Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : The sword comes, the trump card of the sword crown, the ten thousand swords are the

With the sword buried above the sea, the madman Chu and the sword crown became more and more fierce, and the sword crown even took out the forbidden trick of burying the sword sea, which is the three swords he used to defeat the sword crown!

   The green python was holding it, and the surging sword resentment swept through and condensed into a resentment whirlpool, and in the whirlpool, countless ferocious evil spirits Shura roared and wailed, shaking the void in all directions.

   "Even if the infinite **** descends, I, Madman Chu, can still be invincible with the sword in my hand!" Madman Chu pointed his sword to the ground, his white clothes were like snow, and he was still mad and unchangeable in the face of the fierce sword resentment in front of him!

   The sword crown, upon seeing this, shows the taboo trick of burying the sword in the sea!

   "Abi Dao, all ghosts are extinct!!"

   There was a long howl.

   Ten thousand ghosts echoed, the air of sword grievance leaped into the air, turning into a huge shadow of a knife, which was cut out with the sound of ten thousand ghosts wailing!

   "Thousand Lotus Sword Intent!"

   Facing the extreme move that blasted in front of him, the madman Chu's expression remained unchanged, his sword fingers condensed, the purple sword light turned into a rainbow, and it was cut out!

boom! !

   The sword light collided with ten thousand ghosts extremely, like two huge stars smashed together, the entire void exploded.

   The wind and clouds are surging, the lines are broken, and the space is torn apart.

   The madman of Chu bears the brunt and goes back hundreds of miles.

   Seeing the knife crown, chase after victory!

   "Abi Road, everything is gone!"

  The blue light circulated on the body of the green python sword, and a burst of ice-cold sword intent swept out, and all sword repairers in the room couldn't help being cold.

   The long knife cut through the void.

  The cold light of the knife almost made everything wither?  Even the sunlight emitted by the high sun became cold.

  In the face of this knife, Kunwu didn't scabbard the madman Chu's waist?  Kunwu is not an immortal weapon yet, and it does not increase him much.

   He raised his hand and grabbed it towards the void, "Come on the sword!!"

   I saw the Qinglian Immortal Sword, which was hung out of the sword crown for demonstration, trembling frantically at the gate of Burying Jianhai.

  In the next moment, the green lotus sword turned into a stream of light?  It broke through the air in the direction of Madman Chu?  In a moment, he came to his hand and was held in his hand.

  The green lotus fairy sword started?  With Chu Madman's kendo origin, this fractured sword, with only half of the sword body left, bloomed with unprecedented brilliance, sweeping the boundless sword pressure.

   The madman of Chu held the Qinglian Immortal Sword and cut it out with one sword!

  The purple lotus sword light and the cold sword light crashed against each other?  The sword air that swept through made the thousands of miles of clouds directly dissipated!

   There was a huge crack in the sky.

  This time?  Equally divided.

   "A broken sword?  How much more combat power can it give you?! Madman Chu?  You are too poor, take my last move!"

   "Abi Dao?  The Jedi destroys the sky!"

   Sword Crown sneered.

  He held up the long sword in his hand?  Sword resentment urged to the extreme!

  The terrifying power of the sword?  As if to destroy everything!

  Sword repairs all around are heart palpitations?  The slightly weaker cultivation base can't help but shiver?  The face is full of panic.

   Cut out with one knife, the sword swallowed the sky?   Covered the madman Chu.

   With this knife, the world is sealed off, and there is no way to avoid it!

   "The donkey skill is poor? In this world?  No one has ever been able to see my hole cards clearly, my ability?  How can you figure it out?!"

   Chu Madman said indifferently.

   I saw the seals of proof coming out from his body, encircling the whole body, celestially brilliant, shining all directions!

  The fairies watching the battle couldn't help but marvel.

   You must know that it is very difficult for an immortal to create an immortal technique, but to the Madman Chu, it seems to be a common thing, with dozens of seals of proof.

   After returning to the academy, Madman Chu absorbed and refined the fairy dew he got from Penglai Island, and the magic lotus also advanced to the twelfth rank, allowing him to create four more fairy methods.

  Before adding, he used the wine of enlightenment to retreat to enlighten the immortal law, and now the madman of Chu has a total of forty-six seals of proof!

   Forty-six certification seals, this is enough to make the magic power of Chu Madman get an extremely terrifying increase!

   "Cut!" The madman Chu held the Qinglian Immortal Sword, slashed out a sword, and the sword light that covered the sky and sun was whizzing out.

   Extremely stroked collisions, and each was impacted. Madman Chu had a strong physical body and an immortal body, but nothing happened.

   But looking at the sword crown, under such an impact, even he suffered a lot of trauma. The whole person flew hundreds of miles upside down, vomiting blood directly, and his breath was a lot of atrophy.

   And he looked at the unscathed Chu Madman, his pupils shrank, and he couldn't believe it, and said, "How is this possible? Under this kind of impact, even I have suffered a lot of harm. How can you be unscathed?"

   "It's easy, because...I am better than you!"

   Chu Madman said indifferently.

   He held the Qinglian Immortal Sword and swept towards the crown of the sword, the sword light flickered one after another, directly blasting the opponent out again.

   The wounded knife crown is not his opponent at all, it is suppressed everywhere, and can only be supported by the green python with his hands.

  The sword repair who buried Jianhai was shocked.

   In their view, the sword crown is an invincible myth, but now, this myth has been broken by the madman of Chu!

   "No, it's impossible!"

   "The Madman Chu is just an immortal species who has not yet become a fairy. How could he win the Sect Master? It is absolutely impossible."

   The sword repairmen were stunned.

   The immortals are also stunned secretly.

   Obviously, Madman Chu's strength shocked them, after all, the sword crown was a ninth grade immortal close to the earth immortal.

   Many people think Madman Chu can't win, but now Madman Chu slapped them with strength.

   "No, no, how could I lose to him!"

   "How could I lose to a swordsman!"

   Knife Crown was extremely unwilling, his eyes were red, and he roared, and put the long knife in his hand on the ground of Burying Jianhai.

   A powerful sword intent spread out instantly, covering the entire sword burial sea, and countless lines appeared in the void.

   This enveloped the entire sword burial sea like a big net, and then, the sound of knives groaned the clouds.

   I saw the long knives in the hands of countless swordsmen throw out, hovering in the sky, and the extremely terrifying sword intent enveloped the world.

   "Chu madman, I admit that your strength is above me, but today you will still lose to me!!"

   "Don't forget, this is the sea of ​​burial swords, the place where sword repairs all over the world converge. This is my home court!!"

   The sword crown manipulated the world's ten thousand knives, and said coldly.

   The madman of Chu glanced at the countless long swords around him, and he saw the clues at a glance, "Oh, it turned out to be a formation."

   "That's right, it is the heavenly formation of my burial sword!"

   Sword Crown said, raising his hand to pull ten thousand knives, a large amount of sword energy condensed in the void, one after another at Madman Chu.

   Ten Thousand Swords Heaven Absolute Formation, this is a powerful trump card hidden in the Sea of ​​Burial Jianhai, the sword crown is confident, even if an earth fairy falls here, he has the confidence to kill it!

   "Now, Madman Chu is really in desperation!"

   "I didn't expect the knife crown to have this method."

   In the void, the fairies are communicating.

   One of the middle-aged youths said lightly: "This formation is very powerful, even I am not sure to break it."

   Hearing what he said, the immortals beside him looked at Madman Chu with regret, "Even the elder said so, it seems that Madman Chu is really doomed."

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