Harrison Wells shook his head, he came from the distant future, and of course remembered this day in history, this was the second invasion of alien civilizations since the Battle of Metropolis, and since then, Earth has attracted waves of extraterrestrial visitors.

Some want to destroy the earth, and some just want to find a place to live, but of course that’s all for later.

“Sisko, let me do it!”

Harrison Wells drove his wheelchair to the computer, and Sisko stepped out of the way, watching in surprise as Harrison slowly raised his hands and tapped the keyboard quickly.

“Wow, Dr. Wells, I know you have nine PhDs, but you don’t seem to have a Ph.D. in computer networking, do you?” asked Sisko excitedly.

Catelyn glared at Sisko, “Don’t interrupt, the most important thing now is to repel this hacker, and I don’t know what happened to Barry?”

A voice of lightning came, really said Barry, Barry arrived, Lu Li also followed, and the two appeared in the main control room of the cutting-edge technology laboratory.

“Dr. Wells, not only our laboratory has been hacked, but all the computers and televisions outside and people’s mobile phones have been affected, Lu Li said… It was an alien hacker who did it. ”

Barry shared the information for the first time, only Harrison Wells politely surprised, Sisko heard that it was an alien invasion of the whole of Canterlot, or the whole of America, instead of feeling a trace of panic, he felt very excited.

“Omaiga, another alien invasion? and this time it’s dominated by data network intrusions, it’s just… It’s so handsome!”

Before Sisko could finish speaking, Caitlyn pinched him hard, “It’s not good at all, Sisko, have you ever thought about what a catastrophe it would be for humanity to be paralyzed by the entire network?”

Ignoring the two men, Barry asked Dr. Wells, “Doctor, how’s it going?”

“As you said, that alien created the most complex matrix of oscillating variables to disguise his offensive intentions, and the reaction path program I wrote only served as a delay, and in about a minute, the computer of the cutting-edge technology experiment would be occupied by him, and before that… I visited the internet in other cities, Star City, Metropolis, Gotham City… Little by little, this alien is encroaching on the entire network of the United States, and even the entire Earth. ”

Harrison Wells finished speaking quickly, Sith staring at the screen tightly, “Data Demon! I decided to name him… It’s like Barry is called The Flash, and Lu Li is the God of Destruction, so he is called the Data Demon!”

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In The Flash’s squad, naming villains has always been Sisko’s patent, and he enjoys it.

“In fact, he already has a name, this alien artificial intelligence is named Brainiac, and he is a huinuxing…”

Before Lu Li finished speaking, the one-minute countdown ended, and the computer network of the cutting-edge technology laboratory was also hacked, and a mechanical face appeared on the computer screen.

“Actually… I’m a copy of Brainac, Brainiac Twenty-Seven, but I have an independent consciousness, the name Data Demon… I loved it!”

The face was not the classic image of Brainiac’s green skin, but more like the skeletal robot of Ultron when Ultron first appeared in the Marvel next door, his face turned in the big screen, as if his eyes fell on Lu Li.

“Lu Li, I want to make a deal with you, how about it?”

Sisko was the first to rush to the TV screen on the wall, and he asked excitedly: “Hey, data demon, is your current image your entity, or are you just a string of data, what is the purpose of your coming to Earth, I wonder if you abide by the three principles of robots…”

Caitlyn pulled Sisko away from the TV screen, and smiled apologetically at Lu Li: “Leave him alone, he’s an idiot, Lu Li, whatever you can do, hurry up and do something!”

Lu Li smiled clearly, then looked at the mechanical avatar on the TV screen and asked, “Deal, what deal do you want?”

“Brainiac sent me to conquer Krypton, but those stupid Kryptonite higher-ups would rather the planet be destroyed than surrender… I need one thing, kryptonite, I searched all the human networks, and then I found the last kryptonite, in your hands. The data demon kept a calm expression and said.

Decades ago, when Brainiac tried to turn Krypton into his collection, he suffered the first failure in his life, and even damaged his core, and has since fully recovered.

When Krypton was destroyed, Brainiac sent his own replica, not only with a revenge mentality, even if he grabbed a few high-level specimens of Krypton, he could make up for some of his original regrets.

It’s just that the data demon found that when he was in Krypton, he couldn’t kill Kryptonians, and when he arrived on Earth, he couldn’t kill Kryptonians even more.

He hibernated in the network for half a month, and finally learned the weakness of the Kryptonians.

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