Oliver and Roy shot arrows at the same time, only to hear a few ‘whoosh’ sounds, several arrows were fired, and several prisoners fell to the ground, but more people were running out from behind.

Lu Li snorted coldly, he slowly floated in the air, his eyes suddenly turned red, and two parallel fiery rays slashed through, drawing a deep boundary in the corridor.

“Whoever dares to take a step will be killed!”

When the prisoners saw this scene, they all stopped, these were just some ordinary people, and the reinforcement who could tear down the steel bars with their bare hands a few minutes ago had already stimulated their three views.

Now I see a person who can fly and shoot laser rays from his eyes!

Is he God?

For a moment, the prisoners looked at each other, and everyone seemed to be afraid of the power of Lu Li.

One of them did not believe in this evil, and he said to Lu Li and the three of them with confidence: “You are vigilantes, I remember that vigilantes will not kill people! I will run away today, can you still kill me? Brothers, run together, someone can always run out!”

The middle-aged man’s words aroused the prisoners’ desire for freedom, and the man took the lead in stepping out of the boundaries drawn by Lu Li’s thermal vision.

Oliver and Roy drew their bows again, and Lu Li shook his head with a smile.

These Meidi people are really innocent and cute.

Do you think vigilantes can’t kill people, so they can hit people’s guns?

They don’t take the initiative to kill, but if they are injured by mistake… There are no eyes in the fists and feet, and if you die by mistake, you can only consider yourself unlucky!


Lu Li’s eyes turned red again, and a red ray swept through again, and all the prisoners who stepped out of the line were burned to ashes, and for a while, a piece of people rolled down like dumplings.

His painful wail, and some people who were not determined even fainted to death.

“Go back, or… Die!”

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Lu Li said in a deep voice, before the words fell, the prisoners behind them woke up like a dream, and ran back one by one, hiding back in their cells, shivering.

The hellish scene that happened today will be a nightmare for these prisoners for the rest of their lives.

Oliver glared at Lu Li and said, “We don’t kill people!”

“I didn’t kill anyone!” Lu Li pointed to the prisoners who rolled to the ground and said, “In fact, they only lost their legs, and I directly burned their wounds, and there will be no excessive bleeding and death, of course, if the injuries are too serious and painful to death, you can’t blame me.” ”

For this, Roy is also on Lu Li’s side.

“Oliver, we shoot arrows to hurt them, they are criminals, criminals who want to escape from prison, no one will listen to us talk well! ”

Roy’s words softened Oliver’s face a little, and there were inevitably casualties in the battle, he sighed and said, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t blame you, Lu Li, but what you did just now was a little… Scary!”

Just a glance passed, the legs of seven or eight prisoners evaporated in an instant, but if Lu Li’s gaze went up a little further, these people would be stopped and cut in two, this scene was simply purgatory on earth!

“Oliver, your heart is too weak, have you ever thought that if some wicked people don’t kill him, they will indirectly kill more innocent people! A person who is accustomed to doing evil and will never repent can no longer be called a human, but a beast!”

Lu Li’s meaning is very clear, some wicked people will never get better, if you don’t kill him, as long as they have the opportunity, they will come out again to do evil and hurt many innocent people.

Those innocent people could have lived well, but it was the kindness of some people’s women that indirectly caused their deaths.

Oliver obviously understood this, but he thought of his dead friend Tommy and shook his head: “If we decide the life and death of a person at will, can you guarantee that you will always be right?

Speaking of which, it still returns to the issue of light and darkness in the heart.

Lu Li didn’t want to argue more, but asked lightly: “Have you heard of the Three Sages Court?”

“Three Sage Courts?” Oliver repeated, the word he seemed to have heard from above.

Without waiting for Oliver to think more, Lu Li’s body flew upward, and at the same time said: “The enhancer will be handed over to me, and the newly recruited prisoners of the fortifier will be handed over to you.” ”

Before he could finish speaking, the ceiling shattered, and Lu Li rushed straight through the walls of the prison and flew towards the nearest fortifier to him.

In front of him, a reinforcement man wearing a black and orange mask was dismantling the cage with his bare hands, and yelled, “Follow me if you want to get out!”

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