Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Fierce war against the ape ancestor, the secret method of fighting, it's reall

In the inheritance of the Sky Demon King.

The eighth wave of monsters is coming.

I saw an extremely powerful aura pouring out from the end of the desert, and violent coercion enveloped the audience.

That is a fighting sacred ape!

This fighting sacred ape is holding a golden long stick in his hand, wearing a chain mail, and his demon spirit is soaring, like a demon king of the world! !

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"This kind of breath makes the Ninth-Rank Celestial Perfect Perfection, but this breath is definitely not an ordinary Ninth-Rank Celestial."

"This combat power can already compete with the true immortals!!"

In a word, this fighting sacred ape is very strong!

the other side.

Prince Jinwu also encountered a fighting sacred ape exactly like the Madman Chu.

He sensed the breath of this fighting sacred ape, and couldn't help swallowing wildly, "This kind of breath is too terrifying!!"

Can this really win? ?

Prince Jinwu beat a drum in his heart, then gritted his teeth and said: "No matter what, you must try. If you can't even me, then others will be even worse."

After speaking, the hibiscus saplings in his hand were swept away, and a powerful hibiscus power broke out directly.

When the fighting saint ape saw this, the golden long stick in his hand directly swung out, the horror demon aura entangled on it, and the void was broken in one blow.

boom! !

The power of the hibiscus and the golden long stick hit together, and the unparalleled impact came out.

Prince Golden Crow was directly blasted out, his body trembled violently, and his eyes were horrified, "This is definitely comparable to a real fairy!!"

If he hadn't had a hibiscus tree in his hand, the blow just now would definitely injure him or even kill him! !

Boom, boom! !

The fighting sacred ape wielded his long stick and continued to attack, with countless Dao patterns, and the demon energy spread out in all directions, shaking the world with power.

Prince Jinwu held the hibiscus tree in his hand and barely resisted.

Can't even fight back.

"What is the origin of this fighting sacred ape, it is so terrifying! Even Yuan Feng is far inferior."

"This shouldn't be a battle sacred ape with blood awakened seven times and eight times!!"

"Only such a fighting saint can possess such terrifying combat power in the realm of heavenly immortals."

Prince Jinwu thought to himself.

It was another blow.

Prince Jinwu was directly shot out of the gray light group, and the test failed! !

the other side.

The fighting sacred ape Yuan Feng also survived the previous seven waves and met the fighting sacred ape.

With just a glance, Yuan Feng knew that he was definitely not an opponent.

"This kind of breath, could it be... Ape Ancestor?!!!"

The ancestor of the ape is the first sacred ape in the world to fight.

It was also the existence of the rumors that had made a big disturbance in Xian Ting, which disturbed Xian Ting.

Naturally, the fighting sacred ape in front of him could not be the real body of the ape ancestor. It was just an existence created by the Sky Demon King simulating the aura of the ape ancestor, but even so, it was extremely terrifying.

"It is possible to simulate the aura of the Ape Ancestor so vividly, is it possible that the Heaven Demon King and Ape Ancestor still have an intersection?"

Yuan Feng thought to himself.

At this moment, the ape ancestor had already raised the golden long stick and hit him with a blow! !

Yuan Feng let out a long whistle, "It is my honor to be able to fight against the ape ancestors, the secret method of fighting, open it to me!!!"

The demon energy in him soared wildly, and a breath of horror of fighting the sky and the battlefield poured out.

One stick swept out, and two golden giant sticks bombarded together.


Especially the substantive sound waves spread out, shaking the void, shattering the surrounding mountains!

The next moment.

Yuan Feng felt an incomparable force swept from the golden long stick in his hand, causing his body to almost burst!

one move!

Yuan Feng lost!

A beam of brilliance enveloped him and sent him out of the gray light group.

In the desert.

The madman of Chu stood in the air, and the fairy hui flowed, the immortal essence on his body poured out like a flood, stirring the void.

Opposite him, the fighting sacred ape also had a monstrous war spirit rising up into the sky, fighting against him!

"Then let me see how powerful the rumored ape ancestor is."

The corner of Chu Kuangren's mouth was slightly raised, and he had already analyzed the origin of the fighting sacred ape in front of him with his discerning eyes.

It was indeed an existence created by the Sky Demon King imitating the ape ancestor.


With a low growl, Ape Ancestor made a bold move, and the long stick in his hand directly hit the Madman Chu.

The madman of Chu did not show weakness, his sword fingers condensed, there was glaucoma in his eyes, the green leaf sword pupil used it, and the grass sword art was cut out.

The sword spirit is as thick as a mountain, I want to cut down the sun, moon and stars!

Sword Qi and the long stick bombarded together, and the entire desert exploded directly, and huge cracks formed one after another, forming countless quicksand pits and cracks.

After one blow, the Ape Ancestor and Chu Madman each retreated.

"Interesting, come again."

Madman Chu's eyes showed a trace of warfare.

For so long, in the same realm, few people have been able to repel him.

The performance of this fighting sacred ape gave him a fighting spirit after a long absence.

"Zhou's sword, tyrannical!!"

The madman of Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the sword of Zhou was displayed in the first form!

The horrible sword light is like an endless gust of wind, swallowing heaven and earth!

The fighting sacred ape screamed, waving a giant stick in his hand, there is no fairy magic, and some are just an incomparable fighting spirit and demon spirit!

The golden cudgel was waving wildly in the void.

Shattering the surrounding sword energy one after another, the giant ape leaped high, and the giant stick smashed towards Madman Chu with a force of smashing Huashan.

"Ha! Come!"

Madman Chu smiled, the chaotic **** and demon body, the reincarnation celestial body exploded at the same time, the meaning of reincarnation of life and death swept out, turning into a huge picture of yin and yang of life and death!

The life and death map covers the sky, and it blasts with the golden giant stick in the hands of the ape ancestors on the life and death map, a large number of the meaning of life and death reincarnation collapsed, and the demon energy on the ape ancestors is constantly being wiped out.

This blow is still irrelevant.


The Ape Ancestor gave a long roar again, his eyes opened with anger, the demon energy on his body actually skyrocketed, and the battle intent slapped the surrounding sky crazily.

"Oh, this is the fighting secret of the fighting sage ape lineage!"

Madman Chu's eyes lit up.

The secret method of fighting, the practice method of fighting the holy ape, can increase your combat power in a short time.

There are many similar secrets.

But the fighting secret method is definitely one of the most outstanding of these secret methods.

And this secret method has no side effects at all.

This is the truly terrifying part of this secret method.

"Ha, do you think you alone can improve your strength?"

The madman Chu stepped out in one step, the celestial glory circulated on his body, the light soared into the sky, and the three great visions of the academy unfolded!

The only source body, urge!

Three peerless physiques, three academies' visions.

At this moment, the Madman of Chu is blessed with these six powers, and there is the meaning of reincarnation between his gestures and his feet.

"What about Ape Ancestor?"

"I give you a defeat!!"

Madman Chu's voice resounded throughout the world, and he saw that he was born with his left palm and held his right to death. At this moment, the power of reincarnation of life and death was mobilized to the extreme.

A huge yin and yang picture of life and death resurfaced.

And this time, its power has increased several times.

Madman Chu, it's really moving! !

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