Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Dao heart is indestructible, my heart is like a lamp, there should be no black ever

On the top of the mountain.

A group of immortals, Xianzhong is approaching the futon.

However, the futon's test of Dao Xin was too harsh, and even a fairy like Gong Yue couldn't get close to the futon within a hundred meters.

At this moment, many immortals are already sweating profusely and are lying on the ground.

Some fairy species almost fainted.

"It's too hard, it's too hard."

"It seems we have no way to get this futon."

A fairy shook his head and said disappointedly.

He is considered the top among these immortals, but even he can't get close to the futon within five hundred feet.

Now he feels that if he doesn't take a step, it is a heavy beating against Dao Xin. If he continues to walk, his Dao Xin will probably collapse. If it is really like that, it will be more than a loss.

"It seems that it can only stop here."

Gong Yue shook her head and said, even if it was her, she couldn't go on anymore. She looked at the futon with a touch of disappointment and unwillingness in her eyes.

"Oh, God's will is so, this thing is beyond my possession."

Da da……

At this time, a sound of footsteps suddenly sounded.

I saw a white robe stepping onto the top of the mountain and walking towards the futon. The man dressed in white was walking briskly, as if there was no pressure.

This person is Chu Madman.

"It's him!"

"Wait, why does he have no pressure."

Lin Yan, Sword King and other immortals looked at Madman Chu with horror on their faces. They were struggling to walk, and they couldn't move a single step.

But Madman Chu seems to have no pressure!

"what on earth is it?"

Yuan Xu looked at the Madman Chu passing by, unable to believe it.

As a reincarnated immortal, his Dao Xin is no less inferior than that of Gong Yue. Although he was hit by Madman Chu just now, he was not weaker than the other immortals, so he left other immortals far behind.

Originally, he was a little proud? But now, compared with Madman Chu? His Dao heart is almost not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this, Yuan Xu's Dao Heart shook, and the strength that blessed him on his Dao Heart violently strengthened, directly pressing him to the ground!

But Madman Chu would not ignore this.

"Who are you?!"

Yuan Xu lay on the ground? Looking at Madman Chu's back, he muttered.

Not only the fairy? The fairy people are also dumbfounded.

Madman Chu passed the immortals, and began to pass the immortals? When he passed the gentlemen of the academy, he stopped for a while? Nodded slightly at the gentlemen who had already been confused, and said hello.

Then he continued to walk forward.

Brisk walking? Like walking in a quiet courtyard.

Until? Over the palace moon.

Become the person closest to the futon.


Fairy species? The fairies all took a breath.

"This? How is this possible!!"

"His Dao Heart actually surpassed all of us!!"

"Did he use any tricks?"


"This is a test of Dao Xin. How to cheat? A young fairy? How can there be such Dao Xin?"

Nobody knows.

Long before he entered the immortal realm? Madman Chu had gone through a demon barrier? Since then, his Dao heart can hardly be shaken.

Dao Xin has risen to an incredible realm of the strongest!

This futon is a test of Dao Xin? Very strong!

Even Gong Yue, who has experienced countless vicissitudes of life like this, cannot pass, but he... can! !

His Dao Heart? There is nothing to break, cannot shake! !

"Mr. Thirteen is really what a capable person can't!"

Mr. Da sighed with emotion.

The other sirs, students? also agreed.

And at this time, Madman Chu was close to the futon? That power that tested Dao Xin was directly more than ten times stronger!

But Madman Chu still kept walking towards the futon.

"My Dao Heart is as solid as a rock!"

"What is moving in this world?"

Madman Chu murmured, and as he approached the futon, countless illusions gradually appeared in front of him.

The empire was destroyed, the sky star civilization was destroyed...

The people and things he valued constantly disappear in front of him.

"It's really inferior."

Madman Chu was still unmoved by these.

Then, a magnificent palace appeared before him.

In front of the palace, there are countless immortals.

"See Your Majesty!"

These immortals knelt towards him, as if ten thousand immortals came.

In front of him, a resplendent throne appeared, filled with endless temptation.

As if he sits on it, he can become the supreme lord of the immortal world who is in charge of the universe and the power of life and death, the ruler of heaven and earth!

But Madman Chu just took a look, then raised his foot and stepped directly on the throne, "Heaven and earth dominate? Oh, the temptation is really big."


With one foot, the throne collapsed!

Countless immortals also disappeared in front of them.

"It's a pity that heaven and earth dominate, I like to take it myself instead of granting it by an illusion." Madman Chu said lightly.

He continued to walk forward.

At this time, the world suddenly became dark.

"Go one step further and you will die!"

In the darkness, a magnificent voice sounded, as if from all directions, it was impossible to tell where it came from.

"Interesting, but I to death!"

Madman Chu continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, a sword qi flew out in the darkness, piercing his limbs, and a severe pain rushed into his mind.

At this moment, is it illusion or reality, as if it has been confused.

Madman Chu's expression was calm, even though his limbs were pierced, he continued walking without realizing it.

Sword Qi flew out from the darkness, and a stubborn evil spirit crawled out, also tearing his body.

Even purgatory is nothing more than that.

"My heart is like a light, and wherever I go, there should be no darkness."

Madman Chu said with bruises and blood.

In an instant, boundless brilliance bloomed from his body, countless injuries disappeared without a trace, the flying sword energy collapsed, and thousands of evil spirits melted away.

The boundless darkness is lit, and there is no more haze.


In the void, there was a soft laughter.

Immediately afterwards, Madman Chu's vision changed.

Before he knew it, he had already walked under the fairy tree.

In front of him, is the spotless futon.

Behind him, Xianren Xianzhong was already stunned.

"He, he succeeded!!"

"He actually succeeded, he really went there, my God, how strong is this person's Dao Heart?!"

"The talent and strength are unparalleled. Now, even this heart is so indestructible, this person really has no shortcomings!"

"This person is really a born monk!"

The immortals thought that Madness Chu had caused them enough shock but this person has repeatedly refreshed their perceptions.

This person is unfathomable, like a bottomless pit.

"My son, destined to stand on top of the immortal way."

Lan Yu looked at Madman Chu's back with enthusiasm.

"Wang is worthy of being a king, and easily did what we didn't even dare to think of." Yin Honghua was also extremely admired.

"Boss is mighty!!"

The little fox only knew how to cheer. In her opinion, Madman Chu had almost become synonymous with omnipotence.

"I thought that I had overestimated him as much as possible, but I still underestimated him by far." Gong Yue muttered.

She is far inferior to this Dao Xin.

The entire Qinglan Immortal Realm is afraid that no one can reach it.

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