When Lu Li arrived at the cutting-edge technology laboratory, Caitlin and Sisko were busy in the laboratory.

When Sisko saw Lu Li, he turned on his daily teasing mode and joked, “Hey, brother, did you bring an alien with you this time?”

Recently, the alien invasion of the metropolis has been rumored to be boiling, and Sisko has naturally paid much attention.

Lu Li shrugged his shoulders, and said in his heart, the alien you want to see through it, and blew up my kitchen this morning, “Of course not, I’m just here to see Barry this time.” ”

“Barry’s luck was that two beautiful women came over yesterday and you came to see him again today. Sisko’s eyebrows were raised high, and he looked envious.

Lu Li thought for a moment, “Two beauties, you can’t be Felicity and Iris, right?

“That’s right, that scene is embarrassing, why do you say Barry is so charming, there are beautiful women who are jealous when lying down!” Sisko shrugged his shoulders and made a distressed expression.

Caitlyn couldn’t help but laugh: “Who called Barry handsome!”

“I’m handsome, right, too! What are you laughing at, Lu Li, you give me a review, do you think I’m as handsome as Barry?” Sisko looked like you dared to say that if it wasn’t me, I would turn against you.

Lu Li smiled and shook his head, “Sisko, let me tell you the truth, it’s not who I’m targeting, everyone here is not as handsome as me!”

The two of them couldn’t help but laugh when they heard it, and everyone joked, but they got to know each other a lot.

Lu Li accompanied Caitlin and Sisko to Barry’s hospital room.

Barry was still the same, lying on the hospital bed, with all kinds of instruments hanging on his body, his face was calm and seemed to be just asleep, but Lu Li could feel a source of power from his body.

Lu Li suddenly heard the sound of an automatic wheelchair turning, appeared at the door, and wandered for a while, as if considering whether to come in.

It’s Reverse Lightning, or rather, he’s Harrison Wells, the creator of the lab.

Harrison Wells has been in a wheelchair since the particle accelerator exploded in the Cutting-Tech Laboratory, but those familiar with the plot of The Flash must know that he did not sit in a wheelchair to win sympathy, but in a wheelchair, with a tachyon accelerator.

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To put it simply, it is a device that recharges reverse lightning that has lost its speed power.

“Is anyone coming to see Barry again? Oh… It’s you, Mr. Lu Li. ”

Harrison Wells seemed to know that he couldn’t dodge, so he appeared in the doorway, trying to squeeze a smile out of Lu Li.

“How’s Barry doing?” Lu Li asked with a meaningful glance at Harrison Wells.

“It’s been stabilizing lately, Caitlyn, Sisko, can you help me get Barry’s test report?” Harrison Wells said suddenly to Sisko.

“No problem, Dr. Wells. ”

Sisko and Caitlyn didn’t think much of it, and readily agreed, they were used to following Harrison Wells’ orders, and they both went out at the same time.

After the two left the room, Harrison Wells’s face gradually became gloomy, he looked at Lu Li and asked, “What do you want to do here?”

“Ai… Let’s call you Harrison Wells, your loyalty is low right now, and I’m thinking about whether or not to kill you. Lu Li said calmly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

Hearing Lu Li’s words, Harrison Wells excitedly held the armrest of the wheelchair with both hands, and almost wanted to stand up.

However, he quickly figured out that it was impossible for Lu Li to make a move here, and it was impossible for him to notify the other party before making a move

Harrison Wells took a deep breath and said, “I just want to go back to my own time.” ”

“I’m not going to interfere with you going back to your own time, and I’m not even going to tell Barry Allen that your true identity is just that you can do what I asked you to do, isn’t that too much to ask?” Lu Li asked, leaning against the wall.

Harrison Wells reached into his arms and pulled out two silver metal bracelets, with a yellow light hole at the very front of the bracelet.

He explained: “This is the same miniature particle ray as Atomman, which can shrink your suit or weapon and take it out when you need it, and I made it look like a bracelet to make it closer to Atomman’s technology than the Flash’s ring.” ”

Unexpectedly, Harrison Wells thought quite thoughtfully, according to his plan, one day Barry would find out his identity, and if he found out that Lu Li and Reverse Lightning were using the same ring, then there would be some play.

Although Lu Li doesn’t care.

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