“In this way, some vigilantes who adhere to the principle of not killing should not have any opinions, after all, the United States ZF has expressed its position, and some terrorists who threaten social order are not easy to deal with, so they will directly throw this mess here. Anyway, we have artificial intelligence convictions, and we can’t help but throw them directly into the phantom area, how simple it is!”

Lu Li felt that recruiting steel bones was simply the most correct decision.

Since this guy became a cyborg, he has been doing nothing at home all day, and now he is fooled by Lu Li, feeling that he has done a great thing, and he has been working day and night for the past two months.

But Lu Li was moved.

“On behalf of the Justice League, I formally invite you to join. Lu Li stretched out his hand and invited again.

Cyborg refused once before, and Lu Li finally fooled him into coming over and trying it, but as soon as he came, he triggered Cyborg’s workaholic attribute.

The Justice League Earth Headquarters inside and out, from equipment installation to programming, is handled by him alone.

Sure enough, Cyborg, who had been in the Justice League for nearly two months, did not refuse again this time.

“Okay, thank you, Lu Li. ”

Steel-boned Victor Stone stretched out his hand and shook it with Lu Li.

“Cyborg, anyway, you’re in charge of the Justice League’s database, just upload your photos and upgrade your purple membership. Lu Lidao.

“In fact, the increase in purple members requires the unanimous authorization of all purple members. Cyborg said.

“There is this rule, why don’t I know?” Lu Li was a little confused, he didn’t remember that he had set this rule in the first place.

Diana finally found an opportunity to strike Lu Li, “Of course there is, I mentioned it in the first meeting, but an irresponsible president didn’t attend, and then the written document asked you to sign, and you signed it without even reading it.” ”

“Didn’t I trust you!”

Lu Li hurriedly opened the topic to hide the fact that he was actually a shopkeeper, “That… The purple member is not present for Superman and Batman, so it’s okay to make a phone call and give verbal authorization, and I want to pull the Flash in by the way. ”

“Will Barry agree to join us?” asked Diana.

Lu Li directly took out his mobile phone, “Believe it or not, I’ll send him a text message, he will definitely appear here within a minute, and the mechanical guards at the door can’t stop him.” ”

In fact, Barry has long wanted to join the Justice League, but Lu Li didn’t mention it, and Barry himself was not embarrassed to ask, after all, he was a little restrained as a newcomer.

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A text message asking Barry if he wants to join the Justice League is sent, and just 30 seconds after the timer, a yellow lightning bolt suddenly lights up.

Barry Allen successfully triggers the alarm of the Justice League safety net, and he rushes past the mechanical guards and breaks into the address given to him by Lu Li.

That is, the CNC management center on the fifteenth floor of the Justice League building.

“Lu Li… You invited me to join the Justice League… Wow, did I trespass illegally, I remember that Mr. President said that this is a special department of the United States, and civilians are not allowed to enter…”

Barry was agitated to find that there were red lights around him, and two mechanical guards chased after him in the hallway, waving metal tentacles and rushing towards Barry.

Lu Li waved at the mechanical guards, motioned for them to go down, and then explained the situation to Barry.

“Flash, Barry Allen, because of your excellent performance in the invasion of data demons, after careful discussion by our department, we have decided to officially invite you to join the Justice League, are you willing?” Lu Li asked with a serious face.

Diana on the side showed a disgusted expression and muttered softly: “It’s obvious that it’s just a casual decision, okay?” ”

“I do! I do!!”

Barry’s smiling face was almost ear-grabbing, and his excited look made one suspect that he had been proposed.

After that, Cyborg and Diana are responsible for dealing with the overexcited and incoherent guy, while Lu Li goes out to make a phone call and ask for Superman and Batman’s opinion.

Clark naturally has no objection, after all, in the battle with the data demon invasion, he recognized the Flash and the steel bone.

As for Batman Bruce Wayne…

Lu Li did not get through to his phone, the communication signal was normal, and the emergency rescue situation was not touched.

“Will you sleep?”

This idea was born and was vetoed by Lu Li.

Who is Bartman?

O Night Knight!

In layman’s terms, it is the big night when you are paralyzed and you are happy.

Before four or five in the morning, Batman will sleep?

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