Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1178: : Xianting Ziwei 1 vein, descendant of the giant spirit, how do you want my blood...

"Too weak, you are too weak."

Jiu Fang raised his hand to urge the power of water and fire, blasting Fushan, Huayun and others with a contemptuous smile on their faces, "You are really too weak, even if you unite, you are not my opponent at all."

The expressions of Fu Shan, Hua Yun and others were extremely solemn.

They naturally know the strength of the other party, and apart from anything else, the gap between the earth immortal and the heavenly immortal is not so easy to make up.

Not to mention, the opponent is still a pure-blooded nine-infant beast that has awakened five times. Together, they can only slightly contend with it.

It would not take much effort for the other party to kill them.

"Use this trick to solve you completely."

Jiu Fang gave a low cry, red and blue light flashing alternately on his body, and powerful water and fire waves roared out.

"This volatility is, it's not good, it's the golden fairy law!"

Fu Shan's face condensed slightly.

The Golden Immortal Technique is already considered to be the top of all immortal techniques, and even few Jiezi in the academy can master the Golden Immortal Technique.

"Water, fire and flood!"

The nine parties gave a soft drink, and a large number of Dao patterns appeared all around, which contained a stream of inflammation and water.

Two completely different energies merged together and turned into a torrent, whizzing towards Fushan and others!

The faces of the world's children changed, and they urged Xianyuan one after another, and bursts of magical energy flew out, slamming on the torrent one after another.

But it's useless.

All kinds of fairy methods are broken!

The majestic torrent is never forward, hitting the world.

"Block it for me!!"

Fu Shan urged Xian Yuan to the extreme, and the power of runes gathered together, turning into a wall of runes and blocking it out.

boom! !

The two forces collided instantly.

One rune is broken!

Fu Shan's face turned pale after brushing!

"not good!"

In the distance, Cao Yun's face changed drastically and wanted to rescue him, but Xing Feng next to him refused to give up and dragged him tightly.

Moments of crisis.

A long spear broke through the air from a distance!

The long spear passed through the rune, tearing up the torrent with an extremely overbearing breath, and blasted towards the nine directions!

"Well, there are still masters?"

Jiufang's eyes condensed, then he punched out.

The fist was strong, and shot the spear flying.

But he himself also stepped back dozens of feet, looking into the distance.

I saw a sturdy young man walking forward and backward, and every step he took, the earth shook.

An extremely overbearing breath shook the emptiness of the Quartet.


Jiu Fang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Fu Shan, Hua Yun and other Jiezi were overjoyed.

"Wang Shentian!"

The visitor was Wang Shentian, a member of the academy circles.

Last time, he and Zhao Fangfei, Li Wangchen and other world-borns followed the madman of Chu to Fengdu, and after parting, they embarked on a journey of experience.

Unexpectedly, when he reappeared, he was already a god.

"Those who want to hurt my academy, first asked the King Qianjunying!"

Wang Chentian let out a long roar, the immortal yuan on his body whizzed, and there were bursts of battle roars in the sky, and a scene of thousands of horses emerged.

It is the vision, the king of the army! !

Wang Chentian raised his hand and grabbed it, and the spear shot by the nine parties flew back to his hand, buzzing.

Under the vision of Qianjun Ying, he at this moment is like an invincible overlord, his aura is tyrannical, rare to compare.

"Ha, Wang Shentian, you came right in time, it is not easy for them to see our college today!"

Cao Yun smiled, then his eyes flashed coldly.

His celestial essence circulates, his body soars to the sky, countless characters appear in the void, forming countless rules and regulations.

It is the golden rule of one of the three visions of the Academy! !

"Xing Feng, fight again!"

Cao Yun received the blessing of the golden rule and jade law chapter, and there is a sense of majesty in every gesture, and the power of each move has increased a lot.

Seeing this, Xing Feng couldn't help but his face was solemn, and a pitch-black giant axe appeared in his hand, with evil air currents turning out.

"Then let you see the strongest power of Xing Tian Faxiang!"

There was a long scream.

The power of the headless celestial elements behind Xing Feng skyrocketed, and the illusory elements seemed to condense into substance.

Jinkeyuru confronted Xingtian and Faxiang, the two people's breath flowed, the surrounding space was shaken, the wind was surging, and the earth was broken!

And the other side.

Wang Shentian confronted nine parties.

One is like the overlord alive, the other is the ancient beast Jiuying, or the Jiuying who has experienced five blood awakenings!

The battle between the two sides was magnificent.

The spectators all around were amazed.

"Ha, I've seen my blood boiled over this battle. The new realm of the academy is not bad in strength, and the vision of the king of the king of the army, I think it is inherited by one of the most holy kings of the academy."

Above the clouds.

A monk in golden armor smiled.

There was an eagerness in his eyes.

"Giant spirit, don't mess around." Beside the golden armor monk, a man in a purple robe frowned slightly.

"Ha, Zi Lei, your Ziwei line is one of the Six Emperors of Xian Ting, how come you come to Kunlun with fear and fear."

The brawny man called the giant spirit smiled.

"This time Kunlun has gathered a lot of Tianjiao powerhouses. I haven't got a firm foothold in Xian Ting. It's better not to cause trouble at will."

The young man called the Purple Thunder said lightly.

"If you change to the Shao Yu of your line, it is estimated that you would have taken action long ago. You are like this, but you are insulting to the prestige of Ziwei Shao Yu."

The giant spirit said playfully.


Zi Lei's face became stiff, he admired the Ziwei Shaoyu very much, and the words of the giant spirit were undoubtedly provoking him.

"Furthermore, the Madman Chu in that academy killed Xiao Zhu Rong and a few other realmists, and this account cannot be ignored."

The look in the giant spirit's eyes suddenly became cold.

Before Zi Lei could say anything, the giant spirit had already shot, swept towards the battlefield, and blasted towards Wang Shentian with a punch.

The majestic Xianyuan turned into a huge fist mark and blasted out.

boom! !

The surrounding space exploded fiercely!

Wang Chentian's face changed slightly, and he flicked his spear and fisted!

The two forces struck each other, and Wang Chentian was directly blasted back hundreds of feet away, looking at the giant spirit with gloomy expression, "Who are you?"

"The descendants of the Fairy Garden Giant Spirit!!"

The giant spirit shook everywhere!

Everyone was surprised.

"Heir to the Giant Spirit?!"

"Xianting ancient powerhouse, heir to the giant spirit god."

"Tsk, I didn't expect the Giant Spirit Race to come here to join in the fun."

There are many powerhouses in the ancient fairy court, such as the **** of fire Zhurong, the **** of water, etc., and the giant spirit **** is one of them.

As its descendant, the giant spirit is also a realm son. Its cultivation strength has reached the heavenly immortal realm. It is even stronger than the little Zhu The Chu madman of the academy once killed me Xianting Jiezi. Today, I will I want you to pay for it! ! "The giant spirit said coldly.

When many spectators saw this, they all thought that the academy could no longer sustain it.

Nine Fang, Xing Feng two people are enough for the Academy to deal with, let alone another giant spirit whose cultivation is not weaker than the first two.

"Oh, blood is paid for? I want to see, how do you want me to pay for blood!!"

Suddenly, an indifferent voice echoed in the void.

A transcendent figure in white clothes slowly landed, and a majestic power instantly overwhelmed everyone present.

The man came in white, black hair, eyes like stars, aloof demeanor, and the coercion on his body is more like an immortal king!

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