Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1152: : The first reincarnation ceremony, the embrace of Zhao Fangfei

The first reincarnation ceremony begins.

   I saw that in an empty place in Fengdu Jifu, six beams of light projected from the six gates of reincarnation in the sky connected the sky and the earth, and before the beam of light, countless souls gathered.

   These are the people waiting for reincarnation.

   And those six light pillars represent the way of heaven, humanity, asura, hungry ghost, animal and hell...

   "Ghost Emperor, the reincarnation ceremony is ready."

   Bai Mei walked to Madman Chu and said.

   "Okay, let's get started."

   Chu Madman said.


   A large number of dead souls walked into the beam of light, and then were absorbed by the huge six gates of reincarnation in the sky, and then turned to the corresponding fate.

   If you don't become immortal, you will enter reincarnation.

   The madman of Chu looked at this scene thoughtfully.

   "No, no, I don't want to go to the **** road, that kind of place is not for people at all, just get out of me."

   "Heaven, I want to turn to Heaven and be a fairy."

   At this time, a dead soul suddenly started making a fuss. He took out a knife from nowhere, and started rushing towards the Heavenly Dao beam of light.

   "Huh, reincarnation of life and death, this is not your responsibility!"

   A yin soldier snorted coldly, his figure flashed, came to the front of the dead soul, kicked him back to hell.

   "During your lifetime, you brutally murdered 1,800 innocent people. You must serve 1,800 years in Hell to be reincarnated."

   The Yin Soldier said coldly.

   The other Yin Soldiers stared coldly at the other people in Hell Road, their eyes were extremely cold, to prevent other souls from rebelling.

  In the distance, Madman Chu was not surprised to see this.

   Hell Road, he had visited that place, and various kinds of torture appeared in an endless stream. Serving a sentence there is simply not as good as death.

   It is normal that there will be revolts of the dead souls.

   "One thousand eight hundred lives, one thousand eight hundred years in prison?"

   "Tsk, if I serve the sentence, don't I have to serve it until I am old?" Chu madman tut said.

   The number of monks who died in his hands was more than one thousand and eight hundred. It would not be too much to add a few zeros to the end, and most of the other monks were the same.

   Therefore, once you step on the path of spiritual practice, unless you can become an immortal and transcend the cycle of life and death, death may be more uncomfortable than living.

   The road of cultivation, there is no going back, there is no going back.

   Although there were some waves in the first reincarnation ceremony, overall it went smoothly.

   But the madman of Chu knew that the task of rebuilding the underworld and rebuilding the cycle of reincarnation was far from complete, and he had a long way to go.

   Apart from anything else, the current reincarnation mechanism is not strong enough, any immortal Taoist system will be enough for a pot of netherworld.

   Not only that, but the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is also limited, and can only send a batch of dead souls to reincarnation every once in a while.

"Still a long way to go."

   "If you want to build the six doors of reincarnation with the most complete power, you must at least get the remaining eight pieces of reincarnation emperor seals back."

   There are five ghost emperors in the capital city.

   There are a total of nine ghost emperors in the east, west, south and north, that is, nine reincarnation seals, and he only has one in his hand.

   The other emperor seals are now divided in all directions, and I don’t know where they are.

   "It's a long way to go."

   Chu Madman whispered.

   But he is not in a hurry, he has the reincarnation celestial body and a piece of the reincarnation emperor seal in his hand, and he has a certain perception of the emperor seal.

   This is very helpful for him to find other emperor seals.

   Now that Fengdu Difu is operating in an orderly manner, Madman Chu is going to leave first, and is going to look for the emperor's seal while practicing.

Before    left, he gave some ghost practice practices in Shen Tu's memory to Bai Mei and others, so that they could practice well.

   Bai Mei has great potential. Without practicing any practice, he reached a level close to the golden fairy by devouring dead souls.

   After practicing Shen Tu's practice, I believe that it will not take long to reach the level of the Golden Immortal and become a capable member of the underworld.

   The sky over the capital city.

   The madman of Chu took out the imperial seal of reincarnation, and the celestial body of reincarnation revolved, only to see the imperial seal blooming with boundless brilliance, covering the capital of the capital.

   The next moment.

   The whole land was turbulent, and it began to split, and a huge black abyss appeared, engulfing the capital of the capital.

  Feidu Jifu disappeared in front of everyone.

   "It is said that the underworld is located in a mysterious space underground. The place is called the underworld. It seems to be as rumored."

   Li Wangchen said.


   The madman Chu nodded.

   Underworld, the mysterious underground world, where the three major underworlds are located, the madman of Chu has now become the ghost emperor of Fengdu, but he can come and go freely.

   It's just that he has no idea of ​​going there for the time being.

   "Everyone, I have already passed on to Lu Zi and others about Fengdu, but I don't want to go back to the academy for the time being, so I plan to say goodbye to you here first." Madman Chu said.

   The rest of the world looked at each other upon hearing this.

   Wang Shen Tian laughed and said, "Chief, in fact, our thoughts are similar to yours, and we don't want to go back for the time being."

   "Yes, retreat in the academy, the harvest is limited after all. Only by experiencing life and death, can you have a great sense of opportunity!"

   Li Wangchen also said.

   "We plan to go to other places to experience it."

   "Chief, there will be a period later, I will meet again in the future, I will definitely let you see a stronger me."

   Zhao Fangfei looked at Madman Chu, and suddenly stepped forward, spreading her arms and saying, "Chief, this is going to go, or else hold one."

   The Madman Chu was taken aback, "No need anymore."

   "Don't be shy."

   Zhao Fangfei hugged Madman Chu without saying a word.

   Nephrite was in her arms, and a faint fragrance lingered on the tip of her nose.

   "Chief, you have to be careful, be careful of the magic way, especially the Yuhun line." Zhao Fangfei exhaled in the ears of Madman Chu.

   The corner of the madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised, and he whispered softly: "Then you have to be careful, the descendants of Baimei are not a small temptation for those in the magic way."

   He clearly felt that Zhao Fangfei's body in his arms was shocked, obviously shocked that he could tell her identity in one word.

   "It turns out that the chief has already known."

   "I knew it the first time I saw you."

   "The chief has never said it. Is it possible that the joke that has been watching me fails?" Zhao Fangfei said with a bit of resentment.


   The madman Chu gave a chuckle without words, and suddenly he felt that his earlobe was held by something.

   It turned out that Zhao Fangfei was angry and bit his earlobe.

   Only for a moment, then the two separated.

   The madman Chu touched his ear.

   myself, this is being taken advantage of.

  Also, the other party can also talk to himself through the voice of those words just now, there is no need to hug it, sure enough, I still want to take advantage of me.



   Suddenly, Madman Chu heard the sound of grinding his teeth.

   I saw Lan Yu, Chu Hong, and the three little foxes staring at Zhao Fangfei next to her, gnashing her teeth.

   The Madman Chu was taken aback, what's wrong?

  Have grudges?

   "Haha, Friends of Dao Zhao, we are old acquaintances, this is going to leave, or let's hug it too."

   Wang Shentian opened his hands and laughed.

   Zhao Fangfei glanced at him, "No."

   "Uh, so sad."

   Wang Shentian made a joke and didn't care too much.

   And Zhao Fangfei glanced at Chu Madman, especially staring at the other's earlobe, licking his lips, as if reminiscing about something, and then he said, "Chief, there will be a period later."

   "Well, there will be a period later."

   Then, everyone separated and went to experience each.

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