Slade felt something against the back of his heart, and when he looked closely, he realized that the metal sword in his hand was gone.

“Do you still feel like you don’t need help?”

The voice of the man in yellow appeared behind Slade, and with that, he let go of the metal sword he had snatched from Slade, and the sword fell to the ground with a ‘clang’ sound.

Slade breathed a sigh of relief, turned around slowly, and looked at the mysterious person in front of him seriously: “What do you need me to do for you?”

“The vigilante hired by Green Arrow has the same super speed as me, but his speed is not as fast as mine, so I need you to entangle him for me and create a chance for me to kill him!”

The man in yellow said hatefully, he is from the future world, of course he knows the true identity of Green Arrow, and he also knows very well that there is no record of Lu Li in the history books.

Reverse Flash is not a peaceful person, he will never allow anyone to threaten him, in order to be able to cultivate the Flash smoothly and not cause any trouble, he decided to erase the uncertain factor of Lu Li.

Although the short contact with Lu Li allowed him to analyze all aspects of Lu Li’s attributes, such as the speed is not as fast as himself, but the strength is greater than his own, so he needs someone strong enough to contain Lu Li for him, and then he can pierce Lu Li’s heart with his high-speed trembling palm.

However, the reverse flash has been calculated thousands of times, and I never thought that there is a person in this world who even completely surpasses Superman and is a god-like existence!

“Deal! Your target is the vigilante that Green Arrow has found, and my target is Green Arrow, we can really try to work together!” Slade roughly guessed from the description of the man in yellow.

Obviously, the man in yellow and the vigilante that Green Arrow was looking for had a fight, and he lost, otherwise he wouldn’t have needed allies.

The man in yellow handed the blue potion to Slade’s hand, and also gave him a pager: “This bottle of medicine is injected into your reinforcement soldiers, their bodies will quickly absorb the medicinal properties of Mirakuru, and this pager, once you meet that vigilante, use this pager to contact me, and I will appear as soon as possible.” ”

As the words fell, the figure in yellow suddenly disappeared in place, turning into a red lightning bolt that appeared in the distance in an instant.

After the man in yellow left, Sebastian limped to Slade’s side, “What kind of monster is that? Can we trust him?”

Slade was silent for a moment, seemed to think about it for a while, and he handed the blue potion in his hand to Sebastian, “Find a soldier to experiment first, and if it’s really as he said, inject the others!”

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He didn’t care about the lives of those prisoners, and he didn’t care if there would be any sequelae if his body forcibly absorbed Mirakuru, as long as these reinforcements could destroy the city, even if they all died the next day, Slade would not frown.

“Okay, I’ll arrange it. Sebastian put the blue flask away.

“Once this potion succeeds, immediately implement the plan and let the Legion of Fortifiers destroy the city, Sebastian, you will soon become the chief of Star City!” Slade drew a large pie in front of Sebastian.

Encouraged by this big pie, Sebastian nodded hurriedly, “Okay! Okay! I’ll go get ready!”


Star City is extremely prosperous during the day, and as a large city with a resident population of more than one million, it is really not easy to find the traces of hundreds of people.

Lu Li flew in mid-air and looked down on the entire Star City.

“Oliver, the prisoners have been found, but they are dead, bleeding from all seven orifices, consistent with the symptoms of the injection of Mirakuru. Lu Li said in the communicator.

“Damn, Slade really doesn’t care about these people’s lives at all, but don’t worry, the people who have injected Mirakuru will need some time to absorb. ”

After all, Mirakuru is not an elixir, and it will take a certain amount of time for the biochemical serum to completely change the system of the injectors, and Oliver believes that this period of time is their chance to find out Slade and completely crush his plot.

Lu Li naturally understood Oliver’s thoughts, after all, according to the original plot, Slade would kidnap Oliver’s mother, that is, when Moira held a press conference a few days before she ran for chief.

Oliver is then forced to choose between his mother and his sister, and Slade kills one of them with his own hands.

However, Lu Li didn’t need to refer to these at all, as long as he wanted to, he could know everything.

But Lu Li felt that he wanted to be a person again, not an omniscient god, because it was too boring.

“Oliver, you let Felicity hack into the traffic camera, and the face recognition locates Slade’s location. Lu Li suggested.

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