
The walls of the entire abandoned factory were knocked down several times in a row, and Oliver only felt his teeth ache when he saw this scene.

“Heh, I have a lot of strength, I have a strong recovery ability, I just smile and don’t speak!”

Lu Li felt that Roy’s overall strength was inferior to the enhancers he and Diana had beaten together before, perhaps because Roy had injected Mirakuru for a short period of time, and the medicinal power in his body had not yet been fully exerted.


Roy was completely enraged, and he rushed out of the wall that shattered into piles of stones, and slammed down on Lu Li.

Lu Li remained in place, and when Roy was about to approach him, he directly punched him down.

“I’ll give you a lot of strength!”

“I’ll make you recover quickly!”

“I’ll let you howl! howl, with my consent?”

The fist was to the flesh, and Lu Li’s casual punch carried a huge force, and Oliver felt terrified just by watching it from the sidelines.

seems to be wondering, is it the right decision for him to bring Lu Li over today?

In this way, Roy was pressed to the ground by Lu Li and beaten to death.

It’s not that Roy doesn’t want to resist, it’s that he doesn’t have the strength to resist at all, every time he wants to struggle, Lu Li hammers him into the ground like a nail.

In the end, Roy didn’t have a chance to beg for mercy.

Oliver, who was still on the side, couldn’t stand it anymore, so he reminded Lu Li, “What’s that, it’s almost enough!”

Lu Li stopped, he looked at Roy, every bone on his body was basically cracked.

He is also a strengthened person, otherwise this injury alone would be enough for ordinary people to die eight times out of ten.

“Your name is Roy, right, I’ll ask you if you have taken it, can you control your emotions?” Lu Li lifted Roy up with one hand.

Roy was beaten by Lu Li, the beating was bleeding from seven holes, and one eye was swollen with a big bag, and he looked as miserable as he could, and Oliver was heartbroken to watch.

“I… I…”

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Because his teeth were knocked out by Lu Li, Roy is now not only talking and panting, but also leaking.

When Lu Li heard this, he shook his head: “Lie down, it’s not easy to say, obviously I’m still not convinced!”

Before the words fell, he was pressed to the ground and beaten to death.

Roy was about to cry, his heart was broken, he couldn’t say anything well, which half-dead person have you ever seen speak neatly?

He wanted to argue for himself, but unfortunately, under Lu Li’s ruthless iron fist, Roy couldn’t even make a sound.

Oliver risked being mistakenly injured by Lu Li and going to the hospital, rushed forward to stop Lu Li, and said urgently: “Stop, Lu Li, if you keep fighting, he will die!”

Lu Li stopped at this time, he looked at Roy who was lying on the ground half-dead and asked, “Okay, I’ll give you another chance, can you still control your emotions?”

Roy on the ground wanted to answer Lu Li’s words, but he found it very difficult to even say a word now.

Seeing that Roy, who was half-dead on the ground, did not speak, Lu Li sighed with hatred:

“Oliver, don’t say I won’t help you, look at him doesn’t even say a word, obviously he is still unconvinced!”

Oliver on the side is also a head or two, and you don’t see him like this anymore, how can he speak.

He was about to put an end to this farce, but in the next second, Roy sat up in shock, looked at Lu Li with a sincere face, and shouted out his voice with all his strength: “Stop fighting, I’ll obey, you can teach me as much as you want, just don’t fight!”

After speaking, his eyes rolled up, and he passed out straight.

Hearing Roy’s strong desire to survive, the corners of Oliver’s mouth twitched wildly, and Lu Li pointed at Roy seriously, and said:

“Look, look, what am I talking about, the child is in a bad mood, most of them are pretending, just give a beating!”

“What affects the mind, what changes a person, it’s all nonsense, I think it’s just underbeating! In the future, he is emotionally out of control, does not listen to discipline, and does not obey the orders of the organization, you just tell me directly, and I will beat him until he listens!”

Oliver listened to the cold sweat on his forehead, but after thinking about it carefully, it felt as if it made some sense, and he couldn’t refute it at all.

Say that Mirakuru will distort a person’s mind and make people crazy, you look at the death knell, he still has normal thinking, but because of the experience on Purgatory Island, he has extreme thinking and extreme behavior.

To put it bluntly, it’s just idle and painful to do things.

The Fortifiers he created were no exception, going through the initial stages of destruction and madness, and by the end of the day, they were an army of very obedient Fortifiers.

So in Lu Li’s opinion, the biggest reason why Roy couldn’t control his emotions was that there was an imbalance between his rapidly growing strength and spirit, which caused him to be unable to control his behavior.

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