“Barry, I can get you in the Canterlot police station in five minutes, are you ready?”

“Don’t wait, Lu…”

As soon as there was a sound explosion on the spot, Lu Li disappeared in the air with Barry in an instant, leaving behind a sound explosion, he was like a fast-flying missile, with a whistling sound of breaking through the air, rushing towards Canterlot at the fastest speed.

Although it is such a thing as leading people to run wildly, Barry will do it almost every day after becoming the Flash, but he was carried by someone from Star City to Canterlot, a distance of three hundred miles, and it only took Lu Li a short five minutes, and after experiencing such a cruel and inhumane thing, Barry vomited in the Canterlot police station for half an hour.

“Are you really all right, young man, or I’ll take you to the hospital? I saw a hospital five thousand meters away when I was in the sky. ”

Barry was so frightened that he rolled on the ground, “No, no, I’m fine, vomit…”

Lu Li looked at Barry Allen who almost spit out his bile because of the high-speed movement sympathetically, and he sighed very regretfully, “Hey, I really want to record this scene, this will be a black spot for the Flash’s life.” ”

“You just said… What kind of hero?” Barry asked when he heard Lu Li’s self-talk.

“emmm…… I mean, there’s a particle collision experiment at night, Barry, are you going to see it?” Lu Li immediately changed the subject.

Barry, who had been vomiting for half an hour, sat down to the side and rested his head against the wall, “Yes, I still want to invite my girlfriend to see it, it’s not a girlfriend, it’s my female friend, I haven’t dated her yet…”

“Okay, okay, I actually know everything you said!” Lu Li patted Barry on the shoulder.

Anyone who has watched the American drama The Flash knows that he has had a crush on Iris, who grew up with him, since he was a child, but the two of them have not expressed their stance until now.

Later, during the nine months that Barry was struck by lightning and unconscious, Iris’s father’s partner, a handsome police officer, managed to catch up with Iris.

However, when this sentence heard Barry’s ears, he just thought that Lu Li understood that he was suffering from unrequited love for Iris.

“I have a suggestion, lad. Lu Li said.

Barry looked at Lu Li very seriously and asked, “What suggestions, Mr. Lu Li, you can tell me, I’ll listen.” ”

“Don’t play any crush on the set, if you like it, just confess, just if it happens, if you don’t succeed, you can forcibly push the dao, start in three years and up to ten years, let’s come out and be a good man!” Lu Li said with a serious face.

Listening to Lu Li’s suggestion, Barry smiled very happily, “Iris learned free fighting from her police father when she was nine years old, and I’m not her opponent!”

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The corners of Lu Li’s mouth twitched helplessly, and he looked at Barry with a look of ‘hating iron does not become steel’.

Barry hurriedly changed his words: “I understand what you mean, if you like it, I will confess, Mr. Lu Li, you are right, I will find an opportunity to say how I feel for her today!”

“As soon as I saw her today, I said that the emotional thing is the most procrastinating, understand?” Lu Li said, my brother can only help you get here.

The rest is up to him, and if Barry still can’t muster up the courage to confess, then his future wife will be taken away by her father’s partner.

So for the next year, Barry watched his future wife kiss me and others.

How did that green light sing?

Love is a light, so green that you panic, boy!

Barry nodded like a chick pecking rice, “Understood, thank you Mr. Lu Li, I have decided, I will confess to Iris as soon as I see her today!”

“That’s right, I’m optimistic about you!”

After saying that, Lu Li said goodbye to Barry Allen and flew into the sky again.

However, after leaving the city, Lu Li flew at a low altitude, and had to be relatively slow, at this time, as he expected, a red lightning flashed from a distance like a floating light, and stopped not far ahead.

Lu Li frowned, and said to the yellow phantom in front of him: “From the time I arrived in the heart of the city, you stared at me, do you really think I can’t feel it?”

The yellow phantom flashed again, and he appeared behind Lu Li this time, but the distance between the two was closer.

“Who are you, why did you come to Canterlot, and why did you approach Barry Allen?”

The voice of the yellow phantom was low and deep, and he questioned Lu Li sharply, as if he was very surprised by Lu Li’s appearance.

Although Lu Li couldn’t see the other party’s face clearly, from his yellow tights, plus the lightning-shaped logo on his chest, all signs showed that this person was the Flash’s old enemy, reverse flash.

He is the murderer of Barry’s mother, a speedster, and the old enemy of the Flash in the future world, the two cannot defeat each other, and Reverse Flash somehow learns the true identity of the Flash.

So the frenzied Reverse Flash came up with a vicious plan, which was to use the speed to travel back in time and space to kill Barry Allen, who was still a child, so that the Flash could be completely erased from the timeline.

However, the future Flash also followed, preventing young Barry from being killed, and the angry Reverse Flash stabbed Barry’s mother to death.

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