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Chapter 142 The Light of Recovery

"The other shore flower!"

The Wisdom Staff punched the ground, sending the blazing white flame into the ground through the fist. The ground that was hit was full of cracks, and white flames rolled on the ground.

"No matter how powerful it is, it will be futile if you can't hit it."

The Destroyer of Light held the sword in both hands, fixed his eyes on the thin figure kneeling on one knee after punching the ground, and did not step forward easily.

This is most likely a trap-type skill that is automatically triggered when connected to an adventurer.

After losing the five senses, adventurers often have no special means to lock the enemy, and setting trigger trap skills is their priority skill.

The Destroyer of Light is very experienced in dealing with similar skills.

The wisdom bestowed by the devil, and the experience of fighting adventurers for decades, made this knight who had won countless honors more cautious and fearful.

"Don't think that such a small trick can defeat me, I am the destroyer of light, the king of the dark corridor!"

Just when the Destroyer of Light wanted to laugh out loud, a pillar of white flame erupted from the ground, piercing him vertically.

"How. How is it possible?"

The pillar of white flames enveloping the Destroyer of Light was getting thicker and thicker, before he was about to be swallowed by the white flames, he looked around.

With the adventurer in front as the center, dozens of pillars of white flames erupted continuously within a radius of tens of meters, and the one that wrapped himself was the thickest.

In the short time before his temporary death, the Destroyer of Light figured it out.

This is not a triggered trap skill at all. It is a semi-map-wide trigger skill. Dozens of white flame pillars erupt to search for enemies. Once they touch the enemy, the power of the fire pillar will be automatically strengthened.

It's a pity that the Destroyer of Light understands now, it's too late

The rest of the white flame beams no longer erupted, but continued to strengthen and thicken the white flame beam that hit the Destroyer of Light.

Under the high temperature of more than 1,000 degrees Celsius, even the cursed armor with inscriptions carved by the devil himself is hard to stop.

The pillar of fire dissipated, and a puddle of iron juice flowed on the place where the Destroyer of Light was standing with a sword, but he himself disappeared

[Reincarnation Wisdom Stick, after you use the Fire Magic Bead and Heart Blood Ointment, you can overdraw your potential and use the high-level secret technique: Bana Flower.

Your arms cannot bear such a load and are about to burn.

The secret skill you used this time has damaged the genetic origin, and a large cost will be added when you return to the paradise to repair it. 】

[Wisdom Staff of the Reincarnation, you have defeated the master of the Dark Promenade—the Destroyer of Light, and you have obtained a top-grade reward. 】

[You have obtained equipment: Cursed Sword. 】

[Two-handed sword: the sword of the curse.

Rating: B Excellent.

Effect: Darkness reigns. In the dark, the cursed sword holder will gain additional attack power, attack speed, hit rate, and crit rate bonus.

Skill 1: Night falls. Consuming a lot of magic power, it casts a dark field that covers the sky and the sun, and everything within a certain range will be shrouded in darkness. (The mana consumption of this skill is very huge. When the mana is exhausted, the skill will be canceled automatically.)

Skill 2: Doomsday Curse. Concentrate a large amount of magic power, and swing a long-range cursed sword wave at the enemy's organisms. The cursed sword wave is black and silent, and it can deprive the opponent's five senses after hitting it.

Introduction: Whoever wields this sword will become the king of the night and the ruler of endless darkness. The curse of doomsday will take away the bravery of the warriors and the steadfastness of the pious. —— Demon King]

With the death of the master of the Dark Corridor, the Destroyer of Light, the light-absorbing circle in the entire Sky City instantly lost control and power.

The light shines on the world again.

At the same time, a cloud of black mist automatically detached from Zhizhang's body and dispersed with the wind, allowing him to regain his five senses.

But what dispersed together were the two arms of Master Zhizhang.

He staggered towards the direction of Ruoyu and the others, halfway, he was caught by the strong man and helped him to the place where Qiaoqiao was.

Hercules didn't say a word, he just helped and kept silent.

Even though he has never experienced the sweetness of love, he can deeply understand the pain in Zhizhang's heart at this moment.

A bachelor who had lived for decades in his previous life suddenly met a girl from heaven to save him, ending his lonely and sleepless life.

Before the spring night is short, life and death are separated immediately, and the beautiful woman passes away.

This roller coaster-like ups and downs, just imagining it, makes people heartbroken.

At this time, silence is golden.

When the distance was closer to Qiaoqiao, Zhizhang broke free from the support of the strong man and fell to his knees with a "plop". He lost his hands, and he didn't even have the ability to hug the woman he loved.

He could only lower his head, bend over, put his face against Qiaoqiao's, feeling the coldness of her corpse.

It is said that men do not flick their tears lightly, but in fact it is just not yet the time to be sad.

Two lines of blood and tears flowed from the wisdom stick again, breathing slowly, as if it would fall silent at any moment.

The innumerable poignancy and coldness of the whole scene made all the reincarnations present feel the same.

Green poplars, fragrant grass and long pavilion roads are easy to leave for young people.

The dream at the top of the building is at five o'clock, and the flower bottom is separated from love and it rains in March.

Ruthless doesn't seem to be passionate and bitter, and an inch is worth thousands of strands.

When there is a limit to the ends of the earth, there is only endless lovesickness.

Farewell to life and death, and die in mourning.

But none of the four reincarnations present dared to speak out to comfort them. It wasn't that they didn't want to, but that they couldn't.

Even Ruoyu moved her lips glutinously, but in the end she still didn't say anything.

Just when everyone was feeling the night before dawn, the tranquility before the storm.

An unexpected male voice came to everyone's ears.

"I reject her death."

"Holy Light! Follow my call, resurrect the brave man in front of you, and let the light of justice shine on the world again."

"Light of Recovery!"

The holy white light suddenly bloomed, divided into several waves and flew from a distance, crossed the sky, and landed on Qiaoqiao's body.

With the influx of light, the girl's body, which should have fallen on the ground, actually had a faint heartbeat.

The body temperature began to rise, the complexion on the delicate face began to improve, and the indistinct breath was blowing on Zhizhang's face, which revived the latter's dead heart.


Qiaoqiao uttered a low and tender cry, and opened her eyes slightly.

"Stop pressing on me, it's so heavy~"

"Okay, I'll come down right away. What! Coincidentally, you're alive?"

Although his eyes were blind, Zhi Zhang, who still had sound hearing, was ecstatic when he heard the girl's voice that sounded like heaven, and stood up quickly. (It's just the sound of nature that Zhizhang personally thinks.)

"If you don't come down again, I will be crushed to death by you~"

The revived Qiaoqiao said a witty remark, appearing full of energy.

But the other girl didn't care about Qiaoqiao's resurrection, she stared at the direction of the guiding light in the distance, the affection flowed in her beautiful eyes, her face was blushing, full of tenderness and sweetness.

"I know that you are a bad guy, you won't die so easily~"

. . . . . . .

(At the end of this chapter, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket.)

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