Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : It’s nice to have a gangster cover, Starry Sky Arena and Star Monument

The madman of Chu wanted to obtain the crown of crape myrtle, but encountered resistance from the Kunlun fairy court.

At this critical moment, Bei Ming, who had been following the situation of Ziwei Star's battle, made a move.

The two big Luo Yi violently collided in the void, but they heard a muffled snort, and then, the big Luo Yi of the Immortal Court retreated quickly like a tide.

This fight is just between the lightning and the fire.

But Madman Chu felt that the void had become extremely chaotic because of this confrontation, and a large amount of spatial turbulence was raging crazily, like a storm.

The void oscillates, almost shattering again!

"It seems that Bei Ming has the upper hand."

Madman Chu couldn't help sighing when he sensed the great Luo Yi that Xian Ting could retreat.

It's nice to be covered by a big guy!

He put away the crape myrtle crown, planning to find a place to refine it.

Another place.

In the void, the face of Xian Ting Da Neng paled slightly, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

"Bei Ming, it's about to break through Hedao!"

Although it was only a confrontation between Da Luo Yi, he felt that the other party's terrifying aura even had a trace of power in it!

The Tao is the power that can only be mastered in harmony!

"Seven gods and demons, very few shots, Bei Ming's strength has almost broken through the realm of Hedao, then, what is the strength of the remaining six?"

"The ancient line of gods and demons cannot be underestimated!"

"Especially the one in the rumor..."

It's not just the immortal great power.

The other great powers also sensed the confrontation between the opponent and Bei Ming, and were equally surprised.

You know, in the existing universe, the power of Hedao is very rare, even if it is a power of the overlord level, there are not a lot of Hedao powers.

Most of those old antiques are hidden from the world.

Somewhere in the fairy world.

The big Luo Yi on Bei Ming's body gradually receded, and he snorted coldly, "I don't make a move, do I really think that my **** and devil's line is a soft persimmon?"

Next to him, Zhang Zi was surprised at seeing, "It seems that fellow Taoist is going to take that step first."

"Ha, I can't lead much, it's just a matter of one kick before the other."

Bei Ming chuckled, he knew that Zhang Zi also should not be underestimated, not much worse than him.

Among the hundreds of academies, the real pillar is this Zhang Zi, who travels all year round.

"It's just that I never thought that Chu Xiaozi would actually have detached power in his body, which is surprising."

"I'm afraid it will attract the attention of interested people, especially those old antiques..."

Zhang Zi said with some worry.

The power of detachment, that is the power that monks in this universe dream of, even the power that the great power of harmony is also pursuing.

The Madman Chu was not even a golden immortal, but he possessed such power. Even if he could not sit still, it was reasonable for those co-dao bosses who had been hidden from the world.

"If those people dare to mess around, the gods and demons don't mind repeating the chaos!"

Heaven and earth collapse, chaos repeats itself!

It was a scene created by an extremely terrifying power, and even the great power of harmony was very jealous.

Bei Ming's words gave Zhang Zi a new understanding of the battle power of the gods and demons. It seems that there is no lack of the existence of the realm of harmony in the gods and demons...

"That little guy has a lot of cause and effect on his body, even if it is the power of the Dao Realm, he does not dare to mess around easily, and now he is still in the battle of the world, no need to worry."

Zhang Zi smiled faintly.

Da Luo didn't dare to attack Jiezi easily, and he Dao realm was the same.

"Hey, something has changed in the Star Arena..."

Suddenly, Zhang Zi seemed to have discovered something and looked at the starry sky arena.

I saw in the starry sky, a little starlight appeared, and the tens of thousands of stars released brilliant light!

Seventy-two earth evil stars, thirty-six heavenly stars, four constellations, Big Dipper, Zhou Tian Xingdou released countless stars at this moment, I saw in the depths of the starry arena, under the interweaving of countless stars, one side was as huge as a continent A ring-like ring emerged, with countless lines condensed on it, and the divine light covered the stars!

In the sky above the ring, there is an ancient stone tablet that is as big as a star and gleaming with stars.

Seeing this scene, countless mighty eyes lit up.

"This is the star monument and the starry sky arena! The final test of the starry sky arena!!"

"It is rumored that whoever can stand in this starry sky arena to the end will get the final chance of the starry sky arena!"

"The starry sky race, finally appeared."

With the appearance of the starry sky ring and the star monument, the Tianjiao of the entire starry sky arena plunged into excitement.

All Tianjiao were extremely jealous at the final chance of the starry sky arena.

You Tianjiao came to the starry sky arena and wanted to go up, but in the next moment he was bounced off by an extremely powerful force.

"What's going on? Why can't you go up?!"

"Wait, look, there seems to be words on the stele."

Suddenly, Tianjiao noticed something, and looked at the star monument, only to see that it was written on the monument, leaving his name on the monument, and he went to the ring!

This is easy to understand.

If you want to go to the starry sky arena, you must first leave your name on the star monument.

"Isn't it easy?"

A Tianjiao laughed, and then took out a fairy sword, soaring into the sky, the fairy yuan revolving, wanting to engrave his name on the star tablet.

But the sword energy raged, and it kept falling on the star monument, but there was not even a white mark!

The majestic star monument does not move at all!

"This, how is this possible?!"

This Tianjiao was a little confused.

You know, his strength is not weak, and he is only one step away from the true immortal.

But even if he was like this, he couldn't actually leave his name on the star monument!

It can be seen how harsh it is to be in the starry sky arena.

"It seems that this starry sky arena is specially prepared for those who are extremely arrogant and evildoers."

The Tianjiao said unwillingly.

The opportunity is right in front of him, but he is not even qualified to fight.

"Oh, this is fate."

You Tianjiao sighed, then turned and left.

And far away on Ziweixing.

As soon as Madman Chu put away the crape myrtle crown, he noticed the appearance of the starry sky arena, and a strange color appeared in his eyes.

"Starry Sky Arena, interesting, is this the ultimate opportunity for the Starry Sky Arena?"

Madman Chu did not immediately rush to the starry sky arena.

Anyway, the ring is there, and it will not disappear for the time being.

Then he let Skull Yin Jiang return to Fengdu, looked towards the ancestor of the Feng family, and nodded slightly, "I'm sorry for you this time."

"Since you have chosen to follow the son, then these are just matters of your own accord."

The ancestor of the Feng Family smiled faintly.

"After I refine the crape myrtle crown, the Feng Family will be the body of freedom."

Madman Chu said.

Hearing this, the ancestors of the Feng family lighted up, "Thank you, son!"

When the other powerful people who were observing secretly heard this sentence, their expressions changed a little, especially those powerful people on Ziwei Star had more complicated gazes.

You know, leaving Ziweixing and regaining freedom is their lifelong pursuit.

Now, the hope of completing this pursuit lies ahead.

As long as you submit to the madman of Chu!

They can regain their freedom like the Feng's family. They are no longer confined to Ziweixing, the sky and the earth are big, free to come and go!

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