled through the air with Diana in his arms, and the wind rushed towards Oliver, leaving him messy in the wind.

Well, in fact, Lu Li was afraid that if he said too much at one time, it would scare these fragile mortals, so he only said a small part concisely, and he almost didn’t say a word about his ability.

In mid-air, after Lu Li caught up with the truck, he threw Diana directly to the ground, and then fell to the ground with a bang, blocking the front of the truck.

For a man wearing a black leotard suddenly appeared in front of the truck, the gangster on the truck had a cruel smile on his face, and ran over Lu Li without slowing down, as if he could see the picture of crushing him into a meatloaf in the next second.

“Lu Li, be careful, get out of the way!”

When Oliver saw this, he immediately got up from the ground in severe pain, and he subconsciously wanted to shoot the tires of the truck with his bow and arrow, but he soon realized that the truck was too far away from him.

Considering the speed at which the arrows were flying, it was too late to save Lu Li at such a long distance.

In the next second, the truck crashed into Lu Li’s body, and Oliver couldn’t bear to close his eyes, and a trace of regret welled up in his heart.


A series of rumbling sounds frightened Oliver to open his eyes, but the scene in front of him made him momentarily stunned.

The fast-moving truck seemed to have hit a steel pillar, and the entire front of the car was dented into it, as if the blower had been compressed to the limit, and its rear was thrown high because of inertia, rolling out of the road for dozens of meters before stopping.

“Ou… Oh my God, what the hell is going on?”

Oliver felt like he didn’t have enough brains, he couldn’t think of anything that could do so much damage to the truck.

At this moment, he saw Lu Li, who was still standing in the middle of the road, from the time the truck hit him to the time the truck was hit and rolled out, Lu Li stood in place from beginning to end, holding his hands in front of his chest, and did not move.

At this moment, the corners of Oliver’s mouth began to twitch wildly uncontrollably.


From the front of the deflated truck, the man who had been injected with Mirakuru roared, and he also tore open the deflated truck and rushed into the road.

After all, he is also a strengthened person, and this kind of excessive impact can’t kill him.

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“Drink!” The moment Diana saw this gangster, she immediately rushed forward and greeted the other party directly with a fist.

“Little girl, look for death!”

Now in this situation, the gangster didn’t think much about why the truck overturned, and he lost his mind due to the pain and stimulation, especially when he saw a beautiful and somewhat foul girl who wanted to hit him, he got carried away all of a sudden.

The gangsters stretched out their hands directly towards Diana, wanting to capture her, so that there would be an extra hostage in their hands, whether it was escape or something, they would be safeguarded.

However, when his face made close contact with Diana’s fist, he realized that he was wrong, and it was very wrong.

With a bang, the gangster was directly knocked to the ground by this fist at 90 degrees, and his head hit the ground heavily, smashing out cracks on the cement floor on the road.

Oliver’s heart was wailing, it was a booster injected with Mirakuru!

Someone who can lift two tons with ease!

Hey, do you want to beat him to death so casually?

Give me some way to live!

Especially when Oliver thought of the scene where he was knocked down by the opponent’s punch, he still spit out a mouthful of old blood that he had managed to hold back before.

I don’t know if the world has changed, or if I’m getting old.

All in all, Oliver is really tired right now!

The brutal beating did not last long, mainly because Lu Li was worried that one would accidentally beat the other party to death.

After all, this reinforcement person is still a little too weak, and he can’t help fighting.

When Lu Li came to Oliver with the gangster, he found that he vomited blood, so he cared: “Oliver, you are injured, do you want me to take you to the hospital?”

“Out of the way, out of the way! Now the most important thing is to ask something useful from this person’s mouth… Uh, you didn’t kill him, did you?”

Although Oliver knows that the vitality of strengthening people should not be so weak, but who knows these two people!

In their hands, no matter how strong the vitality is, it is not easy to make it!

“I’m not dead, I can see his heart beating again, don’t worry, I can’t die!” Lu Li patted his chest and said, looking like I was talking with my conscience.

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