Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : The black fox saint is strange, I can’t wait to find a way to get in,...

"Don't be safe."

Madman Chu looked at the black fox saint in front of him and said lightly.

"What do you want?"

The black fox saint took a deep breath, pretending to be calm.

In fact, she was very panicked now.

With her strength, it is not worth mentioning in front of Madman Chu. If the other party wants to kill her, they only need to move their fingers.

The gap between the two sides is too big.

"How do you want..."

Madman Chu looked up and down the black fox saint.

The All-Knowing Spirit opens, analyzing the other party's information.

He was looking at whether the banshee was useful.

Although the black fox saint pretended to be calm, she was still straight-haired by the Madman Chu, standing in place extremely disturbed.

She felt that Madman Chu's sight seemed to have a magical power, stripping herself naked and revealing her secrets.

This feeling made her feel ashamed.

But she did not dare to resist.

This guy, shouldn't he have any bad ideas about himself? Madman Chu, would he be such a person?

No, no.

This guy shouldn't be so superficial.

Before tempting him, this person can be indifferent.

So, what does this person want to do now?

The black fox saint was thinking wildly.

Suddenly, her face changed slightly, her body couldn't help trembling slightly, and her face also showed an abnormal crimson color.


The madman Chu gave a soft voice.

He noticed something strange.


The black fox saint was trembling, her silver teeth biting, and her body revealed a scent that seemed like nothing.

This scent is very appealing, and it smells extremely good.

Not only that, but this scent carries a certain special substance that can make people generate primitive impulses.

Similar to some kind of love potion.

"Damn, damn, how can it happen at this time!"

"It must have been the battle just now, which caused my Xian Yuan to be worn too much, and it was actually difficult to contain this blood pulse."

Thinking of the black fox saint, her heart became more flustered.

She looked at the Madman Chu in front of her.

The other party's immortal figure and handsome face seemed to have turned into the most moving scenery, seducing her.

She couldn't wait to go up and threw Madman Chu down, begging.

No, no.

This is a demon!

Going up by yourself, you will probably be slapped to death!

The black fox saint suppressed her impulse.

But the more suppressed, the stronger the restlessness.

Under the guidance of her blood, her fear of the Mad Man Chu weakened rapidly, and was replaced by another desire.

That is... lust.

"That's it."

Madman Chu looked at the black fox saint in front of him, and suddenly smiled.

at this time.

The black fox saint could no longer restrain her desire, her eyes were misty, and she rushed towards Chu Kuangren with a strong desire.


Madman Chu snorted softly.

Xianyuan was shocked and directly sent the black fox saint away.


He condensed his sword fingers and nodded toward the opponent's forehead.

"It's over..."

The black fox saint closed her eyes and looked like she was waiting to die.

However, the sword finger fell on the forehead, and the pain in the imagination did not come, only a faint coolness.

That's what she desires... the essence.

how come?

The black fox saint was a little surprised.

Madman Chu is actually feeding his own energy? !

She looked at Madman Chu very incomprehensibly, but saw that the other person's gaze was as cold as ever, which was unpredictable.

"No matter it is, we will solve the blood pulse first."

The black fox saint gritted her teeth.

Continue to absorb the spirit of Madman Chu...

So strong, so seductive spirit.

If the spirit of a person is three or six or nine, then Madman Chu's spirit is definitely the best she has ever encountered.

That kind of feeling gave her imperfect bloodline an unprecedented great satisfaction.

As if the flaws were completely filled.

This kind of satisfaction even made her consciousness feel like she was going to be out of her body.

She instinctively wanted to absorb more energy.

She approached the source of the essence, and couldn't help but open her small mouth slightly, holding the Madman Chu's sword finger, and absorbing the essence.


Chu Madman frowned slightly.

A moist and gentle sensation came from my fingertips.

"Well, you are still a saint, you really don't care about hygiene."

Madman Chu curled his lips.

He urged his energy to continuously enter the body of the black fox saint.

After a while.

He felt almost done, and retracted his sword fingers.

And the black fox saint also came back to her senses, thinking of what she had done just now, her face became extremely red.

A sense of extreme shame made her want to find a seam to get in, so she didn't have the face to see people.

Can be next.

What Madman Chu did made her mouth twitch.

Madman Chu shook his finger in disgust, condensed a water ball out of thin air, and washed his finger.

Not angry, not angry...

The black fox saint took a deep breath and said: "What are you trying to feed my spirit? Let's talk about it."


Madman Chu would certainly not save the black fox saint for nothing.

"What I want you to do is not difficult, that is, let the black fox clan take orders from me from now on, only me... the head of the horse is looking forward!"

As soon as this remark came out, the black fox saint's face changed abruptly.

"What are you talking about?! This is impossible!"

"Besides, I'm just a saint, not the black fox king, and I don't have the ability to represent the entire black fox family."

Said the black fox saint.

She felt that Madman Chu was whimsical.

Let the whole black fox line look at his horse's head?

What does he think of the black fox line?

"Why listen to my conditions?"

"I can repair the blood defect of your black fox line. From now on, you don't have to rely on breathing for a living, how about?" Chu Kuangren said lightly.

After hearing this, the black fox saint's pupils shrank sharply, and her whole body was trembling slightly with an incredible face.

"You, what you said is true?"

The bloodline of the black fox line is flawed. It is precisely because of this flaw that the black fox has to inhale the essence of others every once in a while. The power of the black fox in the past has spent countless efforts to solve this flaw, but it has always been fail.

But now, Madman Chu says he can fix this defect? !

"No, how did you know this?"

The black fox saint asked suspiciously.

Except for the black fox line, only a few fox demon knew about bloodline defects. Where did Madman Chu know about it?

Qingqiu, did Tu Shan tell him?

"How do I know is not important, important things, I have the ability to repair blood defects for the black fox, so that you no longer need to rely on breathing for a living."

Under the analysis of his omniscient spirit, Xiao Ai, the defects in the blood of the black fox can be seen at a glance.

Coupled with the book of physique, he is fully capable of inferring a perfect, flawless black fox body.

"How do you prove it?"

Madman Chu didn't talk nonsense.

The figure flashed and came to the black fox saint, and the time and space sealing technique was directly used to fix the opponent in place.

In the next instant, the sword aura swept out of his fingertips and hit the black fox saint's body, and the sword aura circulated in the opponent's body.

"Follow my sword aura and run the fairy yuan."

Hearing the words, the Saintess of Black Fox immediately followed suit. Anyway, she is now in the midst of Chu Madman's thoughts, and she can't resist.

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