“Wow… This is…… Alien spaceship?”

Felicity couldn’t help but shake her hands, and hacked into Amanda’s tablet, crackling on the keyboard on the computer, and then copied the video data.

After a while, she said in surprise: “Wow, according to my preliminary calculations, the length of this spaceship is about more than four hundred meters, and its structure is very strange, the data shows that it may be a combination of two parts, but it is also possible that aliens like this form.” ”

It took a full two seconds for Amanda to react, glaring at Felicity and yelling, “Hey, what are you doing? You just hacked my tablet?” Felicity Smock, delete your data immediately or I’ll arrest you right away!”

“I’m sorry!I’m sorry!” Felicity pressed the delete button with an embarrassed expression.

Lu Li’s eyes were glued to the screen, and then he raised his head, squinted his eyes as best he could, and looked towards the sky of the metropolis.

With Lu Li’s eyesight, he could only see a small black dot in space, after all, the distance was too far, and the other party was directly hovering outside the satellite’s synchronous orbit, and it was difficult to find his existence if he looked closely.

“How long has that spaceship been around?” Lu Li asked.

“Three days ago, all of a sudden, it was as if it had directly tore through space and came to the outer periphery of the earth. ”

Amanda clicked on the screen a few times, and the screen suddenly jumped to the picture three days ago, when there was nothing outside the satellite’s synchronous orbit, but the next second, the space in place became distorted, and suddenly a vague shadow of the spacecraft appeared.

Behind it seemed to elongate phantoms, and as the phantoms solidified, the spacecraft appeared out of thin air outside the geosynchronous orbit of the Earth’s satellite.

Oliver looked at Amanda suspiciously, and asked, “Since they came three days ago, why have they been in heaven, have you tried to contact them?”

“We tried to contact them, but we have not received a response, and President Ao Guanhai also knows about this and has ordered to enter the first level of security! We don’t know whether the other party is friend or foe, but one thing is certain, the other party’s technological level is far beyond that of humans. When Amanda said this, her eyes looked at Lu Li.

Naturally, it was impossible for her to know what connection Lu Li had between the ship and this ship, but as a ZF executive, she needed to prepare for the worst.

Dealing with an unknown race with a level of technology far beyond that of humans, Amanda felt that the strength of the army alone was far from enough, and Lu Li’s performance during the Star City crisis had already proved that he had a certain ability, which was why Amanda came to him.

“They stopped in the air, it should be… Basking in the sun!” Lu Li said with a serious expression.

“Basking in the sun?”

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Obviously, everyone can’t understand such a statement, people fly all the way from unknown galaxies, is it just to bask in the sun of the earth?

Lu Li nodded: “That’s right, it’s basking in the sun, the yellow sun of the earth, which can give them great power.” ”

This made Amanda’s eyes widen, “Mr. Avenger, do you know anything?”

“Yes, if nothing else, this ship is the ship of General Zod, a Kryptonian, who came to Earth to transform Earth into Krypton. Lu Li said.

Diana on the side heard the word Zod, and the fighting heart that had been silent for several months finally burned, she rushed to Lu Li, and said excitedly: “It must be Zod! Ares’s lackey, the initiator of the endless war! Lu Li, let’s go and destroy him!”

The scene was very embarrassing for a while!

Those who knew the inside story, such as Oliver and others, covered their faces with their hands, pretending not to know this girl, and those who didn’t know the inside story, such as Amanda and others, all looked confused.

What’s going on now?

You told me that there were aliens enough, why did Ares come out?

Could it be that the gods of the mythological era also caught up with the fashion and expanded their business to the entire universe?!

Lu Li pressed Diana back into the chair, “Don’t make trouble, let’s get down to business!”

Diana looked aggrieved, and Amanda knocked her head and asked tentatively, “You said that the Kryptonians in the spaceship, they are here to invade the earth?”

Think of it the same way. Lu Li agrees.

Amanda thought for a moment and then asked, “Well, if what you say is true, then how do you know all this?”

“I can share some information, but Amanda, I have one condition. Lu Li said.

“Listen to your conditions first. Amanda asked, clasping her hands to her chest.

Lu Li said: “I will establish an alliance, the Justice League, an alliance composed of superpowers, you go and talk to your boss, don’t bother us if it’s okay!”

As a superpower research institution, his immediate superiority is the president of the United States, that is, President Ao Guanhai.

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