In the Bat Cave, Alfred silently watched as several intelligent machines were busy in front of the computer.

After a complete renovation, the Batcave is no longer what it used to be, and the ‘most sophisticated’ computers will be replaced by twelve 55-inch crystals that form a wall of displays.

Each 55-inch crystal is connected to a Kryptonian host, and twelve processors are connected to form a computer cluster comparable to the main control system of a small spaceship.

“Successfully defended against intruders… Regaining control of the satellites… Control of the satellite has been recaptured!”

One of the intelligent machines reported that it was the intelligent machine ‘Kelix’ that Carla had repaired in the first place.

Hearing Kelix’s electronic voice, Alfred asked in surprise with a hint of nervousness, “May I ask where Master Wayne is now, is he okay?”

“Satellite search for Bruce Wayne—” Kelix stretched out his mechanical tentacles and tapped on the light curtain keyboard.

“The search was successful, Bruce Wayne, aka Batman, is now fighting Superman, Wonder Woman, with mechanical zombies…”

Not long ago, countless mechanical zombies suddenly appeared, their appearance resembled the demons of the Apocalypse, but most of them had no wings, and these mechanical zombies were more like they were transformed from some scrapped machines.

Metropolis, Gotham City, Star City…

For a while, countless mechanical zombies appeared in many cities, attacking pedestrians on the road like real zombies, wantonly destroying everything it saw.

A blazing light descended from the sky, and in an instant, a large number of mechanical zombies were directly evaporated by this astonishing hot vision.

Before the remaining mechanical zombies could react, a second and third red light soon fell from the sky, and in an instant, the entire street of mechanical zombies was cleared.

The panicked crowd looked up at the figure floating in the sky, his red cloak hunting in the wind, his chest with an ‘S’ pattern, and a patch of crimson in his eyes that had not faded.

“It’s Superman!”

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“Thank God, thank you Superman!”

“Superman, please destroy these monsters!”

Superman’s appearance restores hope to those harassed by the mechanical zombies, and after the mechanical zombies in this block are cleared, Clark flies towards another block.

Thanks to the computing power of his super brain, Clark perfected the control of his thermal vision, and one after another blazing lasers rained down from the sky, constantly harvesting the lives of mechanical zombies, but not harming civilians in the slightest.

Compared to Superman’s high efficiency, Diana’s fighting style is much simpler and crude.

She flew into the street at great speed, picked up two fists and smashed them all indiscriminately, and in an instant, countless mechanical stumps and severed arms flew in all directions.

Those mechanical zombies look hideous, but in fact, their real strength is not very strong, after all, they are composed of discarded machinery, and Diana’s punch tank can’t withstand it, let alone these mechanical zombies who are strong on the outside.

As for Batman, he drove the newly developed Nightkin 1.0 armored fighter to the street, the so-called Nightkin 1.0 armor, which is actually a simplified version of a single mecha, equipped with various weapons and equipment, and can adapt to various combat environments.

When the Flash learns of the mechanical zombie invasion, he joins the fight, while Lu Li returns to the bat cave and sits in front of the wall of the crystal display, tapping on the light curtain keyboard, looking for something.

“Young Master Lu Li, what are you doing?”

Alfred saw Lu Li exert super speed, his hands tapping on the light curtain keyboard appeared a few afterimages, and his head was also looking for something on the twelve crystal displays.

Lu Li slowed down his gaze and asked rhetorically, “Ah Fu, do you think mechanical zombies are scary?”

Alfred thought for a moment, shook his head and said: “Judging from the pictures from the scene, these mechanical zombies are just a large number, and they don’t even have decent weapons in their hands, not only Superman, Wonder Woman and the master, ZF has already dispatched an army, and they can also deal with it.” ”

“You’re right, these mechanical zombies are really weak and don’t look good, and they give me the feeling that they are defective products built to meet the deadline… Brainiac Twenty-Seven, or should I call him a data demon, this guy has a twelve-level intelligence, and I don’t believe he would conquer the Earth with these defects. Lu Li explained.

Saying this, Alfred immediately reacted: “Young Master Lu Li, you mean… The invasion of those mechanical monsters has no other purpose?”

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