“For repentant humans, I don’t bother to care if you insist on the principle of not killing, but for the inhuman guys, we insist on the principle of killing, and now… Sniping at Rozburg, does anyone have any objections?”

Lu Li’s voice echoed in the bat cave, and his gaze swept over everyone present.


Diana and Fio La were the first to answer, and Kara also nodded solemnly, “They must be eliminated.” ”

Bruce Wayne nodded one last time, “In order to save more people, I don’t have a problem either.” ”

Seeing Batman’s statement, Clark winked at Landing Li and asked, “What are you going to do?”

“Carla is too young to stay in the Bat Cave, Diana, Barry, Bruce, you three are waiting on the surface, Fio La, Clark, the three of us go to space together, Kelix, prepare the super electromagnetic concussion cannon!” Lu Li immediately ordered.

Kara looked reluctant, and Batman asked with a confused expression, “What is the Super Electromagnetic Concussion Cannon?”

Receiving the order, the intelligent mechanical Kelix hurried to the light curtain keyboard, and stretched out eight metal tentacles to ‘crackle’ for a while.

In the next second, a simulated picture came from the crystal screen, and in the picture, the satellite of the Wayne Group suddenly deformed, and the four satellites formed an energy matrix, which gradually turned red in the simulated picture.

“So, you converted my satellite into a cannon?” Batman’s expression was horrified.

“That’s right! This super electromagnetic concussion cannon is specially designed to deal with the energy shield of alien ships. ”

Lu Li admitted very happily, pointed to the innermost part of the bat cave, the pile of A4 papers stacked like a small mountain, and said: “And the manual I gave you has a detailed description, I don’t know if you have read it.” ”

Batman’s face was black at the time, neurotic, who would look at that bunch of stuff if they were fine.

That pile of at least tens of thousands of pieces of paper, who would have the leisure time to look at this kind of thing??

As he spoke, the super-electromagnetic concussion cannon was launched, and the picture in the universe was simulated on the crystal wall display.

The super electromagnetic concussion cannon suddenly bombarded the surface of Rozburg, and instantly broke the outer energy shield, and the powerful magnetic energy shock penetrated the hull, and most of the instruments inside instantly failed.

“It’s our turn!”

Lu Li took the lead and rushed out of the bat cave and flew towards the universe, followed by Clark and Fio Ra, who suddenly broke through the sound barrier and disappeared from everyone’s view.

Barry looked at the three people flying into space and shook his head enviously, “That’s cool!”

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Kara pouted dissatisfiedly, “I can fly too, why don’t you let me go.” ”

“Carla can fly too?” Bruce Wayne looked at Carla unexpectedly, she had only been on Earth for half a month, and she had already mastered the ability to fly?

Diana couldn’t help but expose her old bottom, “Thirty centimeters above the ground is not considered to be able to fly, okay!”

“It’s only thirty centimeters, obviously I can fly up to a meter!” Kara’s face flushed, and she defended: “Carl only learned to fly at the age of seventeen, I’m thirteen years old now!”

Barry took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention to walk around the bat cave several times, and then returned to Batman’s side and asked a little stiffly, “Lord Wayne, emmm… Are we just waiting?”

“Just call me Bruce, and we’ll see when Kelix calculates the fall of the Rodsburg fragment. Bruce Wayne explained.


In space, Rozburg, which was hit by a super-electromagnetic concussion cannon, already has signs of disintegration.

The data demon in the core control room was also stunned for a moment by this electromagnetic shock, but soon came to his senses and resumed the operation of the equipment: “Meaningless struggle. ”

He brought up the image of Prison Room One, where the monsters had dismantled the giant machine that controlled him and would not be long before they broke out of the cage.

“It’s time to drop the final weapon!” the data demon smirked.

The next moment, three blazing rays of light suddenly swept through, cutting the entire Rozburg to pieces, and a violent explosion rumbled, and the data demon immediately called up the monitoring screen.

It was Lu Li who was destroying Rozburg with their thermal vision.

“Bastard!” the data demon directly controls the processors in Rozburg, unleashing a large number of evil criminals.

These criminals rushed out of Rozburg in dense packs, many of them can survive in the universe, but in the face of the vast universe, the earth is naturally the closest and the most suitable place to land.


Before those criminals could get close to the atmosphere, three rays of thermal vision swam in the sky with precision, sweeping through the universe, like the scythe of death, mercilessly harvesting the lives of these criminals.

Few of the living beings survived the powerful thermal vision, and a few who did not die rushed out with Lu Li Clark and Fio Ra.

Clark doesn’t kill earthlings, but when facing the inhuman criminals in Rozburg, his speed is no slower than that of Lu Li and Fio La, and it didn’t take long for the criminals released by the data demon to be wiped out.

All that’s left is the larger fragments of Rozburg pushed into the sun.

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