“Not our enemy, he’s my enemy!” Bruce Wayne corrected in a deep voice.

“With all due respect, Bruce, can you beat Bane? It’s a very strong armor, but you’re still no match for him!” Lu Li struck unceremoniously.

These words reminded Bruce Wayne of the experience of being flattened by Bane today, and his back still hurts faintly!

If it weren’t for the protection of this Kryptonian alloy armor, his back would definitely be broken by now.

Rao is so, and Bruce Wayne is not an easy person to succumb: “I’ll find Bane’s weakness and defeat him!”

“His weakness is the plastic tube stuck in his body, as long as you pull out his plastic pipe, Bane will lose his power, but, even if you defeat Bane, can you be sure to solve the problem of the nuclear bomb?. What Lu Li said was also what Bruce Wayne was most worried about.

Once the nuclear bomb, or his super-energy reactor, is detonated, the casualties in the entire Gotham City will be worse than the metropolis next door.

“How did you know about Bane’s weakness?”

“I’m 100 degrees… Ahem, I mean, Gu/Song!” Lu Li said seriously.

Bruce Wayne naturally made up his mind, he thought that Lu Li should have his own intelligence network like him, even more advanced than him, so he could understand Bane in more detail than him.

“And do you have any good suggestions for a nuclear bomb?” asked Bruce Wayne reluctantly.

“Bane handed it over to you to solve, didn’t he ask you to have a public duel with him tomorrow? Take advantage of this opportunity, you contain him, and I will find out where he put the nuclear bomb remotely, as long as the nuclear bomb problem is solved, everything is not a problem. ”

Lu Li’s words made Bruce Wayne think for a moment, and then he raised his head and tried to squeeze out a smile: “Okay, this time it will be according to your plan.” ”

While Alfred was worried about his Lord Bruce Wayne, the roar of the Batcart.

Hearing this familiar voice, Alfred seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and he quickly got up and stood at the door of the cave to welcome Lord Wayne’s return.

The Batchariot quickly rushed into the cavern, then slowed down and stopped in its parking space.

Alfred hurriedly stepped forward to check on his master’s condition, and didn’t vomit blood and faint as soon as he opened the door like before.

Although this is the daily routine.

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At this time, three more figures flew into the entrance of the bat cave.

Three sounds of ‘swoop’ broke the air, and then appeared in the middle of the bat cave, slowly landing.

When did someone else come to the Bat Cave? Alfred almost thought someone had invaded the Bat Cave.

But Bruce Wayne, who had just gotten off the Batmobile, just looked at the three of them indifferently and ignored them.

Seeing this scene, Alfred’s eyebrows raised: “It’s really surprising, this cave has not invited outsiders in eight years since the death of the previous generation Robin…”

“I didn’t invite them, they came along!” Bruce Wayne corrected.

In many versions, Batman Ruth Wayne does not fully trust superpowers, and even excludes them from the category of humans.

However, the Ruth Wayne in front of him does not have any abnormalities, it may be because Lu Li is a human being, or it may not have reached that level.

As for Ruth Wayne, he tried to get rid of them in the Batmobile, but… People are flying in the sky, and with the assistance of clairvoyant eyes, they can get rid of ghosts.

In addition, I don’t know if Bruce Wayne plans to start learning to trust others again, he said no, and his body is still very honest to allow Lu Li to come to his territory.

Otherwise, he would have done it a long time ago.

Lu Li directly ignored a certain tsundere bat, and he looked at the gray-haired butler with a good temperament: “You must be Bruce’s butler, Mr. Alfred!”

Feeling Lu Li’s proper wording, Alfred looked at Lu Li cautiously. As a gentleman who abides by etiquette, he takes etiquette very seriously.

“It’s in the bottom, I don’t know what you call it, young master?”

“Just call me Lu Li. ”

“Oh, Young Master Lu Li!”

Alfred nodded politely, then turned his gaze to Diana and Fior, and asked politely and elegantly, “Who are these two beautiful young ladies?”

Diana also made a ladylike salute with a solemn and elegant face: “My name is Diana, and I am a princess from the Amazon. ”

Alfred’s expression was stunned, and he subconsciously let out a ‘wow’.

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