Bruce swapped out a Kryptonian bat armor, put on his suit again, and went to the Wayne Group with Alfred, the butler.

When they arrived, Sheriff James Gordon of the Gotham City Police Department had cordoned off the scene with officers.

When he saw Bruce Wayne’s car, he was very surprised to greet him: “Hey, Bruce, you woke up so early today!”

“In fact, I didn’t sleep all night… Don’t talk about that, Sheriff Gordon, can you find out who robbed my company?” Bruce Wayne looked at the walls of the Wayne Group.

There was a very large hole there, as if it had been blown open by some kind of explosive.

Sergeant Gordon took a tablet from his assistant, opened the video inside, and said: “This is a surveillance video, the robbers directly bombarded the walls of the warehouse with RPG, and killed four guards, there were seven robbers in total, six of them were wearing hoods, only the leader had a mask on his face, and his body seemed to be inserted… Lots of tubes!”

He tapped the tablet twice, and the picture froze on a figure.

The man was two meters tall, shirtless, and carrying a thick contraption with a number of tubes emitting green gas attached to his mask.

“Who is this man?” asked Bruce Wayne, staring at the masked man.

A few days later, the robbers who robbed the Wayne Group armory seemed to have vanished from the world, and no matter how much the police or Bruce Wayne searched, they could not find the slightest clue.

In the Bat Cave, the old butler Alfred wears reading glasses and searches for information about the robbers.

“Lord Wayne, I seem to have found some rumors about this mercenary… Anyway, you really should hire a younger assistant, I’m old, and this computer is really hard to use!” complained Alfred, the old butler.

Complaining is complaining, Alfred, as one of Batman Bruce Wayne’s most trusted people, also has many skills, one of which includes using computer technology.

This old man uses a computer to check people, and he is definitely no less than an ordinary computer master.

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Bruce Wayne ignored Alfred’s complaints, and asked eagerly, “Tell me quickly, what is the origin of that mercenary?”

His instincts told him that the robbers who robbed the Wayne Group armory were definitely not ordinary people.

“Many years ago, there was a boy named Bane who was born in prison, and he spent his days with rats, and every day the tide rose and the cage would be flooded, and that boy had to struggle with all his strength every day to survive…”

“Instead of killing him, the prison environment made him stronger, and no one knows how he escaped from prison, but after he got out, he followed your teacher, the master of ninjutsu!”

Before becoming Batman, Bruce Wayne traveled extensively to learn martial arts, joined the League of Assassins, and studied with ninja master Lars El Gul for a while.

There is even a version in which Bruce Wayne falls in love with the ninja master’s daughter, Talia El Gul, and has a son with her.

Hearing that Bane was also the apprentice of the Master Ninja, Bruce Wayne couldn’t help frowning: “Bane?

“No! for some reason, the Master Ninja expelled him from the League of Assassins, and then he underwent a biochemical experiment, and all the experimenters died, only he survived, and became more powerful and dangerous!”

At this moment, the computer monitoring the police radio channel in the bat cave suddenly lit up.

“It was the police who discovered Bane’s whereabouts, he took his mercenaries and hid in the slums of Xicheng District, and the police even dispatched the National Guard!”

The old butler was shocked by the police action, and he just wanted to ask his master Wayne if he wanted to come over to help, but when he turned around, he found that the old man was no longer there.

Immediately after, the roar of the Batchariot’s motor came, and Bruce Wayne, who had already put on a battle armor made of semi-finished Kryptonian alloy, had already stepped on the accelerator to the lowest.

Like a swarthy warhorse, the Bat Chariot neighed, then turned into a black lightning bolt and rushed out of the bat cave.

“Maybe I should have posted a job posting. Alfred, the old butler, said jokingly, and then sat silently in front of the computer, tapping his fingers on the keyboard.

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