Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Run fast, cut Tianyu King, Shi Tianxuan was vomiting blood

"Starting ten consecutive draws and then invincible (

"Who is this person, is he stupid? How dare to challenge the chief?!"

"The King of the Devil Kingdom Tianyu is said to be a monster with the same status as the King of the Devil Kingdom. It is rumored that he has a very good relationship with the King of the Demon Kingdom, and he is like a brother."

"No wonder, I heard that when the chief came out of the gossip furnace, he killed several evildoers, including the king of the devil country, who came to seek revenge from the chief."

King Tianyu stood in the air, full of magical energy, extremely powerful.

In the academy, the madman of Chu is playing against Lan Yu to test the progress of the opponent in the past twenty years.

The sudden arrival of King Tianyu made his eyebrows frowned, a little unhappy.

"My son, I will send him away now."

Lan Yu said, he wanted to fly out.

"No, I'll go personally."

"My son, there is no need for you to act in such a small role yourself."

"It's okay, anyway, I'm planning to leave the academy recently and go to Wuxing Mountain. This day, King Yu, please solve it easily."

Madman Chu looked indifferent.

Solving a evildoer easily, this kind of words will appear.

Lan Yu nodded slightly, "Well, son, let's go together."



King Tianyu stood in the air, his eyes were red, and he was full of anger.

He is a demonic evildoer who has risen in the past 20 years. He has not seen Madman Chu with his own eyes, but it is a fact that the other party killed his own brother and king.

The anger dazzled his head, making him desperate to come to the academy, wanting to seek revenge from Madman Chu.

At this time, a piece of jade slip on Wang Tianyu's waist shook.

"It's a message from Wang."

King Tianyu clicked on the jade slip.

"come back!"

Shi Tianxuan didn't have any nonsense, and directly asked him to return to the Devil Kingdom.

But Tianyu Wang Meiyu frowned slightly, "Wang, the madman of Chu killed my brother, and I want to avenge him personally!"

"Stupid! Do you think you are the opponent of Madman Chu? Heng Changtian can't even stop the opponent with a single sword. What can you do if you go, come back soon!"

Shi Tianxuan's tone was a little frustrated.

Without Heng Changtian, the Devil Kingdom has already lost a general. If King Tianyu is dying, then he is equivalent to having his arm cut off.

"My lord, when I came this time, I had already put my life and death out of my mind. I came this time not only for my brother's revenge, but also for the king to test the madman of Chu. I hope that the king will meet this person more in the future. Somewhat sure." Wang Tianyu took a deep breath, with a touch of determination in his eyes.

In this war, we lived up to our brotherhood and the courtesy of the monarchs and ministers.

He is imperative!

"King Tianyu, don't do stupid things..."

Shi Tianxuan also wanted to persuade a few words.

But King Tianyu said suddenly: "My lord, there is no need to persuade, it's too late."

In front of him, a figure in white clothes stepped into the air, and behind him, followed by a woman in silver armor.

King Tianyu had heard many rumors about the Madman of Chu.

But today, it was the first time he met.

White clothes and black hair, handsome like a fairy, there is a kind of transcendence in every gesture.

For only one side, King Tianyu deeply realized that the four words Fenghua Peerless were created for this person.

"Is this Madman Chu?!"

King Tianyu whispered.

On the other side of the jade slip, Shi Tianxuan heard the other's whisper, his expression changed, "Tianyu King, run! This is an order!!"

The sky over a hundred academies.

Madman Chu looked at King Tianyu and saw a familiar voice from the jade slip in his hand. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, "Shi Tianxuan, your subordinates are more courageous than you, dare to face me."


King Tianyu smashed the jade slip in his hand and took a deep breath. A pair of tiger eyes stared at the Madman Chu, "My king, don't be insulted! My brother's hatred, but also your blood!"

boom! !

A more terrifying demon energy burst out from King Tianyu, slapped the void like a tide crazily.

The halberd in his hand bloomed with brilliant magic light.

Purple magic lines suddenly appeared from King Tianyu's body, which actually made his breath rise again.

"Oh, Chi You's magic pattern, a person from the line of Chi You's demon way."

Madman Chu's eyes flashed slightly, and then a trace of demonic energy lingered on him, "Since you are from Chi You's family, then this trick is more appropriate to deal with you."

"I heard that you have inherited Chi You's inheritance, with the Great Desolate Halberd Technique, come, let me see it!!"

"Magic Zhenjiang Hai Jue!!"

King Tianyu held the pitch-black halberd, and while holding it high, the purple magic light gushed out, turning the river and the sea, making the world turbulent.

Hit it with a halberd, and the space burst!

A halberd light across the sky shone out, and thick golden fluctuations contained it.

The Madman Chu stood still, his sword fingers condensed, and the devilish energy gushed out from his fingertips. It was actually spreading out with the Dao pattern of the great wild halberd method referring to the halberd.

"The Great Desolate Halberd Method, Broken Stars!!"

In an instant, the space shattered one after another, reflecting the terrifying scenes of broken stars.

In front of this blow, King Tianyu’s halberd light was like paper, it was easily torn to pieces and turned into nothing!

And the scene of broken stars, like a shattered bamboo, surging out surgingly, gorgeous and dazzling, wrapped in a terrifying great horror!

Seeing this halberd, King Tianyu showed a shocking look in his eyes.

"Is this Chi You's practice method?! It is really powerful!"

boom! !

After the halberd, the figure of King Tianyu turned into a cloud of blood in the broken starry exploded on the spot!

Madman Chu stood in place, his devilish energy gradually reduced between his fingers, his expression indifferent.

It was as if an ant was crushed to death.

Below, many academies of students were excited and shocked.

"Is this the strength of the chief? It is really terrifying!"

"Too strong."

"That's natural, do you think that the chief's reputation over the world is not a success?"

"The chief is invincible!!"

After being shocked, many students looked at Chu Madman with fanatical worship in their eyes.

Madman Chu nodded to everyone with a smile, and then left with Lan Yu.

the other side.

Within the Devildom.

Shi Tianxuan spit out a mouthful of blood directly.

He is angry! !

It's fine if Madman Chu isn't dead.

This rebirth killed his two generals in the Demon Kingdom. How did this make him endure? !

"Madman Chu, Madman Chu!!"

"I, Shi Tianxuan, are not at odds with you!!!"

Shi Tianxuan gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and he clenched the sharp gun in his hand, his devilish energy was sharp. Then he looked at the generals of the Demon Kingdom and said coldly: "Give me the speed to develop the Demon Kingdom. I want to make the Demon Kingdom more lucky. Go upstairs and help me practice!!!"

"Yes, Lord."

"In addition, send someone to pay close attention to the actions of Madman Chu, and immediately report any news to me."


The faces of many generals in the Devil Kingdom were extremely heavy.

At this moment, they knew that the greatest difficulty of the Demon Kingdom had come, and if Shi Tianxuan could not compete with the Madman Chu, the Demon Kingdom would be over sooner or later.

As a member of the Demon Kingdom, all they can do now is to open up the territory for the Demon Kingdom, strengthen the Demon Kingdom's luck, and do everything possible to enhance Shi Tianxuan's strength.

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